- Anglo makes fun of others

- Anglo makes fun of others.
- Others respond.
- Anglo: calm down, it's just a joke. Haven't you heard of the British humor?
- Others make fun of Anglo.
- Anglo: why are you so obsessed with us!?!?
- ...

I know several people who have been to England before, and they all told me that Anglos have no sense of humor compared with us. Since i have started using Jow Forums, i definitely can confirm that that is true. Not only do they have no sense of humor, they are actually really sensitive little snowflakes, and they have also no common sense at all. That's just personal observation.

Attached: uk.png (2560x1280, 39K)

the bulgarian who made that post is right, brits can dish it out but can’t take it


>Yank couldn't handle the bantz

Attached: AngloSaxons.jpg (900x1200, 159K)

fuck yanks

Attached: 85E1F7DF-2DDA-4488-95B5-13A642FD0813.jpg (911x585, 78K)

Gay cunt

Look an anglo talking about other anglo

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but why are you so obsessed with us

no he's right, americans aren't anglo. And thats ok

you guys are literally the ones that can't handle banter though. you talk trash but when someone actually counters you, you just become a sensitive little bitch

i definitely owned those brits ese

Attached: mutt.png (500x470, 18K)

nice argument really enlightening

None anglo's can't banter, you literally cannot counter our striking blows thus making your assertion that we cannot handle it in return a moot point.

t. can't handle banter or criticism in the slightest

just look how assblasted you guys got from this :^)


UKucks rightly see their superiority as Anglos, but are too proud to join the MVTT empire and become Americans. Crippling insecurity about America being number one. You are welcome to join us again lads. Ditch the Q*een, and we can go back to the good ole days. Just make sure Brexit goes through so you can join the Yank superstate instead of the Kraut/Slav one.

Attached: cool-jesus-profile-pictures-2.jpg (300x300, 26K)

They are as perfidious as any brit, they're worthy of the title.

dirty britisher bash you next week

Attached: americans.png (500x416, 102K)

Any brit with a hint of balls died in the world wars or moved to the new world


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this also applies to americans

all anglos must die

I'm not Anglo I am Germanic.


the english cluster more closely to nordics and dutch than germans do

t. brittonic gualish roman norman viking frankish anglo jute frisian saxon iberian mutt

Why can't Brits handle banter like Aussies?

i mean they are annoying fags on this board but i didn't notice that they couldn't handle banter. but in all honesty they are rarely a target of banter. maybe for that reason, too.

But we are better than them.