/WLRG/ Wappo Language Revival General

Hu:šiʔi:ya hinta!
This is a general where we discuss all things Wappo and also in Wappo. Ah onoʔšiʔ okel hak'šeʔ.

Attached: Wappo Woman and Child.jpg (1200x1695, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


dafuq is a wappo

The Wappos are a Native American people.

You can't learn Wappo

>le i am so le quirky and random xd thread

Are these Pacific coast injuns?

ʔiʔi, ah keyeʔ.

>The Wappos are a Native American people.

Attached: 1555743962793.png (726x750, 124K)

Yes. They lived in the Alexander Valley.

No, I genuinely want to revive the language.

How am I a cuck for promoting a now extinct language?

This is now an Anglish thread
Post Anglish words and sentences


Attached: Holte.jpg (660x440, 141K)

could of been an interesting thread if it wasn't for aspie zoomers
sorry OP

Zoomers lack an adequate attention span. But you are welcome to talk. Here is a link. pdfs.semanticscholar.org/74fa/9c140d3000961a6f3782950a3a6384c1d754.pdf

Wew, this is pretty interesting lid, what made you learn/study Wappo?

Was looking for an isolated language family.

Unless they are one of those nations that wants outsiders to speak to them, this is cultural appropriation.

The perfidious Anglo strikes again.

are you the turk living in the UK
i think hes a turk

I want the Wappo people to learn Wappo again.

Then donate to them.


I'm a poor man. I only have this and this.


“The language, the whole culture of the Lakota, comes from the song of our heartbeat. It’s not something that can quickly be put into words. It’s a feeling, it’s a prayer, it’s a thought, it’s an emotion—all of these things are in the language.”

—Larry Swalley, Lakota