Would you fight for your country in 2019?

Would you fight for your country in 2019?

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Only if it was attacked by some other country.

Definetely NEIN !

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But I would be the only one I think

I'd rather exterminate the place.

But not in the way you're implying

Please don't, Malta bro. Your cunt is extremely unique.

oh, I'm sure portuguese are very patriotic

Uniquely stupid. I love the country, but I hate most of the people.

I can't say I agree with this
But I can't disagree with this

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Probably not. It always depends on the specific situation, but if you mean dying in Iran for the neocons, then no.

I'm just in a terrible mood, it will pass. I do mean this

Kys faggot I was talking about France, If I could I would genocide Portuguese people and destroy that country

No. Ironically, neither would the people who made the country the shithole it is today.

I would rather get into jail, especially if there will be war going around

based french LARPer LARPing as a portuguese LARPing as a frenchman


I'd be out of here as soon as there was even rumors of a conflict. What would I be fighting for? My right to pay 50% of my salary directly to muslims that want to kill me?

Not really. Why would I want to die for some atavistic region on a map that I happened to be unlucky enough to be born in? It's easy for people from big countries to talk, but when you realize that any war would likely just end in defeat and that we'd be better off as part of a larger social organization unit to begin with it's really difficult to justify rationally.

Yes, mostly because I want to get enough money in a relatively easy way for my parents.


let it burn


Hope your day gets better user so it helps you get over the mood better
I agree with the uniquely stupid, though I find it endearing, it's a type of autism which makes me feel at home

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Of course I would fight
my way to Corfu, then across the Ionian sea to Italy, then even more to the north.
I'm not protecting a rapidly aging country with old cunts and people who stay with their mothers in their 20's. Fuck em

I wish it has the same effect on me as it has on you because it really pisses me off rather than making me feel at home.
I guess I should change my first statement to "I'd consider at least fighting in a civil war, after analyzing the factions.".

Tkun ta' spiss hawn jew?


Dont worry the Portuguese dont consider avecs breed with maroccans people much less a Portuguese.

I can understand why it doesn't have the same affect
Jien rari niġi fuq Jow Forums, nigi xi darba f'xahar jekk irid naghti estimit. fuq is-site stess xi darba f'ġurnata

"why do we have to secure these oil fields in sand shitistan again?"
>"W-we have to fight those terrorist you know!"

no thanks

You need to go back, Pédro

are you going to shoot up malta

Yeah, I think so.

Im portuguese and i would joyfully lay down my life for the tribe. But nobody respects the tribe anymore

Whos gonna make me? The lowest genetic waste of my race? Gypsy shit thinks he is Portuguese like most avecs born in there only one of your parents are Portuguese and u dont evrn speak thr language.

Jien kuljum hawn. Ma tantx niltaqgħa ma' Maltin. Barra int, hawn ieħor li wkoll jidher xi kulltant. Ħasra m'għawnx iżjed minnha hawn.

I am a shitskin, but still whiter than you shitskin hahahhahzha

By the way what are you doing in Germany ? Isnt Portugal good enough for you or maybe Portugal is a dirty shithole full of nafris rapebaby

Just because you mother calls herself Portuguese does not mean Gipsys are.
Faggot marrocan Gipsy.
I come to germany to make more money then your entire Gipsy family

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Kys hairy faggot you are one those disgusting hairy portuguese

Im pretty sure your disgusting hass is hairy as fuck

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Jow Forums muhiex ħaġa maltija, ħafna maltin issibhom fuq reddit jew facebook.
Naf li hemm malti li ġilie jmurr fuq Jow Forums u rajt darba fuq Jow Forums
>malta hija kolonja ta' reddit

Attached: it be like that.gif (250x188, 1.85M)

Calate castelhano seboso.
Im hairy as a greek, and not even very good looking but im still less pathetic then you.
Clip your nails you fucking pale gipsy

I am half human half Poortuguese, but you, you are 100% Poortuguese

I am more human than you, you monster

Even niggers are white in they're palm. But my hands are not very aesthetic

No, I don't feel like the odds are stacked in my favor.

