Russians live in a country were the average woman looks like this >still constantly complain about how "hard" life is

>russians live in a country were the average woman looks like this >still constantly complain about how "hard" life is

is there a group of more entitled people?

Attached: 44219450_1878203662277295_4270558966789113153236_n.jpg (1080x1332, 87K)

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They have flat asses

Attached: Esdeath.jpg (742x653, 95K)


She low key looks like a dude in a wig

luckily girls can improve their arse by going to gym, cant improve face.

That too, and child-like bodies

you should get your hands on a genuine child then bjorn

So you're suggesting me to eat russian women?

It doesn't matter how they look like if they're all batshit insane.
It's extremely difficult to find a not insane woman.
They all just want drama, to play hard to get, to play with emotions, shit like that. There's a reason why most engaged couples divorce and those who don't have an alcoholic husband. It's the only 2 solutions out of the situation.

ugly people should get tattoos?