Jow Forums
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International #1050
Reminder this is Canada
1. Cunt
Where do people in your cunt go to suicide?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Be american
The world would be a better place had he won
Rightfully and ethnically French
What stereotype(s) of your countrymen or race do you live up to?
He's tanned and speaks a romantic language
What were the Nords, Celts, and Slavs doing while Meds were studying astronomy and architecture?
At the same time, the average auto worker in Germany made $67...
Why is your cunt is a shithole?
Why don't they contribute to scientific advancement?
Sweden is huge
Itt: Evil malevolent colonial empires
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Never forget
Ywn be as based as Brendan
Do you love Portugal?
Stop consuming American "culture."
Are there any Anglophiles on Jow Forums? Do you like Britain?
Why do americans have such a hard time eating tomatos?
1. Flag
Your country
Be jap incel
Do people in your country love the EU?
The crown prince of Norway looks Mexican
My French celestial girlfriend told me that Nik aka "the swamp" was going to die in Fall of 2019 of lethal injection in...
Do you have Christian MENA immigrants in your country?
Come to Canada please
Brazilians don't know how lucky they are desu
/ita/ il filo
What country has the best cuisine in the entire world?
I suffer in Brazil
Jow Forums general map
There's millions of brown girls who's only desire in life is to please whiteboys
Why does Spain lack confidence?
Is he based? Tell me about this man Russianons
Hehe, I sure am grateful for being born in Central Europe
Would you impregnate her int?
I suffer in the first world
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Sverigetråden - cpcadde
Is this the only European country that got surpassed by it's ex colony?
What do you call this in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What’s going on in germany?
Are whites like Argentinians considered CHI in USA or is it only for mestizos?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do the British eat gay sandwiches?
1. Your country
How are WW2 veterans seen in former Axis countries?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1878
Tourists who come to Baltics in general – what the fuck is your problem? How does someone from Asia...
Would you rather live in new york, or los angeles?
Post your pets
Ok hold up HOLD THE FUCK UP. You mean to tell me that Indians are the real Arians and the Germans were larping as poos?...
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
ITT: Post an image of the first thing that comes to mind when you see the poster above's flag
Be honest with me, Jow Forums. Is life even worth living when your jawline looks like this?
Lets do one of these again
This is the Maskan Mehr neighbourhood in Iran. Say something nice about it Jow Forums
What's your name? My name is Aditya, and it means "sun"
How miserable is your life from 1 to 10 (10 being misery beyond comprehension)?
This is illegal in America
Are they European?
Do people marry themselves in your cunt?
How popular are Marvel movies in your cunt?
Aaaah jeez beez! Not again!
Why are there so many racists on Jow Forums?
Not long now
How do you call this in your country?
Why is the Japanese monarch called the "emperor" in English, instead of "king"?
Is it true brown nipples mean you’re not white?
How are countries like Chile considered 1st world on this board? Drop a pin anywhere in Santiago...
Germany appreciation thread
One (1) (Uno) singular chance at life
Damn, brazilian boys look like THAT?
Does Latin America have a tea drinking culture?
Lets do one of these again
1. Country?
/ita/ il filo
Why can't they get along?
Wtf is wrong with the new janitor
/mena/ = /me/+/na/
/deutsch/ siegt an allen Fronten
Did you know that Russia is MED?
/esp/ - il filo
Only if the Imperial government treated us with as much respect as it treated it's English citizens...
German hate thread
What is the ugliest country?
Exam in 1 fucking month and I dont know jack shit
Why can't they just be normal?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Yeah i'm thinking he's based
/fr/ - le francofil
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do you want to find love in asia?
You marry a person from the flag below you
ITT: We congratulate to Poland for having the first modern constitution in Europe
Africa: I'm HIV queen!
Whomst was the greatest man that'st ever lived?
How do I get a Japanese gf?
Why are Europeans so bad at assimilating their Muslims?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden mongpoupplagan
Do you LOVE Morocco?
If you gaze long into the Steppe, the Steppe will gaze back into you
How do thirdies like Italians and Spaniards cope that Nordic countries like Poland have better infrastructure than them...
Tfw thin cock (14cm circumference)
Your country
Heisann! Jeg må beklager for at min norsk er fortsatt ikke så bra, og jeg må skynder meg...
Is Italy first world?
Butthurt nation
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why the world is getting autistically nationalist?
