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International #1045
Without mentioning Muslims or football fans post the most British photo you have
Post your favourite British musical artist
Europoors start going to bed
Post your most American picture in the folder
/v4/ + friends
Let's have one of these threads
Current list of please fucking rangeban:
/ita/ - il filo
This girl mocks you
Why don't we use our Beloved FAMAS anymore?
Why are so many police officer fat? Don't they have fitness test and what not?
What do you think Norwegian boys are into?
Are Chinese the least cucked east Asian race?
There you go lads
Anyone here learning chinese ? is there a chinese thread somewhere ?
1. your vaginer
Your coot
Did anyone else felt repulsed when this English goblin started to tease sex and then taking her clothes off?
New road
Percentage of Irreligious People in Europe
Why do 99% of the best bands and artists come out of the anglosphere?
/fr/ - le francofil du suicide
A question for you, Jow Forums
Why do some hapas come out looking swarthier than both parents?
Would you date/marry a Nordic girl?
Ameriniggas really be having names like Johnson when they arent even John's son, absolute cuckery
/fr/ - le francofil
Rip Americas, Rip Humanity
Me? yes i absolutely can't wait for the next Game of Thrones episode
American label everything in their political cartoons
I could beat up every single one of you in a fight
You're going extinct
He can't understand texts written some centuries ago in his """""language"""""
@serbian girl
/lat/ - hilo latino
What is wrong with Brittish genetics?
Was being born American in the early 60s the absolute peak of life?
Faces of Jow Forums - Stalker Edition
There is a war on Christians
That moment when somebody asks if you are black but you are actually Italian
Have you started learning Mandarin yet?
/nederdraad/ paaseditie
Is it fun to live in your country?
Post your country in animal form
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Wtf Italian hipsters are bringing back Mussolinist fascism
Will white men ever be considered dateable/attractive again?
Today, I will visit Chinese Embassy and I will have LOOOONG discussion about Uyghur Turks in death camps
Kurva anyátok
*towers over you*
My young brother
Ramadan SOON
What are the European countries with the lowest percentage of muslims, Africans and Asians?
This is a 9/10 in UK
Publish the parliament of your country
This is a map of all the countries that use the basic latin script alphabet. Why are slavs so autistic?
Why are we so civilized?
Stop killing the rainforest for monetary gain
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Sverigeupplagan
What would be your country's element?
Would I be looked down upon if I spoke Spanish here with a slight Mexican accent?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Why is Greece so anti-semetic?
Why are White women so high testosterone and agressive compared to Jap qtπs?
How do you like Spanish beauties Jow Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Americans live like THAT?
/brit/ with Chinese characteristics
Anglo genetics
/ita/ il filo
I can hear my roommate having sex with his amorphous blob of a gf
Why they hate each others if they are almost the same?
What's up with Swedes and Somalis?
Do you have an Jow Forumsernational group of friends?
Would you racemix with koreans?
This are where I live is infested with HAPAs
How do these 2 cunts compare in terms of daily life?
"What if all of Jow Forums's posters were taken to a remote island to start their own country?" 2. ¡Start!
Why are Arabs making these memes and sending them to African-Americans?
Oh look a hanged dummy made by Poles
/isr/ thread
>ywn be a nord
Southeast Asians of Jow Forums
Do Americans really believe that they were the good guys in WW2?
Tfw dicklet
Why did Jow Forumsyps latch on to this country specifically, when Britain, France...
Muh European unity
<Woman wakes up from vegetative state after 28 years
ITT: Insult me in your native language
If this is what Americans look like then it's understandable
What did you want to become when you were a child?
Daily reminder
/fr/ - le francofil
Culture Pals /cp/ general
/brit/ + international shipping
What's the weather like in your country?
1. Your country
Do muslims in western countries feel like second hand citizens?
What is school like in Scandinavia? Especially secondary school...
Sverigetråden - *pang*-upplagan
Tfw you will never be bullied by a qt finnish girl
And then people claim Franco was evil
Faces of Jow Forums
This is the future of western europe
Go outside
Gorillas imitate humans
Is it really as bad as people say?
