>Jow Forums creates a country

What shall our laws and government be?

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free education
everyone must work
no rich people allowed

It gets immediately nuked after its foundation and we all get to die

no goverment
no rules
fuck you

Shitposting is mandatory, and is taught in schools
Animeposting is a felony, which can lead to a death sentence in the most severe cases

No kings
No gods
Only man

It will be cringe beyond belief

government mandated qt3.14 gf and/or sexbot

Idk but we'd need a concentration camp for amerifats for sure

No taxes
Vojak posters should be hanged
Everyone is allowed to own guns
There is no minimum age of criminal responsibility, toddlers can go to jail
Gay sex is mandatory

An IQ over 80 is an immediate death sentence

As if anyone here possesses an IQ over 80

what would be her nationality?

You would fill it out on a form along with the rest of your preferences on your 18th birthday

Dubs determine who becomes the Fuhrer

I'm in charge of it


As your new Führer I order you to put all Americans in fat camp. If you're a shitskin you're not allowed to live here unless you're a cute girl

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Wait, given that this is an Jow Forums country, are you talking about cute girls (male) or cute girls (female)

>teaching shitposting in school
no, there has to be some sort of natural selection. If you cannot do it naturally, you're getting killed or deported to Re**itistan. Only the strongest ones have the right to live in our country. It's the survival of the shittiest

Law #1 Do what thou wilt shall be the extent of the law
Law #2 No niggers

Just be cute and fuckable
Tripfags are to be shot on sight

Enforced communism

>Law #2 No niggers
we can't have a population of 0

Legal slavery except wh*Tes are enslaved by BLACK and minority BVLLS this time

no compromises

You can't defeat me, Knut.

10% flat tax
state funded education
no victimless crimes
this guy is in charge
powers split between him and an elected parliament

>no victimless crimes
dog fucker

A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people!

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Hold on there, my dubs show that there are two worthy of being king. We must decide who the true ruler is.

thanks for reminding me,
no animal rights, animals are just property in this new state

>Leaf calling anyone a dogfucker

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But who’s to judge the right from wrong. When our guard is down i think we’ll both agree that violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way.

>Sweden makes it illegal
>Canada makes it legal

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Well then, if is the king, that would make me the usurper.

as my first act as the new king, I am banning all Brazilians from entering the country.

Our economic system will be called "Ligma"

In Canada you can either smoke a joint or a dog pole

Lets invade Redditland, frens

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I am on board.

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All gay people have to wear pink triangles so I stop getting my hopes up

or visit the inbred Frenchies in Quebec

I support your claim to the throne. Maybe we should split the country in half.

Let's go frens

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Emma as Prime minister or President

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I can start the insurgency

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Interracial breeding grounds

Maybe a compromise is the right way to go...

But I already live in America

Mandatory sterilization.

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I want my country to be like the Handmaid's Tale

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maybe federalize

First thing to do is splitting into ghettos for each general and only ever leave them to spread banter and falseflagging in rival ghettos

Name: 4chanistan
Enemy: R*dditland, but Mods and Jannies are constantly usurped/assassinated
Military: Mandatory Enlistment, either as a foot soldier or shitposting unit
Marriage: No homos, but exceptions are made for 2D characters. Black Bvlls can have 2 wives while 2 cucks will have to share 1 wife. It balances out and just works.
Religion: Orthodox, any mention of pr*tties gets you banned.
Culture: what culture? 4chanistan is a land of no culture. Only cuckoldry.

K*kistan must be our enemy as well. We need to rise up against the Jow Forumsutants

Tripcucks must be beheaded on the central plaza in front of a church.

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Adopting Bitcoin as one of the official currencies.

If only you knew how good things would be.

No leaves, no australians, no austrians, very limited and controlled amount of americans.
Monarchist, economically left-leaning, environmentally focused, socially right-leaning, complete ban on immigration.
Also, I'm the Führer and dubs will confirm.
Don't @ me.


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Dubs didnt confirm, I am still the leader.

No rights for women. Once they have their first bleeding they should be locked up and enslaved.


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mandatory interracial breeding grounds

>If you're a shitskin you're not allowed to live here unless you're a cute girl

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>no rights for women
Or wh*te "men"

It looks like there are a lot of anarchists here.

Death to israel and death to all jews

Mandatory Maternity leave for up to three weeks. Invoked upon:
>Pregnancy complications (Ex: Preeclampsia)
>At employee's request if braxton hicks are getting too real
>Too many labor jokes

thats right, Knut. Bow down to your new leader.