40 Muslims killed

>40 Muslims killed
>world loses its shit for weeks

>200 Christians killed
>everyone moves on after a day

Attached: 20181122_212301.png (1001x720, 626K)

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Fuck off, Korean.

>people care more about mass murder when it happens in a peaceful first world country than when it happens in a third world country already rocked by civil war

it will have consequences.

requiescat in pace

can you create this thread on Jow Forums? im banned there

>n-no nooo what do you mean you are going to retaliate wtf!!

Attached: 1553910567077.png (231x218, 11K)

hop in sneed, we're saving christendom

Attached: 1555293348495.jpg (720x892, 41K)

Who behind those blows up btw?


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

pretty fucked up world ayy