If your country doesn't recognise Palestine you are literally a slut for American penis
A woman made this "swedish flag" cake and caused much outrage
Why is the a county called Essex but no county called Wessex?
This is the mere of Tallinn. Guess his ethnicity
These are the countries where corporal punishment on children are forbidden
1. Your Cunt
What do Swedes think of him?
Reminder that Australia is older and more successful than Pooland
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2183
How much vacation do you get?
1. cunt
European girls with blonde hair and blue eyes are unshitting Goddesses. Prove me wrong if you can
Tfw can consume both dairy and spices
What food does your country have?
.your country
How did the New World end up such a catastrophic failure?
Guess ethnicity
Hapa girl, 16, bullied and driven into suicide by Japanese class mates. How can Japan be so based?
/fr/ - le francofil
Would you fight for your country in 2019?
Best/worst posters you recognize on Jow Forums
How should we punish them?
Are all finns born this autistic?
When these two shitholes angry at each other(as usual), which side do you pick?
Post your view/weather int
Sverigetråden - Georgisk flickvän upplagan
Is this the peak of britbong beauty?
“I had always thought of woman as possessing those delicate qualities of mind and soul that made her in these...
Are your country's Jews even remotely as based as ours?
In your country, would you go to prison for publicly stating that islam is evil?
Damn... are Americans really like this?
What are the most common superstitions from your part of the world ?
Well, Jow Forums?
I fucking love my neighborhood
Can you get cremated in your country?
How many Scandis look like her?
What happened with this lion
This is a typical white American
Immagine a world without brown "people"
Why the fuck is there no thread about 73% of Ukraine voting in a comedian as president?
Shittiest general on Jow Forums?
Which country has the qtest boys?
Consolidate every relevant slavic nation into a empire
Why does god do this?
Countries that nazis were right about
(shhh, don't tell zem zat I am Deutsch)
How do i start dating interracial women?
Post things that make you do this face
French women are fucking beautiful
Ching chong ching chong /ehmals/ /deutsch/
1. cunt
How many Brazilians look like him?
The asian 3
Today I will remind them
What if all of Jow Forums's posters were taken to a remote island to start their own country?
Your cunt
The big 3
Study political science
Post your Jow Forums folder
Why is this sea so irrelevant compared to the Black or the Mediterranean? Also, what do you call it in your language?
Is Indonesia a first world country?
What is your opinion about this "country"?
For much of the last century, France, the UK and Germany largely grew in tandem
Alright, what's causing this?
/cum/ + friends
I'm unironically starting to believe climate change is some big hoax...
Richest man in Denmark lost 3 children in Sri Lanka Terror
This indian election is being fought between an indian and a british. who are you voting for?
Why finns boys do this?
The flag that shatters the dreams of Hungarians and Poles
Le festive bathtub fishe
Does your country have any non religious book which everyone in your country has read it atleast once in their lives ?
Argentino: sacado de la combinacion y alteracion de las letras que forman la palabra "ignorante"...
Imagine being a parent of mentally ill tr*nnies
What is your opinion on LGBT?
Show me a better set up
Would you fight for you country?
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
Is Japan culturally Western?
Landlocked "countries"
Come in dear frens
I dont like the istmid/central amerindian phenotype
Happiest countries in 2019 (new map)
Who /Frankish/ ?
When will Chile ascend to its final form?
/ita/ il filo
Why does Jow Forums makes fun of americans if they have a connection to their old country/their parent's and...
Why are americans like this?
Why do I get tanned so easily, am I med?
Tonal languages
I heard that Big korean cock is being worshipped by white teenage girls, how much this is true in your country?
The country u would like the most to live in and why
I hate humans
40 Muslims killed
Are twitch thots and other streams just modern day Geisha?
What do people in your country think of Jordan B. Peterson?
Korean study thread
Brown skin is degenerate
What happens here?
Do you love Japan?
What country are you autistically obsessed with on the same level of weeaboos?
