Was Alexander the Great Macedonian or Greek?

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he was albanian

Aethelsander was anglo-saxon

Isn't the anglo-saxon version of Alexander Alastair?

Alisatere was a Uralic BVLL.

Yên Công Đăng was Vietic

Alexeiander was Russian

He was a Macedonian who fully embraced Hellenisation during a period of the Hellenisation of previously non-Hellenic Macedonians. It is more accurate to simply style him as "Macedonian", especially given that he was seen as a non-Greek conqueror of the Greeks during his time, but calling him Greek is not entirely inaccurate. He was only probably closer to his non-Macedonian mother, than his Macedonian father. This doesn't really have anything to do with the disputes of modern Macedonians and Greeks, though, and that map you posted isn't making any points as the Slavic Macedonians used to inhabit the Greek region of Macedonia prior to their Hellenisation and ethnic cleansing, and not just the territory that is North Macedonia today.

And to add, it was the Greek nationalist who initially supported the idea of Slavic Macedonism, in order to attempt Hellenising the Slavs of Macedonia and to resist Serbianisation/Bulgarisation. The ethnic issues the modern Macedonians are faced with today and mostly a result of the Greek-Serbian-Bulgarian conflict over who will get the region of Macedonia, which each side attempted to convert the locals into their own ethnicity, which resulted with the locals developing a strong regionalist identity which evolved into a national one.

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Alejandro was the child of an Iberian BVLL and a Siberian mother, therefore a mestizo and Hispanic.

sikander the changa was actually pakistani mate. you bloody bastard

Phillip was even more "hellenized" than Alexander though and the Macedonian nobility participated in the olympic games centuries before their births. Infact, Alexander rejected "pure" hellenization later in his life in favor of syncretism with the cultures he conquered, going as far to change his attire to be closer to that of the Persians, much to the ire of his court and especially his father's old guard. The persians also considered the macedonians a greek tribe and the only sources of macedonians being considered barbarians comes from Athenians, who had claimed the same of the cretans and the peloneseans.
Also "hellenization" as we understand it only started after Alexander's conquests.

But it's obvious if you read between the lines that he was an Atlantean.

İskender was TÜRKİC BVLL

Can you define ''Hellenisation''? He enslaved many greeks and destroyed many greek cities along his way.

People need to stop applying present realities to the past without understanding the context of the past. What we call today Greece was not the same greece in the past. greece was a city-state country, just like Mesopotamia and Japan. If you'd asked a city-state in Northern Japan if they are ''Japanese'' they would've said No, same with Mesopotamia and ancient Greece, that's why different cities tries to conquier each other, because they didn't had a single identity or culture or even language.

The territory of ancient Macedonia have been controlled and populated by many different people throuhgout the years, including Bulgarians, and other ethnic people on the Balkans. It is impossible to determine who was Alexander.

Both, but modern macedonians are slavs and are in no way related to ancient macedonians.

Actualy, it was the macedonians that had the idea of uniting all the entire Greece

quiet greek the freak. sikander was pakistani. its a popular name in pakistan

I would say that Hellenisation should be definited as the branch of the hellenic culture that was pushed by the Athenians.
The culture of every city state was pretty much unique before the Persian wars but after them the Athenians and the Corinthians started gaining a cultural "hegemony" through trade and all the cultures started homogenizing with eachother. Alexander's conquests and the introduction of the "common greek" (a trade pidgin based on the athenian dialect) as the official language of his state (and the successor states that followed) only furthered this process and by the time of the fall of the WRE pretty much all of Greece was culturally and linguistically uniform.

>especially given that he was seen as a non-Greek conqueror of the Greeks during his time,
No, he was seen as a greek that ruled over a barbarian people(Alexander's dinasty was supposedly dorian, like the spartans), and even then not everyone in ancient Greece thought that the macedonian pleb were barbarians.

Also, the hellenisation is a macedonian invention to unite a bunch of divided city-states

he was from FYROM, don't believe Greek lies.

Alexander's dynasty claimed that it was actually from Argos, who prided themselves that they were not conquered/misplaced during the dorian descent and thus, Achean.
But let's face it, Alexander was really a dorian rape baby.

And what exactly was ''hellenic culture''?

Ancient Greek language is not the same as modern Greek language. I would say that the unification of Greece as a single political autonomy with a single language happened after the independence from Turkey.

Macedonia is a region in Greece, therefore either way you say it he's a Greek.

Ancient Greek is a form of Greek, and it shows. Look at the letters, the words, literally the only language that uses these letters is Greek. Why is this such a heavy debate?

A group of people that from a common origin that spoke a similar language and they worshipped similar gods.
It was never truly the same for everyone, the Athenians worshipped Prometheus, a Titan and even had a anual celebration to him while the Spartans unironically worshipped Ares, whom all other Greeks considered as an "anti-god" figure and the Ionians worshipped foreign gods from south-east mediterrean pantheons along with the regular bunch. Some greeks considered Hestia to be part of the "12" while some other included Dionysus and don't even start me on the languages.
In the end the Athenians were the ones who won simply due to the fact that they were the ones who created and distributed the majority of the information available. And let's not forget, Aristotle, the man who educated Alexander and most of his successors was educated in Athens.

What does the, NATO approved, prespa agreement says?

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Nagy Sándor was a hungARYAN BVLL


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Alecsandru cel Mare was vlach (romanian). He invaded Persia for grazing ground for his sheep herd.

hmm, i think you mean HUNK-ARYAN

But Mblexandr was a BANTV BVLL


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