Whats the best country to find an asian gf in?

whats the best country to find an asian gf in?
All the asian girls here ignore me.
Please help, I dont want to settle for a white girl

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have sex

China? Don't they have like a billion asian females in that country?

It's fucking easy here user. Just walk up to one and start chatting em up. If you can't do that, you can't get anyone. Los hacers ver mal, pinche incel.

they have a billion males**

That's his end game.

Phillippines, love American guys and less picky about JBW than other Asian countries. Every black or dark hispanic guy I know who had a successful asian relationship was with a Filipina.

do chinese girls like hispanics?
im not an incel, its just the asian girls who ignore me

jajajaja el prieto señores

By spanic you mean a spanish speaking person? I don't even know what it means.

I dont want a filipina they remind me too much of latinas

in America it's a demonym for mestizos
we basically look like Pakistanis and Indians to east asians

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Taiwanese girls love Wutang clan

Well, then try your luck in China but note in big cities like Guangzhou/Chongqing you'll be behind white dudes in the sexual marketplace because of white worship but still have the foreigner appeal and a US passport. I'd recommend Vietnam (my gf is from there) but they're even more JBW/White skin concerned than the Chinks

a hispanic is a person from spanish speaking latin american countries

I take that back, we look worse, more like Malays.

Idk but I guess you would probably have bigger chance finding an asian American girl than a true asian girl. Are you brown/native looking or more euro/Iberian looking?

Fuck a spic girl, idiot. You spics are just HAPAs anyway.

we dont all look the same

Don't worry user, just make sure you get a good job, so you can afford a thai mail order bride.

false. Redskins (cliff shitters) are inferior mutations. also the same reason so many of us look so repulsive

right, but on average I see more mongol/native looking Hispanics here
average > cherry picked

Never heard it despite the fact that I'm native spanish speaker.

el argentino en Japón señores

Fuck off, we already have so many of you here
Need some diversity of gaijins

I'm spaniar.

damn, I wish OP's pic was me...

West coast USA

i dont have native features but I have brown skin
I hate spic culture so it will be hard to find a spic girl i like
its a term mostly used here, I dont think its used in other countries

i dont want a plastic korean girl anyways, I prefer a central azn or mongolian