Smiles of Jow Forums
Which country has the most beneficial geography in terms of defending from a military invasion?
Tfw guy you like is an incel
Mapas de Chile
Whom do Latin Americans feel closer to? Africans or Europeans?
Do girls in ur cunt have nice feet?
/cum/ + /castizo/
I am white
/lat/ - Hilo Retro
Why don't Hungarians and Romanians blame all their problems on Turks the same way blacks blame their problems on whites?
Whose side will you be on?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Post wh*te people food
Why do British people do this? Why is their culture so drink-heavy?
How are Arab peoples still free when they're sitting on top of so much oil?
What do you call this in your country?
/Sverigetråden/ - Dominans
Do Scottish people think of themselves as Scottish first or British first?
I suffer in Egypt
What are you listening to in this lonely night, Jow Forums?
I-i'm scared ;_;
Im going to go to Europe this summer i was in Portugal in December. anyone of you frens recommend me where to go next?
There is not a single white Women who looks as good as this
"have sex"
When you don't have not a single great-grandfather who has came from Europe but you claim being white anyway (70% of...
What's your country and what type of guys do attractive 9/10 girls go for in your country while they're in their prime...
ITT: post politicians you have fapped to
What are you drinking fren
You can only post in this thread if you have nukes
What phenotype is this?
7 questions
Only a fren can be a fren
I am not to blame for my virginity
Are all swedish men incels?
Who is your country's most infamous serial killer?
White "men"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil
You wake up in the Great Salt Islands
Tfw no Jow Forums bf to sleep with
Can we all be friends for just 5 minutes, I love every country
Post your favourite American musical artist
Your country
Average American in 2050
Do you want find to love in Japan?
What are North African women like?
Zizek vs Peterson? Didn't watch it bro. I get my intellectual stimulation from reading books...
I wish Jow Forums would stop worshipping beautiful girls and foreign women they're never gonna touch
Greeks will defend this
Guys we need to end racism
Do people really suffer in Central and South America or is it a meme?
You wake up in Thailand
ITT We say nice things about Poland
Its over
1) your country
Lightly banter a wh*teboi about spicy food
Is it true Italian boomers still like this guy?
Countries you hate
How do i get into a Japanese blowjob bar as a foreigner?
Sverigetråden - Ryck upplagan
What’s the best way to go to japan as a computer science student in cork?
Anime in USA
Redpill me the differences between chatolicism and orthodoxy
Racemixing + eugenics in cows = Acceptable
Why are French girls so underrated?
Whats tinder like in your country Jow Forums?
I really really want to see the results for this
Average right-wing Bolsonaro voters
Why do greeks get a cold sweat anytime Turkey is mentioned?
Educate an Jow Forums poster about his country
Type whats on your mind
Post youtubers from your cunt
Deep down, you all want an asian gf
I call upon all Georgians to mass migrate to Sweden
Ur cunt
/WLRG/ Wappo Language Revival General
/v4/ + friends
/ita/ - il filo
You cunt
Do Korean women know they are goddesses?
Tfw Jow Forums is my only friend
We still have 1 million of these
1. Country?
How will slav men ever recover?
Your country
Basically, only scandis and finns are based
This site makes me feel bad for being american
Do americoids unironically think they won the vietnam war?
My music taste? My favorite genre has to be Jpop with it's upbeatness and optimism...
American police treat lack of burgers as an emergency
How do white people sleep at night knowing the inhumane treatment there ancestors did to black people?
In which country can I find the most women who look like this ?
This is what average Japanese people look like
So how many vigils are going to be happening for our bros in sri lanka? 207 dead...
Politics aside, which country would you unironically want a gf from?
Have an alphabet specificly made for your language
Would you racemix with azerbaijani girls?
Have you ever been bullied on Jow Forums ?
Is there a lack of reporting in your country about this Muslim terrorist attack compared to the attention they gave to...
How are treated women in your country ?
Sverigetråden - Andra påsknattsupplagan
/kopfschmerzen/ ehemals /deutsch/
170cm 54kg
I wish i were a attractive black man
Your cunt will never be catholic
Big Brain Club
Canada has never lost a war
What goes on here? What are the people like?
