I dont like the istmid/central amerindian phenotype

I dont like the istmid/central amerindian phenotype.
I hope they get outbred by other amerindians/mestizos because they give the rest of us a bad name

Attached: istmid ugly.jpg (305x384, 17K)

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I don't like any round heads

Mayans are based

The phenotype is prehistoric. They may descend from Asians but they descend from the lineage before the East Asians evolved their big brain.

the round heads is what makes them so ugly
I hate their pheotype though

Attached: 262y2727.png (1280x543, 380K)

Mayans were the most advanced civilization in America, developed a mathematics, writing and astronomy, unlike northern nomadic savages

Purhepechas are not better looking

What website is that?

You're really passionate about this aren't ya, Peperecha?

If we're savages why did you come up North to live with us?


I don't


Odds are you know someone who did.

Planid is indeed a good phenotype

Attached: 20190422_004405.jpg (1080x1213, 431K)

Great Plains Native Americans were cool, and they killed a lot of amerimongrels (something I'd love to do). Just don't give attention to that mutt, have you ever heard about American """""education"""""?

Yes I am because im tired of istmids giving the rest of us a bad name

I’ll trade you your wife for the night for a 3/4 bottle of rubbing alcohol and some weed resin hey?

Yeah too bad that spaniards burned down all the books, would be nice to know how if their geometry was similar to the egyptian one

You gonna be part of a beauty contest or what or is it some self esteem issues you got there

That's weird, i get a different result for the planid, see


Attached: hombre-guatemalteco-con-ropas-tradicionales-de-todos-santos-plantea-en-la-ladera-de-la-montana-de-la (861x1390, 375K)

this is the correct result for planid

Attached: Peru-6.jpg (800x1200, 957K)

We need more brasilids too

Attached: 91ebe3892af6ff7d14bdd9779ac439da.jpg (1280x1920, 219K)

No, I just want to improve the Americoid race

literally all the same

but that a quichua

*that one is

that one is a cusco quechua while this is an eastern northern quechua (from Ecuador in this case)

shes a brasilid/amazonian, quechua is not a racial classification
>hes a cusco quechuan
racially hes an andean
no, not rook the same

we dont look that bad

Attached: 16hs7271.png (720x1204, 373K)

To impress who

redpill me on that, the only amerindian blood i have comes from brazil and that may explain while even mixed race i don;t quite look mexican for some reason and was never mistaken as one. There's just something different between the faces of both populations that i don't know how to explain

Andid and Planid are the best

Attached: peruvian-man-traditional-dress-hat-vest-42268732.jpg (957x1300, 209K)

I just realized mayan=/=istmid
istimds were the lower class

Attached: mayans.png (720x1066, 343K)

ive read that amazonians have more denisovan dna
I dont want to impress anybody, I just want to live in a world with smart and attractive people

northern natives and andean natives have more in common with mongoloid turks while amazonians have more in common with seasians

Attached: erqerq.jpg (744x878, 82K)

genetically central andeans (the territory of the Inca Empire) can be pretty distinct, the thing is many areas of the region remain to be sampled
Chachapoya people for example:
>here the native component is quite different from the main genetic network in the highlands of central and southern Peru (they found out about this only a couple of years ago)

And Amazonians can be different as fuck too, even more probably, they aren't a unified group

Also, foreigners usually see those living in the southern area like from those from Cusco as the face of all central andean natives since by far they chose to go there, over other areas, because that's where Machu Picchu is located at, but Quechua is just a linguistic term and the language isn't even from Cusco, native speakers don't even call the language nor themselves Quechua, it's an outsider term. The language originated in northern Peru. In areas like Cusco, Quechua displaced Aymara and Pukina just like a century before the creation of the Inca Emire
Interestingly it seems Chachapoya adopted Quechua much before the Inca

Andean natives (at the very least half of the models seen in this case because of their indigenous surnames) from north Peru

Andeans from Cutervo, the birthplace of my mother, also in very northern Peru

One of the most notorious distinctions between Peruvian northern Andeans and Andeans from places like the highlands of Cusco or the Altiplano, is that hooked noses are much less recurrent in the north as in average is at a lower elevation and is warmer

Attached: 60615.jpg (480x268, 122K)

I forgot, pic are girls from southern peru

Thanks for the info peru bro, now ill have more to read about.
The chachapoya people seem pretty interesting

Do you know which tribes tend to have taller people?

>I forgot, pic are girls from southern peru
to be more specific they are from the south coastal area (which is warmer so they have not so hooked noses too although not as upturned like northern andeans)

>taller people
In the precolumbian era nobles were obviously taller as they ate more as selected the best girls, pic is an Inca princess, see her height, but today indigenous nobility doesn't exist anymore, only poor natives, and actually rather stunning a major problem among natives, because they can't buy food for their children.

In South America, Patagonians were pretty much the only tall natives.

Attached: Martin and Coya.jpg (855x1066, 768K)

*stunting is
fuck, I need to sleep

>tfw no tiny injun qt to carry around everywhere

go to central america, the average central american female is 4'6".

nice, I can finally be Treebeard