/WLRG/ Wappo Language Revival General

Hu:šiʔi:ya hinta!
This is a general where we discuss all things Wappo and also in Wappo. Ah onoʔšiʔ okel hak'šeʔ.

Attached: Wappo Woman and Child.jpg (1200x1695, 109K)

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dafuq is a wappo

The Wappos are a Native American people.

You can't learn Wappo

>le i am so le quirky and random xd thread

Are these Pacific coast injuns?

ʔiʔi, ah keyeʔ.

>The Wappos are a Native American people.

Attached: 1555743962793.png (726x750, 124K)

Yes. They lived in the Alexander Valley.

No, I genuinely want to revive the language.