Interesting sites
*blocks your path*
Hungary is a shithole
On a scale from 1488 to 1939 how much you do love Evropa?
I'm a 22 year old Korean taxi driver ask me anything
How common is incest in your country?
White men decided to go for asian women because black men took all their women...
Do you want a North Korean gf?
Do you want to find love in italy?
Who is the most pretty?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you want to find love in California?
Pay Debts
What do you love about iberian women, Jow Forums?
People in these countries are very friendly
Hello, Jow Forumsernational community
Explain the NHS to me Britbongs
You're not a bootlicker, are you user?
/räuberhöhle/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do (white) men do this?
Well, Jow Forums?
How can this happen in Europe
1. your legitimate state
Ayo welcome to the penetentiary lil nigga
Spanish Thread / Hilo Español
My gf is a fatty
The number of purely white people in the world is proportionably very small...
Sverigetråden - Påsknattsupplagan
Name a more based letter
Do you know anyone with brown eyes irl?
Whats the best country to find an asian gf in?
Wow, Americans really do that?
I really hope that tumor of a country south of the US makes a misstep...
Remember before trump where something like this happening was actually noteworthy?
Guess where they're from
Is south Brazil a nice place for whites?
Do you want to find love in Portugal?
I suffer in Italy
Do you appreciate architecture? I'm in love with Gothic cathedrals
"stupid mutt American goblinos! America has no culture!"
/flag/ - /extraflags/ your fridge
Indians being woke as usual
Apart from the US, is there any country Jow Forums is this obsessed about?
Post rap from your cunt
I fixed Europe
Why do women do this?
Would you racemix with korean girls?
Jow Forums kpop Thread
What’s the best way to get an asian girlfriend?
I am Portugal-Chan
Are Asian girls really better than white girls?
What the FUCK is the Union Jack doing on the Hawaii flag?
Do americans really wear their shoes indoors?
1/3 of Americans think that Canada is a dictatorship
Is it normal to be jealous of asian men?
/deutsch/ ohne Transen
Could she enlist your country's military?
Russia's population is about equal to a tiny Indonesian island 1/118th its size
F*ck racism
The EU
If you could choose a country for your cunt to annex, which one would you pick?
Sverigetråden - Lördagsfest
1. You're cunt
Japanese Bread / 日本語パン
Redneck speaks Spanish
Tfw no finnish mommy gf
Yes, I love Indie music and social justice, how did you know?
Are we cool?
/ita/ - il filo
Dude! You can't travel to <insert third world country>! It's too dangerous! Aren't you afraid of <insert reference to...
Why does almost everyone use iPad for their tablet instead of other products? iPad is needlessly bloated and overpriced...
Do italians dress like this?
Best city
You guys realize Jesus didn't actually RAISE from the dead, right...
/shaving/ general
/lat/, /esp/ y derivados
Say hello to the Chinese of ww2, /his/. They were the first ones to die in the war, they fought for the longest time...
Would you rather live in brazil or africa?
Does Jow Forums like bald and bankrupt? Where would you like him to visit?
Do you love Germany?
Any Scottish fags here?
If this is what Thailand is like I don't want to go there anymore
Why would people become genocidal maniacs for a few years then go back to being normal?
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
How much is chopped off from your paycheck for taxes and social security contributions in your country?
The real reason Germany has accepted so many immigrants
Is Nintendo Switch the most disappointing console ever?
Do you think next season of this sitcom will be worthy to watch?
Average asian """""""""""""""male"""""""""""""""
I'm thinking about emmigrating to Northern Italy in 2 years after I get my citizenship
This is the leader of a billion plus catholics
Skyrim is for the Nords!!!
_______ Isles
A certain blend of 11 herbs and spices
Unironically tho, why don't Christians celebrate Easter in the US? No memes please
Controversial opinion: Whites are still a tropical species
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
He isn’t refusing to go to Easter Sunday mass with the rest of his family
Greatest ever?