Post a book and thank the country that made it possible
Europeans don't drink kool aid
Hey faggots
Hello, Finns. In 2 weeks i'll be visiting Helsinki and i'd need a place to stay for a night...
Mohammed was the most popular first name for boys born in Berlin in 2018, study reveals
What are popular kinks in your county?
You wake up in neo Hyderabad
1. your cunt
Nuke us
Enter thread
I think i killed a guy on accident
/v4/ + friends
This is a new construction in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. Would Westerners live in it...
Please breed our women
Mexico is absolute shithole
Why do Americans?
1. Your cunt
EU to start granting "European" passports
Ahh~ Boipussy
How do MENA'S feel when we take their women?
Visit Portugal
What's wrong with modern German architecture?
I bought an expensive cellphone but i leave it at home every time i go out because im afraid of some "dark skinned...
Med girl rejected me for an Arab
Why do American keep posting this image? Are they not allowed to grill in their backyard anymore or what?
/brit/ and greens
Sverigetråden - Sommarutgåvan
Would you rub my tummy?
Mexico just legalized independently organized labor while at the same time is entering into an agreement where North...
Average northern Mexican
How Poland was able to manage better than Russia?
Today Europ weather
Why are black and brown countries so bad while white and northeast Asian countries seem to be decent?
Describe your own language in one word
Indian or Pakistani citizenship
A Message From a House Chink
Russian Interwebs
The language russian girls speak doesn't match their face, it's too masculine and coarse...
The good samaritan question
/fr/ - le fil de la France blanche, catholique et royale
Eating burgers with my gf. What are you doing right now?
Chinese gender imbalance
A finn complements your post
Jow Forums hasn't been the same since moot left us
/lat/ - hilo latino
/deutsch/este /deutsch/ Ausgabe seitdem es /deutsch/ gibt ehemals /deutsch/
I cannot for the life of me understand how people eat this for breakfast
USA committed an unjustifiable war crime but never apologized them
Whats worse being a mexican or being a pajeet?
Why is suicide so common in Greenland?
Kurva anyátok
Bye bye whitey
Japanese map of the world
Asian women literally harass me at Uni every day
The next asian economic miracle
I can't take all the negativity
Me on the bike
Why indians act like they are attractive as fuck? What do they hope to when they act like this...
What's your favourite language other than your native one?
Canadá is beautiful
Why are Japanese so good at fabricating???
Posts local snacks from your country/province/town
What the fuck is wrong with america?
Why do non-whites come to Evrope? It's dangerous
1st tier - F*rstoids of the highest caliber, like to pretend they have ""problems"" when they don't
Why Are Asian Women Like This?
What does Jow Forums smoke? My favorite is pic related
Remember these are the top 3 biggest subhumans on the planet
Is there a Peruvian girl who browses Jow Forums? I have seen a Peru user claiming to be a girl more than once...
They're girls browsing Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
Why do they keep trying to make us give up meat?
Are latino dads really like this?
#1 threat to world peace
Are Indian men the most socially retarded people in the world?
Well that's it America, you are officially #2 now
This terrifies the American
Why are other flips shilling this at /ck/ their food isn't even that good
Does western things better than westerners
Iceland thread
I hope senor bus driver stays in power forever. I want Venezuela to get so fucked up it never recovers
Haha wow...
So THIS is what socialism does to a country, glad we haven't gone near that shit...
Dios mio
Countries are social constructs
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I love Russia
Do americans really do this?
Germans are not germanic, they are Germanized Celts and slavs mostly with some Germanized Hun and Roman in the mix
Absolute 1st world countries (the best of the best)
So fat that you would just jump instead of using the stairs
Tfw no Syrian qt3.14 gf
Tfw no psycho Ukrainian gf
I’m moving to Chicago for work. What am I in for?
Do Europeans really do this?
I suffer in the third world! You don't know how hard it is having no social obligations outside getting married and...
What's a "cheeki-breeki"?
English learning thread for DUMMIES
Do Dixies seriously refer to all soda as coke? Doesn't it get confusing?
Do americans really eat this?
How would you racially divide planetos?
I suffer in Canada
/luso/ - Fio das gostosinhas
ITT: we play patriotic songs/army marches from our countries
Thirdies complain about having a hard life when it's literally impossible to be a KHV in their countries due to...
