Countries that nazis were right about

Countries that nazis were right about

Attached: Poland.png (470x307, 4K)

What specifically?

Everything. I'm still pissed off at Poles, this fucking Polish twink that I had sex with gave me an STD. He told me he was clean.

Don't have sex with strangers

based Polish twinks dealing with the Australian menace

I'll do what I want.


Then you should be thrown off a building :3

You fucking poofter


I lied that I'm gay you cunt haha

I still stand by everything I said you dummy!

Meh, just sex to me lol

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hahahah you fucking australian

shutup you stupid pole, fuck you and fuck poland.

post boipussy pls ivan

I fancy your sister Sheilah now, how about that for a change
God Australians are so easy to seduce haha

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you couldn't even spell Sheila right. Also, please bash up any gays you see on sight, maybe you'll get the guy that gave me the STDs.

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Why are you gay in the first place? Was that a one night stand with a man or what?

Why should we bash our based gay men who are doing the God's work of fighting Australians with the power of their cocks?

We should subsidise our based gay men to go wreak havoc to the Pingstralians, mate

Yeah I was just experimenting

stupid poles

Come on man, you're the very reason we bash gays in the first place

Get some fucking romance first
>t. someone who just video sexted a SEA girl that was met 30 minutes earlier
>then again, I remain clean

I'm not gay though. I was just experimenting

I don't bash experimenting with attraction to twinks
But I bash one night stands
What did you get exactly?

I got syphilis

Ah shit man.
Get that cured asap

lol dude this entire thread was just me de-railing OP's post. It's all bullshit. I just enjoy doing this to other australian anons

Ah good
Me too desu, hence my post here I thought you're going serious with syphilis for a second haha

I just googled "gay stds" lol

for fucks sake how can even the gays in poland be this based

just bants lol


Based poles destroying the pufta aussies

Glad to serve, oh Grand Master of the Maltan Order



stop whining if you didn't get HIV gees
i'd fuck a cute pole twink no matter what std he got except for aids

How fucking broke do you have to be to not afford a fucking condom?




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>I just googled "gay stds" lol
could have just googled stds. all of them are more common in gays. sometimes I wish twinks could get boypregnant so they would take protection seriously.

because it is necessary for Jews to give as much money as possible ... because they want to destroy the entire world! then we must help them because we are fucked up

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