sen o yarrağa bakma mk. özgüveni olmayan incelin teki. yüzük vardı sende, takıyor musun hala?
Aaron Russell
fransiz gizlar bok, slavlar daha guzeller
Hunter Young
I go on business trips abroad sometimes and always keep my flag. I think they route the traffic through my ISP somehow.
Jack Lee
French women have no tits
No tits ---> to the thrash
Jonathan Howard
french women have shit personality, only a little percentage are cute/ beautiful the most part are shit, ugly and no feminity
Andrew Rodriguez
Data roaming uses you home country flag
Jeremiah Sanders
Not from what I've seen bro.
merhaba user :d Çoğu zaman takmıyorum ama yeni yüzük daha kalitesi alayım
Yok be Slavlar nasıl çirkin
Fransız kızların asses nasıl büyük, sokakta sevdiğim her kız ciddiyim.
Şehirimin çoğunluğu Polski ve Slav, çooook çirkin be
Cheeky bastards
They definitely do from what I witnessed, but ass is more important and i don't focus on chest.
Based smart Polebro
Connor Robinson
you see top tier french girls, who travel, and are from wealthy family bourgeoisie of course they are beautiful but trust me most are ugly cold bitchy princess, at least english are easier to talk and fuck, french are difficult for nothing.
>Yok be Slavlar nasıl çirkin epsi guzel dehil ama cok tatlilar
Ryder Sanders
ok well if we exclude the French ethnic ones, there are so many hot north African women that just make my willy go pop
lo sen bi aralar cocukluk snaplerini atmamismiydin
Ian Kelly
I'm Mexican. :) I like to make posts that make Americans look bad.
Sebastian Brooks
>OP is data roaming Disgusting Either buy a SIM card or buy a cheap disposable phone. I know Germany has Vodafone since that's what I used when I lived there. And when I went to Vietnam for 21 days, Verizon wanted to charge me something like $110 for 2GB of data, 1000 texts, and IIRC 100 minutes of calling, so I just bought a vinaphone SIM instead and used data every day and it only came out to around $15 at most, and that includes a lengthy international call to Delta and Korean Air to get a ticket error fixed.
Brayden Hill
>Turkroach >speaking like a London nigger
You're not welcome in France or England. At least have the decency to stay in your block of flats in your London ghetto
Josiah Flores
Ingiltereyi bilmem kardeşim ama Angers ve Paris'e gittim ve ordaki kızlar fena güzel olsa bile çok kolaylar.
Adam Campbell
Kys insect roach
Black men are breeding your female family members right now lol
i don't need to go there to realize they have alien shaped heads
Brayden Martinez
lol, it's true... But to be fair, it's happening in like 90% of Western countries. Definitely here, too.
Andrew Gomez
Roaming is free in Europe, no extra charge
Well I guess it's just natural.
Women have melanin receptors all over their bodies, when a melanated objects touch them it activate their melanin receptors and make their brains release an extremely huge amount of dopamine.
That's why they all go crazy for black man. Sure Turkish are fine as well, the darker the better, but real blacks are out of league
Benjamin Jackson
god i hate turks
Cooper Thompson
lmaoooo did this rebeu actually use the mutt meme?
Benjamin Nguyen
what's the name of the "artist" who does these again?