Is he the most based man on the planet?
Americans invent rock music
The Second World War was absolutely pointless
/ita/ - il filo
Do Europeans really believe that Russia is some dystopian hellhole nowadays? It's literally propaganda, just visit it
Post people that look like you
"Over the course of many conversations with sex researchers, psychologists, economists, sociologists, therapists...
Meeting qts for the first time edition
What do you like about your country?
Why is China so FUCKING BASED?
Don't tell me Americans ACTUALLY do this
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
This triggers the American
I suffer in Albania edition
I made a new meme it's called chef tendy
What makes asian girls so feminine? Can we import this to the west?
Tfw developing a crush on a russian girl from work
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/fr/ - le fil francofone
How do you say “what the fuck is this shit in your native language”?
Christianity is dying
This was me in the military :)
Look at cute girl
*ruins your camping trip by the lake*
Poles, just stop and go back to cleaning toilets
What does Japan think of its new emperor?
/brit/ + /more like shit/
How do you feel about the current amwf trend? Based or cringe?
Why do brits have swarthy people like russell brand, sean connery, rowan atkinson, emma watson, etc...
/mena/ is arguing over who is whiter again
*replaces you*
Your polish friend invites you for a pizza
What drugs have you done user? i've messed around with xanax and lsd but now i try to keep it to weed only
Where can i find girls like those?
Why is she so perfect hnnnnngggggg
Sverigetråden - Svensk film upplagan
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
>Jow Forums creates a country
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Boy dies after getting hit to the head with a cheese
Who is the most well known General/Marshall in your country?
Whats more dominant in your cunt?
Greetings from Germany!! ^^ xDDD
Be ethnic minority in the US
99% of brazilians males have a secret crush for trannies
Do American students really do this?
My country has no official language
Can Jow Forums count to 5 (five) ? I'll start : 1
German vs Russian vs USA
/ita/ - il filo
Are Central Americans just Mexicans who like the colour blue?
Why does every fuckign turk drives a 70.000€ car
The Greek language could've been the official language of the USA if not for one vote
/danmarktråden/ 2.0
Do you love Portugal?
Curious what people think about Mexicans abroad
I was out of one fucking hour. FUCK YOU, SUN, I FUCKING HATE THIS WEATHER
Why aren't you migrating to Poland?
Cursed Images Around the World
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
/mena/ - Middle East and North Africa
What do we do about dutch people getting so tall? i't wont end well for us
How do we keep Evropa white?
Do americans really do this?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Sverigetråden - Axelupplagan
/cum/ + friends
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2188
Why were the Spainards and Portuguese dumb enough to racemix with the natives and produce absolute disgusting mestizos...
Most of Jow Forums is still in uni, or in their early 20s
You will never be swiss
I didn't realize Putin was married to a Brit. Wow!
I suffer in japan
Do you love sushi
Living in this country is literally giving me depression
Why is spanish so retarded that Limon means two things?
Was Alexander the Great Macedonian or Greek?
The Norwegian constitution, paragraph 2
Did you know the largest mass conversion to Orthodox Christianity in 1000 years happened in Guatemala? Well over 100...
What brings you joy, Jow Forums?
Being Turkish sucks
Is it true the Chinese cheat at literally everything related to school?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Anons I just a girl out, and guess what
/fr/ - le francofil
Did nips do this on purpose so gaijins can't learn their language ?
Do you have a hobby, Jow Forums?
How would you feel after hearing this?
Why yes, I'm from Euro----
Does this really happens in Sweden?
Say one nice thing about the country you hate the most
Sverigetråden - Han sötupplagan
Why do Swedes have Mongol eyes?
What the fuck
Average central Italian girl
The most tasteless and ugliest buildings bulit in Czech Republic last year
Average 21st century Asian male
MASSIVE drop in arab fertility rates
Is this common in your country?
My five years old daughters draw this
Uk politics
Mfw seeing Dad cry
Tell me with a straight face that Scandinavians are not mong, and this is a Dane...
I really hate being a manlet
40 trillion economy by 2024
Gives an entire continent daddy issues
Korean women are for big white cock
Canada is so beautiful! I love the nature!
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/esp/ - el hilo
Due to German class I must make a list of the main method of transportation used by Germans. Unfortunately...
/fr/ - le francofil
Your honest opinion on pic rel
Why doesn't Israel want to free Palestine anyway...
