Who is the most pretty?


Attached: toll....png (1640x558, 1.28M)

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tell your women to visit turkey we have great culture and cuisine!

they all look like slags but I guess
2 > 3 > 1 > mutt > vintage mutt

lmao at the merimutt

The left UK one. Her snuff video is hot

i've searched gore sites unsuccessfully. Link?

have you seen it?


fucking hell

Still whiter than you Achmed

that's sad, man

5>3>rest ugly


Attached: 15645643837534.jpg (623x623, 38K)

The Norwegian one is cute except that she looks like Varg and that's killing it for me. I choose the Dane.

Has a cuteness to her I don't know how to explain it

she is not attractive to me

>except that she looks like Varg
Cannot unsee.

Attached: 1552608555510.jpg (200x291, 11K)

3 obviously. 5 is halfway pretty, the rest are no thanks from me

the american one has the most soul

Varg is literally Norwegian tho

would you say they are all bangable?

like you would fuck them?

they were bangable enough for their muslim rapists so


The last one because she's the closest to actually being a living being and /med/ goddess

what about the anglos, they have a lil bit of iberian dna from pre beaker people

You've spent too much time on this shit dude.

Varg made the transition?


>the closest to actually being a living being
sure can't accuse the d*ne and n*rwegian of that am i rite

The burger is the only one actually cute