New road

>new road
>winter comes
>road needs renovation

does it happen in your country?

Attached: ca87c5c9cead36705cb53ffa73f02805_big.jpg (980x651, 83K)

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Every fucking year. Easiest money so you can do every year with government money.

yes, but with earthquakes instead of rain

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how's life there?

every single winter.

>yes, but with earthquakes instead of rain

>he thinks winter is all about rain

based Latino

also studded tyres make massive grooves in the busier roads every winter

>new road
>winter comes for 15 years
>the road is still good

winters here are about as intense as a newborn kitten's bites

your freeze-thaw cycle must be really short or something

>new road

Attached: 1143350.jpg (786x719, 58K)

>does it happen in your country?
no. This is how it happens

>new road
>3 months after it's finished defects start appearing
>contractor is called back to redo the road
>3 months later different defects start appearing
>contractor is recalled to do it again
>after 4-5 years the road is totally gone but it's out of warranty so it can't be fixed for free
>so the same contractor """wins""" the bidding for the new public contractor
>rinse and repeat

*for the new public contract

Yes, how else could bureaucrats make money?

sick flag

and no they don't ever fix the roads here, they just fuck up the roads in strips every year to install new piping and then put fresh asphalt over it so we have multi colored roads. It's probably just money laundering or employment favors to being with; doubt we need that much new piping all the time.

CIA paid liberal shills in Russia constantly teach us that this situation with bad roads and corrupted contractors business is unique here.

During the winter and early spring people complain about the potholes, then they spend the rest of the year complaining about the construction crews repairing the potholes. Canada is a nation of whiners.

obviously not but why does it matter if it happens in other countries too. It should still be unacceptable. Whenever I travel to Western Europe the first thing I notice is the pristine roads & sidewalks. It makes me angry that our corrupt cunts can't do anything right

same here except the potholes don't get fixed for a good two years

nowhere as often now that we got rid of Saakookshvili, people make money by building shitty roads

Yeah, Americans vote for lower taxes, then they bitch and whine when public works projects don't get completed in a timely fashion.

It's really weird, everybody here recognizes that the 50s and 60s were peak america but we also had steep taxes back then

Attached: 1960 tax brackets.png (611x380, 45K)

>not letting job creators do the same job while delivering you tasty pizza

Attached: 1.jpg (842x713, 111K)

street itself seems ok, but the markings are gone every spring

No, at least where I live. The roads haven't been repaved in over a decade.

>does it happen in your country?

the road needing renovation or the road actually getting renovated?
yes to the first no to the second

Where the fuck do you even live my road was paved like 10 years ago and its still top notch

not really, except this one part on a small road near my house which has bad drainage, and there is always a pool of water next to it

>there is a small piece of road near my house that needs to get fixed even though there is nothing actually wrong with it
>workers come in to fix it
>3 years later they are still fucking here

this isnt even a rare occurrence, I used to walk to intermediate school past this one site and by the time i finished high school (so from age 13 to 18) they were there and when I visited my hometown in the holidays (20 now) they were still fucking there
fucking New Zealand

thats actually unironically really good
if a bunch of companies start competing to try and repair infrastructure as fast, cheap and high quality as possible then maybe the government will finally get their fucking shit together and do it themselves so citizens dont riot when they realize how fuck all the government had been/is doing

I live in one of the oldest cities in america and they've basically just given up at this point.

so after reading this thread I came to the conclusion that Anglo countries have serious issues with their infrastructure while in Germanic countries everything is all right

I wonder why

No matter how much they raise taxes they just blow the money on dumb shit anyways. Don't fall for the "We need higher taxes for infrastructure!" shakedown. That may be true for 2nd and 3rd world nations but America always has money for emergencies; it's just greed.

This thread here shows clear examples of what your higher taxes are used to prioritize in rich nations. They shouldn't get rewarded with more taxpayer money when they're just gonna fuck around with it.