The Philippines has historically never been able to drive back the invaders and not be occupied. I don't expect help as America is always going Europe first in the event of a serious global war like in WW2. Our mutual defense is probably going to count for nothing since the Philippines really isn't very important to them or to anyone else.

Actually im 12.5% germannoid, 12.5 % dutch, 62.5% portuguese and 12.5% Greek.
And i wish i was a pure Portuguese.

Who the fuck care about his hands

That mean you are 40% human

Why ? Portuguese are all ugly, short and stupid

I would fight against m*cron if that count

oh no... a criatura da Germania...

Naqbel. Naħseb li l-Maltin huma wisq "normie" biex jżuru sit bħal din. Facebook mimli kummiedji w politika fil-fatt m'għadnix nużah. Reddit huwa Reddit. Id-darba jew tnejn li żort
Jow Forumsmalta beda tiela' l-istonku. Apparti dawk ta' Jow Forums u Jow Forums, naf li hemm wieħed li jżur /sp/, sakemm dak mhux int. Peress li jien dejjem hawn, qisha x-xewqa li nkellem Maltin oħra
qiegħda hemm. F' liema sens Malta hi kolonja ta' Reddit? Il-mentalità?

Hands are onr of the most important part of your body u stupid avec.
Shit you cant even basic math, you must be one of the poorest idiot on Paris. I never had problems with woman unlike a ugly cunt like u

Once I see Merkel hanged for high treason, then I'll fight for my country.

not when the Jews are in power.

My soul is 1000000% Iberian, unlike your satanic castilian ass.
Im not German but i would fight as mercenary for this country if it didnt go against my people interest and i have only been in germany for 5 months

Stfu nigger shitskin , if you are 60% portuguese that mean 40% is human

Plus I guess you have some shitskin dna you hide, faggot

haha cross ethnic mutt, I am proud Western Euromutt American man, only Germanic blood here

>fighting for germany in its current state

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haha, no

Ċert li hawn almenu xi 3 jkunu hawn ta spiss. Jien hawn kważi kuljum imma rari nitfa xiħaga avolja ilni hawnekk minn xi 2010. Inti listess wieħed li dejjem jitfa f'tal-bnadar?
Burdata relatabli l-maġġor parti tal-ħin.

Jien dak li jkun hawn kuljum kważi l-ħin kollu. Iva, jien li nitfa f' tal-bnadar, li noħloq /med/, u li ssibni fuq kważi kull "thread" (ħajta(?)) li jew l-OP jsaqsi għal xi
traduzzjoni ta' kelma jew sentenza, u dawk nittiena.

>Western Europe
what did la criatura mean by this?

umm..ya someone needs to respond to him

Whatever nigger, northwestern/center west. Close enough.

I hide nothing. Portugueses are whiter thrn Greeks so apparently im only 25% human. But i have never done a ancestry test so i cant say for sure.
El goblino de los angelos
I dont consider myself anything else then a Portuguese even tho i have forgein blood.

>implying I'd ever associate with Californian miscegenators
Pathetic. Midwest #1.

>Western Euro
Starts in Gibraltar and ends in Rhine.

t. José Fernando William Gutiérrez Anderson

Close enough
I'm no spic.

What a strange language

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Yeah, and we're closed to another civil war, lets see what happens

>your country
This isn't my country.

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t. Juan Alfonso Vegas de la Sierra

no we're not, stop with the masturbatory fantasies

I really want to move to Amerikkka

If a civil war breaks im infiltrating Madrid to kill as much military age men i can

Il-malti hu wisq "normalfag" biex iżur post bħal dan
L-uniku ħaġa surra li ssib fuq il'facebook malti hu il-kummidji tal-politika
>Reddit huwa Reddit
heh, jien qatt ma mort fuq r/malta, ma nista ngħid xejn ħlief li hu reddit. Jien l'aħħar darba li kont fuq /sp/ kien fil-world cup, iġġifieri żgur mhux jien.
>F' liema sens Malta hi kolonja ta' Reddit?
mil-essperjensa tiegħi, issib mhux ħażien nies li 'mmorru fuq reddit (mil-dawk li jmorru ħafna fuq l-internet).
Ngħid li fuq is-site sħiħ haw xi 4-5 maltin

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Based, I'll help you. The aftermath of wars is awesome for young men who manage to avoid physical/psychological damage, you're drowning in pussy by mere statistics.

