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Elijah Harris
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeremiah Rodriguez
thinking bout using muh ancestry to get a visa to move to england
Jose Morgan
you won't get a visa
your plan is fucking stupid
>muh hurritage
Christopher Martinez
wonder what the cute irish boy looks like hmm
Nicholas Cruz
were either of your grandparents born on the island of ireland?
Parker Long
seen some yank tourists the other day
How did i know that they were yanks? despite spying them from over 100 paces?
well they were overweight, and loud but the from that distance what was the determining factor in correctly identifying them was their bad fashion sense, and general awkward movements
Josiah Fisher
i am the worlds forgotten boy
the one who searches and destroys
Camden Morales
Come on I was in the UK and while people GENERALLY dressed slightly better than Americans (mostly because you need to know how to layer properly there) everyone still dressed like shit
Michael Walker
wonder if he's cuter than me
it's frightening
Oliver Adams
>moves to a sinking ship
go for it son
Aaron Anderson
Mom and dad are watching capeshit
Asher Jenkins
do edition when you make a Brit
Lincoln Johnson
I didn’t make this one though
Might have titled it “fuck yanks edition” because fuck the northern aggressors
Jonathan Harris
Noah Clark
central pengada
Nicholas Lopez
Camden Brown
bit skinny
Dominic Allen
Luis Gomez
Quit my job no notice
Carter Gonzalez
not a single Canadian "person" I couldn't heem
Brody Davis
epic cringe
Austin White
Did that once, hope the “do not contact” on my resume doesn’t seem suspect. Always worried it does
Jaxson Richardson
epic purge
Leo Allen
anime is a sin
Ethan Gonzalez
*blocks your path*
Zachary Myers
kys you’reself posthaste
Jordan Phillips
Go on
Justin Sanchez
Would rip that shit out of your face after I’ve pummeled you into the pavement you dirty bastard
Cooper Lopez
Fuck off faggot
Ryder King
The mower stalled, twice; kneeling, I found
A hedgehog jammed up against the blades,
Killed. It had been in the long grass.
I had seen it before, and even fed it, once.
Now I had mauled its unobtrusive world
Unmendably. Burial was no help:
Next morning I got up and it did not.
The first day after a death, the new absence
Is always the same; we should be careful
Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time.
Jordan Bailey
Ethan James
bunch of dumb meanies
Alexander Morgan
*slaps you aside easily*
Elijah Gonzalez
Don't think it works that way cleetus
Nolan Gray
I be vibin in da ritz carlton
Aiden Gomez
>30 professional fights
>no KOs
Elijah Bennett
Paki got his balls smashed
Hudson Hughes
I am growing powerful
Leo Fisher
Isaac Morris
mental that thing that happened with the mexican army
Ryan Ross
lmaoooo Germans are flagrant in their racism against Asians
Noah Powell
being anti-sjw has nothing to do with right wing politics
Cooper Smith
I have one extremely annoying peep peep peep birb in a tree outside
Jason Stewart
tell him to shut up
Sebastian Fisher
i've imprinted on you now
Nicholas Thompson
hello sargon
Jeremiah Allen
cant sleep AGAIN
ive lost count how many times ive had to stay awake all night so far this year
Brody Gonzalez
Bit incompetent aren't they
Remember when that mexican army helicopter shot at ICE, state of it
Nathaniel Thomas
do people actually find this attractive? porn has warped your minds
David Hall
Tell her to wear her tee properly
Tyler Martin
the moon landing was a hoax
Jonathan Lewis
They're too busy working
Caleb Murphy
The original Old English name of the month April was "Eostre mon(a)th"= Month of dawn/spring Goddess Eostre
The English Christian monk Bede (c.700) wrote that Pagans celebrated a huge festival in this month to honour their Goddess Eostre #Easter
No mention of Easter in Bible
The dawn spring Goddess Eostre was widely worshipped and celebrated across pagan cultures of Eurasia
In Greek =Eos
Old English=Eostre
Source-Oxford Etymological Dictionary (Mallory, Adams 2013)
Carter Gutierrez
Carson Ramirez
*fervently dashes lashings of tip-ex over you*
fucking hate benders and how rapey you lot are
Samuel Cox
Jonathan Fisher
*freebases a moonrock*
Austin Rogers
Parker Morales
love this haircut on women
Jose Reed
do they sell rockshore in the UK?
Hudson Jackson
You wake up in the middle of this
Jayden Murphy
>implying this isn't the shit
Hunter Roberts
in the mood for a fap, make suggestions
Kevin Walker
blur is dogshit
Juan Collins
Luke Turner
I'd respect you if you're an Arjuna. Mahabharat is better than Lord of the rings tbqh.
If you're Md Mohd etc. Read your retarded books. They're retarded
Jose Price
For me it’s Brianna Beach milf POV
Charles Long
where's 190
Christopher Parker
quite based
im partial to tara tainton myself
Jace Allen
go on then
what's better?
Blake Green
there is a thread on /x/, right now, claiming that in the 19th century the whole earth was inundated with mud in a giant flood and governments around the world suppress this truth
Grayson Walker
the top shagger track
Matthew Sanchez
literally any other band
John Walker
name one you fucking slag
Bentley Cooper
Blur or Oasis?
Jaxson Harris
Lincoln Rodriguez
what is their reasoning for this assertion
Easton Hughes
Sebastian Flores
feeling quite unloved right now
Eli Gonzalez
for me?
it's the band that presented original music and not a beatles tribute shite number twatfest
Evan Reed
oh mate
come here
Nolan Garcia
best damon albarn song
honestly a euphoric choon perfect for abusing cocaine
Jace Sullivan
Isaiah Evans
>blur are shi-
Camden Miller
so blur then
Carson Phillips
>Australian prime minister says ‘Hello’ in Chinese to voter who replies ‘I’m Korean’
>”Ah well, it’s all the same isn’t it?” Morrison replied
Brayden Cooper
James Richardson
*latches onto you at the speed of sound*
Thomas Bell
C# B A B
Thomas Gomez
why do the jews hate france so much?
Zachary Moore
t. didn't bother
Alexander Robinson
Family forced me to watch the haunting of hill house with them and within the first two episodes they already pushed race mixing 3 times. One of them being lesbian too. This site has ruined my ability to enjoy anything coming out these days.
Ryder Phillips
how have elbow not been done for plagiarising this
Joshua Thompson
love good will hunting
Elijah Rivera
gay boys
James Brown
Don't like the soulless glass rectangle towers but like the rest of it.
Jason Price
marry joanna
Levi Bennett
what shops are open today? are the opening times on google maps accurate?
Daniel Mitchell
Camden Edwards
the most original band of the 90s
i don't like it any more than you
but it's the truth