you guys are literally the ones that can't handle banter though. you talk trash but when someone actually counters you, you just become a sensitive little bitch
- Anglo makes fun of others
i definitely owned those brits ese
nice argument really enlightening
None anglo's can't banter, you literally cannot counter our striking blows thus making your assertion that we cannot handle it in return a moot point.
t. can't handle banter or criticism in the slightest
just look how assblasted you guys got from this :^)
UKucks rightly see their superiority as Anglos, but are too proud to join the MVTT empire and become Americans. Crippling insecurity about America being number one. You are welcome to join us again lads. Ditch the Q*een, and we can go back to the good ole days. Just make sure Brexit goes through so you can join the Yank superstate instead of the Kraut/Slav one.
They are as perfidious as any brit, they're worthy of the title.
dirty britisher bash you next week