Take that, racists
Some of you fags are alright
I want to become a baka gaijin when i visit Japan
/luso/ Fio Lusofono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Rare Toad
How many of you east asians have this hair?
Anyone here knows about coins ?
If you see this post while scrolling Jow Forums, you have been visited by the Bugar
You're a cunt
How do I Korean gf
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Sojaupplagan
Is there anything more pathetic than eastern Europeans who hate blacks although they've barely ever met one in their...
Why don't east asians have facial hair like real men?
What do you think about the death of America?
Do Asians really have small dicks?
Arrogance is a disease and Denmark is the cure
Life would be so boring in europe without arabs
Ching chong ching chong /ehmals/ /deutsch/
Thank you Germany, EU funds well spent. In the last 5 years my city has redone all streets like this...
How will they ever recover though?
Only kind of foreign cheese we have is swiss
Stonehenge: DNA reveals origin of builders
You gotta respect them, taking on Europe, USA and Russia all at once
Is Europe really even that great?
Vocaroo thread
60 year old Pakistani man marries 18 year old girl
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I fixed the world
What does Russian sound like to other slavs? Is it funny? Is it rough? What do you think?
Just got back from the bakery. It was extremely quiet in the city due to a certain holiday
Why do Eurofags always make fun of mutts when they literally look the exact same as us?
What's your favourite fastfood joint? Local and International. I've heard fastfood is very different around the globe...
It has come to my attention that some of you celebrate Easter in a way that the core of the celebration isn't smacking...
Who thinks this looks actually pretty cool?
/cum/ + friends
Which board is the easiest to bait? Imo it’s either /tv/ or Jow Forums
Why do blonde hair darken as you grow up?
I miss it bros
In 19th century USA the Irish had a lower social status than black slaves
I fucking wish I was born and raised in the US countryside with my farm, my guns, my pickup truck, my wife, my kids etc
Wtf. Why even orcs, manlets and beta males have gf here but not even ugly girls find me attractive?
Why do Europeans mock our trains?
Czechia is fucking based
Would love to hear any feedback on my accent
Could you handle a German woman?
Do you think the age of consent in your cunny should be change?
Americans don't celebrate Easter because they don't want to hear about someone that recovered for free
Is it true that as a black man you're capable of fucking women of any ethnicity very easily?
Tell me about Americans, why don't they celebrate easter?
Does this please God?
/fr/ - le francofil
Worth it?
Any new toads this year?
My name is Troy Nguyễn
His """""""""""""""'state""""""""""""""" has less than 10 representatives
American: *asks question about a european landmark or historical/political event*
Kurva anyátok
What's it like living in Canada?
Why yes, whenever I travel...
Why are Americans like this?
Why are Americans so pious?
Why is socialism such a blood thirsty religion?
Why do Europeans bake red hardboiled eggs into bread for Easter...
Do American parents really charge their children RENT for living with them?
Average American male
Now that the Mexican Army has emerged victorious in their first skirmish with U.S. forces...
Korean boys
What language should I learn on duolingo?
Why Jap is raceist?
1. Your cunt
Just why do amerifags think that our culture is all about tacos and aztecs?
Finland's population is 5 million, and the majority of the population is concentrated in the southern region. 88...
Post memes
I barely thought about race before this wretched place...
How common are are white man latina woman relationships in the US...
Does he post here?
I wish I was European or at least born in Quebec
Should the new notre dame reflect the diverse medieval europe that was whitewashed from history?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are we so cute?
Hey Jow Forums have you ever visited Africa? I'm thinking of planning a trip, where would you recommend I go?
After the debate what is your opinion about this authors Jow Forums?
Post the worst nation in the world in your opinion
Sverigetråden - Sömnlösa upplagan
Do americans really do this?
Do Americans really do that
The next economic superpower
Why don't Australians celebrate Halloween?
Americans STILL don't have contactless cards
Are you supposed to tip in restaurants in Canada...
Why are there so few french people?
Post the wiki image of your city
Why do people always bully asians for having small dicks but not arabs?
