DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2177

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Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/

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Attached: drifters29.jpg (1280x773, 189K)

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there's exactly one exceptionally productive american poster and I highly doubt it's that meta whining cunt



So is つ the "ancestor" of genitive の/が?

想像では。。。もしかて、のちちゃんや破いてから、 なんで音が出て来る?

Attached: my wife chino.png (1206x407, 116K)

Stop posting in these threads
Do not reply to me you disgusting filth

嗅ぐかぐ かぐ 嗅ぐかぐ かぐ
舐める 舐める舐める舐める


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Can someone please dissect this word for me? I have no clue what's going on.
Please break down each individual modification of the base word.

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Attached: zombielandsaga185.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

this is not far enough
unable to leave
離れ - some verb
られ - usually added after verbs to sound weird
なくなって - to imply that you cannot do a verb

Attached: deutschino.png (677x173, 13K)

Sorry, I used a bad example.

つ was also a genitive marker, but has no direct relationship to が.

が as a genitive marker tends to remain in various place names, such as 関ヶ(が)原.

In this context it's about not being able to leave [this place] (existence itself, or the earthly world).
離れ - separate from
られ - receive (?), or being able to receive the separation in this context
なくなってた - negation of the prior parts
Did I get that right?

what website is pic related from?

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wow, thanks!


離れ "be separated from"
られ potential
なく negative continuative
なって "become"'s て-form, forming a resultative-continuative
た abbreviation of いた.

"We're not able to get far enough away."

Thank you very much!

You're welcome, German-bro.

Man, it's so much nicer here than the /a/ DJT.

How old is everyone here?

So, た isn't always an indication of a past tense?

i'm old enough to not know the difference between よごす and けがす
which is 32

my wife chino is 13 years old...
mmm yes

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>Man, it's so much nicer here than the /a/ DJT.
I wish, they ban frogposters over there instantly. Actually good mods

It depends on how you look at it
"We've become not able to get far enough away." なっていた means become in the past but the state continues into the present because of いた, which subsequently means
"We're not able to get far enough away."

he said that it's short for いた, ie short past form of いる

た, here, is an abbreviation of いた, the past tense of the supplementary verb 居る (いる) which, in conjunction with a verb's て-form, creates a structure which indicates a past-progessive aspect: "was doing; had been", roughly.

た still connotes the past. It derives from the past-perfective auxilliary verb -たり.



Also is down since last night. This upsets me.

Attached: zombielandsaga25.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

I see, thanks
Guess I'm too reliant on English

41. Resident of Moonland for twelve years.

Just curious about what age people here were learning Japanese
I'm only 18 myself

>"What the hell is the last thread?"
Here you should have said "前の/さっきの" as the translation of "last", and the particle should be "は" instead of "で" as the marker of the topic.
Or if you wanna use "で", the sentence should be
"What the hell "happened" in the last thread?"



どうも。Seems like I still have a lot of trouble finding correct word choice at times.


Attached: zombielandsaga96.png (1920x1080, 1.78M)

No worries. I know English, Jap, classical Chinese and French, but your language seems much more difficult than any of those to me.


>classical Chinese
You know, this makes me wonder. From what I understand, Classical Chinese basically has no "grammar words", and is almost exclusively lexical information. Does it mean that Japanese people can easily read such texts?


>usually added after verbs to sound weird

Attached: [REVO]Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind[BD,1080p] [BD0E1A0F]00_51_40.263.png (1920x1038, 2.36M)

Hope you weebs are well and healthy, make sure to drink water. I've fucking stagnated on my learning, sucks but life is shit sometimes.

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I get the gist of what you're saying in the second part of the sentence I guess, however I'm really unfamiliar with the use of 後方 here. Can you elaborate on this?

In any case, real nice and ignore the Israeli trying his hardest to shitpost today since he's bored in class.

Attached: zombielandsaga42.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

I can't give you any lucid and persuasive explanation as of now, but the particle in this case should be "は", not "が".
>Does it mean that Japanese people can easily read such texts?
>"Classical Chinese"
I am not exactly sure about what age of the "Classical" indicate here, but we have a course of "Classical Chinese(漢文)" in high school (it's optional maybe, though) so it'd not be so difficult to decipher those literature for us (we will have to look up some grammar books and dics of course).

low blow man

I'm also unfamiliar with that word, but I am guessing it means something like 両方, and he is saying that they are both uni professors.

I think, it's a typo of "後者" or "職業"(?).



>I can't give you any lucid and persuasive explanation as of now, but the particle in this case should be "は", not "が".
For the time being I've given up on predicting when が would be correct to use. I used to think I got a feeling for it after a while but in the end it seems every time I'm confident I should use が over は in a particular sentence, は would have still been the correct choice.