What do people think of the police in your cunt?
Why do Americans build their house out of toothpicks and cardboards?
How and why are you still virgin Jow Forums? I'm 18 and I had sex with 13 girls so far...
Jow Forums - International will end all racism and discrimination through the power of love!
/deutsch/ siegt an allen Fronten
Do you want to find love in a british nightclub?
Be European
/mämmipizza/ - Italo-Finnish alliance
Do you want to find love in Peru ?
Thoughts on this church-burning madman?
Norway 2019, Mohammed is the most popular name for boys
What country has the most aesthetic alphabeth?
/ita/ - il filo
Get into argument with American
Why did Americans mixed with the natives but Australians didnt mix with the Aborigines?
How do you say have sex in your language?
Finland love thread
/v4/ + friends
My friends are pushing me to cut my hair, they told me it would look great short but i'm not sure...
ONLY in America
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's the average salary in your country?
Who else /stuckinthepast/ here ?
Why are they so fucking gay
I’m tired of being portrayed as a Mafioso, as a criminal, as a drug dealer and as a hitman...
Is it normal to call your parents by their name instead of mom/dad in your country?
TFW America has the best working culture due to combination of the Anglo and German mindset...
Meanwhile in Russia
Redpill me on the third world Jow Forums. What exactly is so bad about living there? Why do they complain so much?
How old are you, Jow Forums?
We are the Eternal Empire
So after this years spent in this forum I realized that the people from Nordic countries constantly use slang from the...
Have u ever been to Korea?
/fr/ - le francofil
Come to my country you dummies
ITT: Jow Forums posters you recognize
Modern day Russia is pretty based
Aside from complete annihilation, is there any way to fix them?
Please, I beg of you, NUKE US
/mahlzeit/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your cunt
American tourist asks for directions
What makes white smirks so powerful?
Anyone else actually come here because of a genuine interest in other countries...
If your cunt is sub-100 you're subhuman
This is a new building construction in Kyev, Ukraine. Would any Westerners live in it...
There are unironically more cultural differences between two neighbouring Greek villages than there are between...
Russian/ukrainian - dumb language
American tourists ask me for directions
I probably hate Dutch more than anyone else here, I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every Dutch poster here...
Tfw my new roommate will be from one of these cunts
Post the best Germany movie you have seen
When we enter EU there will be more Westerners moving to Macedonia than Macedonians moving abroad...
Why are Japanese women obese but American women are slim?
Tfw thin cock (14cm circumference)
Kys faggots
Where are new pictures
I want to live in Vermont. I have relatives with American citizenship, can they help me with GreenCard...
15 years in this shitshow
/SAG/ - South Asia General - Aryan edition
Tfw I learned more japanese in 2 months using comprehensive input than I did during 3 years of conventional study
Redpill me on negroe mountain
Life in the balkans is the same as Western Europe
What is the best country to live in if I want to be a transition?
Jow Forums made me gay, and that's okay! :3
Real nice
Would you accept Ukraine into EU in place of UK???
Is your country just a shitty version of a bigger, stronger, richer country next to you?
Sverigetråden - Olyckanupplagan
/tr/- t*Rkiyede kalan gerizekalı t*Rkler
/cum/ - קאַנאַדע פאַרייניקטע שטאַטן מעקסיקא
Have a hafu friend who was born and raised here
What does Jow Forums think of China and Chinese """""""""""men""""""""""""?
How do I acquire Natalia gf
Kurva anyátok
How does Japan feel about the rise of China...
I miss her bros
What is the best language for an Anglo to learn?
Tfw no eesti bf
How come the th*rd world has only ever been decent under rule of europeans?
White race has lost
Do americans really?
Biggest news in east Asia . This day has come
Hehehehe some ermeni revolt hehehehe betrayed empire hehehehe kill everyone totally deserved hehehehe
Made anime
Urban sprawl of Manila, Philippines
Post swords and other bladed weapons from your country
The Chad Corvette owner
I have a retarded uni project where I have to either become an expert on Argentina or Serbia...
Your country
How come the British (or any other European power) didn't conquer all of China the same way that the British had...
Korean study thread
Anyone else unironically hate modern Western women?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
ISIS in charge of not being absolutely pathetic
It's a damn shame I turned out incel, my youth is crumbling through my fingers
1. Your Country
Imagine ever eating rotten beans as a candy
Why do they dislike black humor and swearing so much?