A man can dream
American culture news
I talk to my stuffed animals
Let's rank the best 5 countries in the world
Korean twitch streamer in Germany get's harassed by racist passerbys again
/ita/ il filo:
"Hola guapo como estas?"
What is life like in suburban Australia?
Let's get as many different flags as possible in this thread...
God im angry... angry about americans
Mexican woman appreciation thread
This is the american mediterranean
Italian Jow Forums: do you know if you have any directly traceable Arab ancestry
We're still here
When will Panama build a road through the Darien Gap?
1. cunt
Living in one of the greatest countries on earth is great
I want to marry Chile but we aren't neighbours
1, Your country
This is the most beautiful girl i ever see
How did your Jow Forumsernational gf's parents react to meeting you?
Happy Easter, Germany!
How does it do so well?
Where did the
Famous South Korean twitch streamer goes to Berlin
I wish my country had the Japanese-style apartments that are simple, cheap, and easy to maintain
Why are germans so evil?
Europe according to an average spaniard
Why do mexicans drink soda like it's water?
Your country
Most popular degrees in the 1%
A slice of Europe
Ask an italian anything
Can you share tips from your cunt so that I can stop being an incel?
Do you love Australia?
Truth be said
I came into the international culture board to specifically be racist and spam fascist politics!
Make /asean/ native again
I wish I was white
What is it called when you protect people from bullies while also viciously bullying them yourself?
Why do Asian women suck dick so easily?
Imagine the smell
What the fuck is wrong with Germans?
夢 or 闇
So uh how are you spending your 4/20? Jow Forums
America is an Anglo nation!
I spend 5+ hours a day on Jow Forums
Guess her ethnicity
/scheiß fotzen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Countries that belong to the trash
For me, it's Brazilian girls (males)
Why don't you just settle to a 6/10 like pic related?
Russians live in a country were the average woman looks like this >still constantly complain about how "hard" life is
What phenotype is that?
What is the most hated demographic in your country?
Why are french girls such qt?
Fun fact about Jews
How the fuck are the spanish getting darker? they are starting to look like mexicans now
What do you study in your country?
White people shower every day
I recently learned that some people take calculus 2 in high school, and that honestly blew my mind...
Map of all the countries I've seen on Jow Forums
/luso/ – fio lusófono: Edição: Ave Império!
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Sverigetråden - Germanska upplagan
/nocturne/ anciennement /fr/ - le fil du samedi soir
How do I hook up with a MILF, lads?
/cum/ + friends
Are people more religious or atheist in your country?
Old good
Why are Americans almost universally loathed by Finns here yet their Swedish Neighbors have a significantly more...
What do you call someone who is half Chinese half Indian who was born in USA and raised in Finland?
How come someone be this much of an extrovert?
I can't do it anymore. I just opened a bottle of gin. I hope this will be the last thing I drink in my life
Only in America people make these forced fake smiles...
Why yes, i'm Italian, how could you tell?
I will never be greek
How come Germany got great again after Brits fucked them in 1945 but African countries are still fucked because of...
US marine veteran finishes Boston Marathon crawling
I will never see a mountain with snow
How different is Quebecois French from France's French?
Why do europeans have small eyes?
Congratulations Jow Forums...
How do you say "based and redpilled" in your language?
Nein comrade ich bin wermacht nicht SS kill them I had no choice!!!
Imagine being colonized by this
Sir c-can you please give me your order? The line is waiting
American education
What are some inventions from you're a cunt?
/v4/ + friends
Is Jow Forums afraid of the afterlife...
/islam/ essentiell /deutsch/
Have sex
Brazilian family values
Abe-sama we need to laise popuration and have mole baby!
What country has the most pleasant climate in the world?
Sverigetråden - Fjortis upplagan
1. country
Well, Jow Forums ?
ITT: We bust Jow Forums myths
Why do Brits always give us shit for suburbs when all their cities look like this?
How common is this phenotype in your cunny?
Why the fuck spaniards don't want to be friends with us?
Do you want to find love in the UK?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship