>Based Yikesanon edition
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See you in the next thread, lads.
>as béarla
Imigh leat
I remember being underaged on Jow Forums and now that I'm way older this site feels weird.
Fuck off racist
r/ireland very angry with the RA lads.
Royal Ambulance?
anime chads, give me an animu to watch
From this season or in general?
Yakusoku no Neverland
conclusive evidence the anime incels browse reddit
redddit is great, has women for starters
not a fan, unless they're depicted in 2 dimensions because im scared of real women :(
I've already watched Dororo and JJBA golden wind this season not sure anything else is good
will give it a look
what about Uk annex Irland
Thanks Rus.
haha im just joshing you lads!
>when you have a soft spot for rebel songs but deplore the actions of the IRA
>ireland is the native briton
>north is some foreigner
>Anime chads
Oxymoron, most weebs are incel losers
>when you have a soft spot for the actions of the IRA but deplore rebel songs
>deplore rebel songs
Get some taste mo ""chara"".
>using the term "incel"
go back to Jow Forumsireland
t. incel
wonder how many self described incels could actually be sex havers if they made the effort and how many are genuinely involuntarily celibate
>when you have a soft spot for the actions of the IRA
I cut myself on your edginess
Those who support the actions of the IRA are more Irish than those who do not.
>Supporting the military wing of the shinners
Alright yikesanon? You're up late tonight
If is anything to go off then yikes doesn't support them. And I doubt he'd support any of the dissidents.
The shinners capitulated on their convictions and are now no different from any of the other establishment parties that recognise the free state as legitimate. They had been the only party with the balls to call it like it is. It was meant to be a 32 county republic and we abandoned our countrymen and limped along pretending to be a country until we sneakily exited when the yanks told the brits they couldnt have an empire anymore and now fall over ourselves glorifying what were liars and failures. The free state is not my country and I won't vote for SF again until they go back to abstentionism in the South again.
Republican SF have my vote.
National party are better
Since when is liking the RA edgy?
Doing anything fun tomorrow?
>The free state is not my country
Your passport would imply otherwise.
>I won't vote for SF again
It's edgy and autistic to support thugs who wantonly killed women and children
Ah yes, that scrap of paper required for travelling conclusively proves your allegiance to a country
Pedantic fool
Learn to actually construct a post as well instead of just greentexting stuff, its essentially just a downvote that shows disapproval without adding anything to the conversation
Do you consider the men of 1916 thugs?
>wantonly killed women and children
Except they didn't. Also seems like you're implying that if they wantonly killed men it would be fine.
The Irish passport means nothing when they hand it out like toilet paper.
>conclusively proves your allegiance to a country
It proves that you are a citizen of the country. Nothing you say will change that fact. Why do you think being allowed apply for Irish passports is such a big deal for Nordie nationalists?
>Learn to actually construct a post as well instead of just greentexting stuff
>proceeds to greentext stuff
Pedantic food.
youre still just being pedantic
dunno what anything youre saying has to do with what i said
Don't compare man on man combat with that pussy car bomb bullshit
Yes, food.
hate when i buy sliced ham and theres fat in it
well lads,1am,to wank or not to wank?
or when theres that clear jelly shit in it.
It should be the sole prerogative of any proud, patriotic (and virile) Irishman to see his country reunited.
>haven't spoken to anybody since I left work on Thursday evening
Hi, handsome ^_^