Argentino: sacado de la combinacion y alteracion de las letras que forman la palabra "ignorante"...

Argentino: sacado de la combinacion y alteracion de las letras que forman la palabra "ignorante". Son el resultados de las violaciones que jardineros italianos hicieron a las nativas morochas del cono sur (de ahi que se sienten europeos). Miden promedio 1.75, aunque ellos se sienten altos, y aunque solo el 10% de la poblacion es rubia, ellos afirman que todos lo son.
Otra caracteristica es su prominente nariz, que parecen brujas al cumplir los 50 años; y su excesiva produccion de saliva; asi como su habilidad nata de servir mesas y ser mayordomos; he ahi, que emigran a Mexico a ejercer su especialidad.
Su dieta no se basa en nada, porque tienen una de las peores gastronomias del mundo, ademas de que ante la escasa nutricion (no hay de comer) pues no tienen tantas necesidades fisiologicas, por lo que el 57% del pais no tienen cloacas.
Sus mujeres regularmente ejercen la prostitucion, ya que lo traen en sus genes, por lo que es la profesion no. 1 de ellas.
¡que pueblo tan fascinante!

Attached: argie.jpg (1600x1068, 910K)

Why do mexicans cope so hard with argies


>not knowing spanish

Argentine: taken from the combination and alteration of the letters that form the word "ignorant". They are the results of the violations that Italian gardeners made to the native morochas of the southern cone (hence they feel European). They measure average 1.75, although they feel high, and although only 10% of the population is blond, they affirm that all are.
Another characteristic is its prominent nose, which look like witches when it turns 50; and its excessive production of saliva; as well as his natural ability to serve tables and be stewards; There, they emigrate to Mexico to practice their specialty.
Their diet is not based on anything, because they have one of the worst gastronomies in the world, in addition to the low nutrition (there is no eating) because they do not have so many physiological needs, so 57% of the country does not have sewers.
Their women regularly practice prostitution, since they bring it into their genes, so it is the profession not. 1 of them
What a fascinating town!

It's just a Mexican mad at argies but here It is.

Argentine: taken from the combination and alteration of the letters that form the word "ignorant". They are the results of the violations that Italian gardeners made to the native brownies of the southern cone (hence they feel European). They measure average 5' 9" although they feel high, and although only 10% of the population is blond, they affirm that all are.
Another characteristic is its prominent nose, which look like witches when it turns 50; and its excessive production of saliva; as well as his natural ability to serve tables and be stewards; Then, they emigrate to Mexico to practice their specialty.
Their diet is not based on anything, because they have one of the worst gastronomies in the world, in addition to the low nutrition (there is no eating) because they do not have so many physiological needs, so 57% of the country does not have sewers.
Their women regularly practice prostitution, since they bring it into their genes, so it is the profession not. 1 of them
What a fascinating people!

LOL you trust in Google Translator?

lol thanks Jao

you did the same and just altered 2 words, idiot.

And made the absolute difference.

okay, you are genius and a master of english language
want a medal?

Lol I'm not talking about knowledge of English just about trusting in Google Translator, calm down dude hahahaha

rent free

There are less than 10,000 Argentinians in Mexico why the fuck do Mexicans care about this? We have 30 MILLION MEXICANS.

He is pretty thicc

They cope hard with argies.
I don't know why

Attached: arg.jpg (1004x565, 327K)

Attached: argindio.jpg (620x465, 133K)

Who is this thicc daddy?

Diego Lionel Messi Maradona

Attached: argi.jpg (576x324, 103K)

based argies eternally blown out
just kidding fuck mexico

Gabriel Katopodis
His surname is weird because it's a Greek surname

Tell me about the argiespamming brazilian poster. What's his endgame?



Why are Brazilians even saying it's us? I have nothing at all against argues.

Behind every beautiful woman there is always a good man chileans...

Attached: FRANCK FIFE - AFP.jpg (640x487, 250K)

That is not an attractive woman