Living in this country is literally giving me depression

living in this country is literally giving me depression

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Move then.

don't have money to

>I suffer in Brazil

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you cant be depressed in a third world country, silly monkey

Are you working?

just hop on a ferry to europe, but you would never do it cause it's easier to complain than act


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>giving me depression

you probably would be depressed in any country, do something to occupy your mind, go to college or find a job. you can have a good life here in brazil, if you are a neet and wasting our time on the computer ( like me ) you will just suffer

>Electric showers
>big bundas
>12 dollars for anal
>warm all the time
What's not to love

>the stress just crushes you
>*sips coconut*

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>warm all the time


This is literally how I imagine life in most south hemisphere cunts is.

the life here is good you can go hunting/fishing almost every day, here where i live but there is nothing more to do than just go out with friends

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Go fuck Felipe in the ass. I hear it cures depression.

You can't do sport?
You can't read?
You can't play videogames?

living in general is giving me depression

the price for books/comics here its pretty expensive, the price for new games doesn't make sense its R$ 300.00 for a new one game, i go to gym almost everyday but the life here is good

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Just go outside more.

this is not me btw
i'm, the OP, live in a hellhole big city with no nature whatsoever

o unico problema das cidades grandes é o alto custo para a prestação de serviçõs, fora isso vc tem uma gama de coisas maior para fazer de quem mora no interior, aqui as coisas se resumen a churrasco ou algum evento mas hj em dia nem eventos tem mais fora isso a unica coisa que se pode fazer é andar no mato

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whats the city ?

filho, para pegar o ônibus são 4,50 só para ir e os 4,50 para voltar, é muito caro e eu gosto de mato

são paulo

>são paulo
other than crime is it really that bad ? seems like a big metropolitan city, isnt it also the richest ?

lol eu pago 6 conto

what is the point of being the richest if i'm poor

lmao and you want to live where?
>get shot
>get raped
>have to pay tv loicense
there's no escape


Just be yourself

>get raped in Japan
nobody thinks that you play victims in Japan, morelike you do predator