>low blow man

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In that case, the particle should have been "(両方)とも" desu.

I'm just gonna start saying ぐゎ for both

I saw an American professor who has been in 東京の大学 for more than 20 years confessing he was still feeling unsure in some occasions when it comes to G and H(W).. So don't be serious, or be serious and overtake him.
>in a particular sentence
Could you give me an example?

does it mean..

Attached: YouWillBeTheNext.jpg (480x320, 39K)

I don't get it

師匠 would tell it to you.

Attached: umaru_niya.jpg (480x270, 30K)

Classical Chinese does not readily fit into most linguistic paradigms, mainly because so very many words can be employed as so many different parts of speech.

A classic example: 若

It is a:

1) adjective: "young"
2) noun: "young mulberry tree"
3) second-person pronoun: "you, thou"
4) verb: "to follow"
5) demonstrative: "this, something like this"
6) a conjunction...

...ah, it just keeps going.

There are many characters with only or almost only grammatical functions, though, like 於.


Yes, that was my typo. I meant 後者. Not sure where 後方 came from. Sorry.

>>in a particular sentence
>Could you give me an example?
I somehow got the feeling I was corrected on this a few times over the past few weeks, but now when I look I can't really find anything.

Anyways it's hard to make up a new sentence that should be both incorrectly using が and where I'm not aware that it's incorrect.

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If the fish is gonna see the other fish tomorrow, it means the bird is also gonna take it.

I know what the sentence in the picture means (I even know that specific picture already), I just don't understand the relation to また明日ね

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Oh, I thought I made some grammar mistake and he was poking fun at it

If you have this little confidence in your grammar maybe it's a sign

considering how often you correct me ITT you should understand why my confidence is low

I also thought it might be some sort of meme or joke that was going over my head (which I suppose is what it was in the end)

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by the way, I was under the mistaken impression that people in DJT were younger than me for some reason.

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>I used to think I got a feeling for it after a while but in the end it seems every time I'm confident I should use が over は in a particular sentence, は would have still been the correct choice. have you read that

I'm only 24 desu

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I want to meet more Anons in Japan (ㆁωㆁ*)

I will never step one foot on japanese soil my entire life.

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I will let everyone know the next time I go. Usually people chicken out of meeting up though.

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Maybe native Japanese, but other travelers usually group up even as strangers because a common language unites them. I'm in a small hotel with people from all over the world and have spent all day traveling with a German, and was given free sushi by a nice girl from some other euro country, met an Indian, etc etc. Lots of people. I met one person from the US handing out fliers and that was neat

>Kim is polite
>Bob is impolite
Makes you think

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Fucking gaijins

>Usually people chicken out of meeting up though.
as a matter of fact, I go to the hospital to get antidepressant on a regular basis due to Social Anxiety disorder, so I guess I wouldn't be able even to talk to you guys for fear even if I met up with you guys.
I wish I had a conversation with you guys face-to-face without fear and any sense of hesitation.

Attached: I_want_to_get_over_my_social_anxiety.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

kim is an insecure fag that drops out from online on steam so his friends can't see what hes playing because hes too ashamed of it
bob on the other hand is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything


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Do you want to add me on Discord and see if that's a start? I leave April 21st, so the window of time is closing and it would be neat to leap out of your shell even if you're forcing yourself

癖には、particular, peculiarから、扱い難いtouchyまで、幅広い意味がある
a heavy and dangerous job like stepping a mine
It is merely the phenomenon of changing the sound of the vowels
e-umlaut: /ei/⟶/ē/(/e/)
への: it indicates the direction of action or effect
にとって(の):it indicates a standard used for evaluating something
自分に親しい人や事物(ウチ: T-V distinctionのTのようなもの:the familiar)に対しては、特に「我(吾)背(わがせ)」(my husband)、「我(吾)が妹(わがいも)」(my lover)、「我(吾)妻」(my wife)というように使った。
離れられなくなってた:下一段活動動詞「離れる」未然形+自発・可能の助動詞「られる」連用形+助動詞「ない」連用形+補助動詞「なる」連用形+接続助詞「て」+補助動詞「いる」+完了・過去の助動詞「た」終止形:the past perfect aspect of the negative form of the potential form of the verb 離れる

I had been unable to leave here
ただし、訳としては、I was unable to leave hereでよいと思う。


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I keep forgetting the word 意外

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25, I'm this beginner russian flag here who asks retarded questions

Cute pupper.

Here's my meower

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Do you use your pc on the floor all the time?
I always wonder why japanese sit on the floor all the time. I sit on the floor maybe once a year and it's weird.

Eh? My computer is there beneath the cat. The thing on the left is the kerosene heater.

Oh I thought your cat was sitting on a laptop


cute kot

So is it a laptop or a computer

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