Yeah, even though I'm fat i'm going to do my best to be productive at a factory or on a farm to provide the necessary supplies for the troop.

Whatever. At least my people didn't mix with the natives.

>At least my people didn't mix with the natives.

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This thread reeks of autism

>you're drowning in pussy by mere statistics.
I shal make you lord of Madrid so you jail and executr every male you seet sight on.

Deus te abençoe

Yup, we actually care about the integrity of our American race, we don't fuck asianoids.


>we actually care about the integrity of our American race

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>L-uniku ħaġa surra li ssib fuq il'facebook malti hu il-kummidji tal-politika
Dan l-aħħar qabel abbandunajt Facebook għal kollox, kont qiegħed nużah biss għal l-aħbarijiet iżda meta anke l-għoxxati li naqra w nisma' fuq l-aħbarijiet bdew jġibuli demmi ilma, iddeċidejt li nneħħieh.
Però biex inkun onest, kont nieħu gost nara l-memes Maltin. Mhux neċessarjament politiċi, imma kont nidħaq daħqa.
>heh, jien qatt ma mort fuq r/malta
Li niftakar minn Jow Forumsmalta barranin jistaqsu l-mistoqsijiet fuq Malta u oħrajn jeqirdu fuqna, u milli niftakar kien hemm xi erbgħa kienu segwaċi ħerqana ta' Galizia. Jien qatt ma ktibt hemm, għax kull meta żortu
kien dejjem jiddispjaċini li għamilt hekk.
>mil-essperjensa tiegħi, issib mhux ħażien nies li 'mmorru fuq reddit
Ifhem, b'dan ir-raġunar naħsel illi Malta iktar hi kolonja ta' Facebook milli Reddit.

Bilħaqq, naf ukoll illi hawn ta' l-inqas żewġ emigranti Maltin li jżuru hawn.

>i'll just quote him
>haha get shitposted on amerimutt

I've got a complete set of both Norwegian and Russian uniforms/combat gear minus the rifles so I'm prepared to join either side.

Eh depends. I sure as hell wouldn't fight for the commie shithole that is California, we should have never taken it from the Mexicans.

t. hazátlan

Attached: lipsi.jpg (708x522, 89K)

i would totally fight and die for this cunt. but not for the dumbass poletars, not for the rich jews and libtards and not for the gypsies.

this shithole is full of natural resources, beautiful landscapes, marvellous buildings, full of culture and history. my ancestors spilled blood for this shithole and built it with sweat and tears.
only self-hating, rootless, cosmopolite, semitocucked marxists would flee from war and refuse to fight

Really depends.
In an all out war against our people by lets say muslim invaders, hell yes.
If Merkel planed to invade another cunt, fuck no. Also if there was an classic war like we had so many with France were it is just about to fuck up the elites and steal their shit I would not care. Fuck Merkelistan.


user, in a WWIII between NATO (EU+US), Russia, China and "refugee" islamists, who would you
>fight against
>NEVER join
>NEVER fight against

No, fuck that.

this but unironically

This is a Jewish colony, not my country.

Isn't there a Jewish oblast over there?

Yes, I'm in prépa to intègre ESM St-Cyr.

I think it's like 0,5 % Jewish and never went far above the 30 % mark anyway.
Who the fuck would want to emigrate to some God-forsaken patch of land in the far east of Siberia? Look at where it's located.

Attached: Map_of_Russia_-_Jewish_Autonomous_Oblast.svg.png (1200x660, 382K)

no, because it's not actually fighting for the country.
It's for fighting for (((corporations)))

Yes. Although only if I felt the cause was just. I'm already serving via the chair force, so I guess it wouldn't be that hard to switch.

I would fight for my abstract idea of Austria and Europe any day. In fact, wherever in western Europe civil war breaks out first I will try to become a mercenary for "my" people there. I assume it will be France