Mfw americans call temperate orange leaf season "Fall"
How do i move here? I have an eu passport and am willing to learn italian or french but not GERM@n
Do you love Japan?
Saudi Arabia beheads 37 people, puts body on display
Why did they destroy Greece?
Why bongs are so uncivilized when they go to another country?
Would you impregnate this Mexican girl?
Mfw literally invented potatoes
How do you cope not being born in the greatest kingdom the world has seen?
Do you like Jewish girls?
Proof that race mixing is a good thing
/luso/ - Fio Hetero e Feminista
How would you treat me, as an American citizen, if I visited your country?
The UN peacekeepers are the nicest armed force in the world
Greater India when?
Do you want to find love in America?
What race is she ?
Makes ya think
Thoughts on this map?
WOW! German girls look like that?!?!?!?
Do girls in your country have get pregnant at a young age?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do you wanna find love in sweden?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is this a common occurrence in your country?
Why is the least thieving and scheming anglo of all time the posterboy for the eternal anglo meme?
Did you know that US government has started putting gated and cameras around bridges because people keep trying to...
Even the worst part of my town looks better than russia, macacoland or eastern europe(poles and baltics are EE)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Japanese women obese?
What are the most spic friendly countries
/cum/ + Jow Forums
Countries who love anime the most
I am half-Armenian
6pm and it's already dark, how you eurofigs deal with this, I feel like shit without sunlight
Turns out Brits named a city after New York. Europeans are truely obsessed with America
Your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le fil francofil
Sverigetråden - Ahlborg upplagan
200000 BC to 1500 AD
/deutsch/ aka /Christenchat/
Post your future wife
Iceland thread :)
I saw a comment on this board about an European bragging about once seeing an American crying on the street and not...
Conquest Game, Thread 5
Post the local critters you see commonly in your cunt
Your country
Heritage thread?
Why are Indians so based?
Do people fight much in your cunt?
Were you popular in high school?
Reminder not to talk shit about Canada in open spaces
Russia fearing a NATO attack through Estonia
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Share some interesting stories from your childhood
What are 5 feet 8 inches tall men treated like in your country?
How would I be treated in your country?
Whiter than thou Muhammad
I wish I was born in Japan or Western Europe
Hyperwar 2019, which would win?
/fr/ - le francofil
/ita/ - il filo
This is 10/10 in Poland
I still have a week left, but I want to go back to Korea
This board is mean
You wake up in Helsinki
What do you think about english tourists?
/v4/ + friends
"""""""""""""""Ile"""""""""""""""" de France
They have always had best food but produced no good music since the 80s. How come?
Conquest Game, Thread 4
How the fuck do people live like this?
Sverigetråden - sämsta första maj upplagan
Why do you love Japan so much? aside from cartoons made for children what does Japan offer that China or Korea can't...
Tver Karelians in the diaspora retained the original gene pool
Cum to Analbania
What are you waiting to get a Colombian gf?
Why do Americans antagonize their working class so much?
Brits call detergent "washing up liquid"
Pizza time
Tomorrow is Polish National Flag Day
Would the Middle East be a better place if we split Iraq into three different states like it was originally planned?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
I weighed myself and im in 54kg but i think i should weight like 50kg
Faces of Jow Forums
Once the most powerful country in the world
What is this called in your country?
I feel bad for my dad
Sverigetråden - Första Maj-upplagan
Ah yes, the so called British 'homes'
It has been almost 30 years since USSR broke off activity...
Where would you choose to live if you knew the local language perfectly, Tokyo or London?
Portugal is the best country in the world and there is nothing you can do about it
Okay Jow Forums
I hope jannies fucking die. A ban just for this?
Why do european leftists love mass immigration? Doesn't that harm native workers?
Great job everyone
Do you guys actually judge people based on the country they were born in
How people in ur country would react to this couple?
It's another thread made by a self-hating American leftist who wishes he lived in Europe because they have fwee healwf...
/cum/ + Jow Forums
If Finnish people are elves, what high fantasy caharacters are other countries? Who are ogres, mages, human...
Is vehemently defending Israel a thing in your country? It’s getting really fucking weird here
Visit parents' house
Post the most stereotypical foods from your country ever
What is Jow Forums's thoughts on cuddling in the bed?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship