Russian Interwebs

Good bye russians friends, you will be missed here

Attached: 2019-05-03 01.16.10.png (1433x1346, 818K)

Other urls found in this thread:

too good to be true

>daily mail

In the trash It goes

before we go, let me announce that i hate these people:
Afghan Albanian Algerian American Andorran Angolan Antiguans Argentinean Armenian Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bahamian Bahraini Bangladeshi Barbadian Barbudans Batswana Belarusian Belgian Belizean Beninese Bhutanese Bolivian Bosnian Brazilian British Bruneian Bulgarian Burkinabe Burmese Burundian Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Cape Verdean Central African Chadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Comoran Congolese Congolese Costa Rican Croatian Cuban Cypriot Czech Danish Djibouti Dominican Dominican East Timorese Ecuadorean Egyptian Emirian Equatorial Guinean Eritrean Estonian Ethiopian Fijian Filipino Finnish French Gabonese Gambian Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Grenadian Guatemalan Guinea-Bissauan Guinean Guyanese Haitian Herzegovinian Honduran Hungarian I-Kiribati Icelander Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Jamaican Japanese Jordanian Kazakhstani Kenyan Kittian and Nevisian Kuwaiti Kyrgyz Laotian Latvian Lebanese Liberian Libyan Liechtensteiner Lithuanian Luxembourger Macedonian Malagasy Malawian Malaysian Maldivan Malian Maltese Marshallese Mauritanian Mauritian Mexican Micronesian Moldovan Monacan Mongolian Moroccan Mosotho Motswana Mozambican Namibian Nauruan Nepalese New Zealander Ni-Vanuatu Nicaraguan Nigerian Nigerien North Korean Northern Irish Norwegian Omani Pakistani Palauan Panamanian Papua New Guinean Paraguayan Peruvian Polish Portuguese Qatari Romanian Rwandan Saint Lucian Salvadoran Samoan San Marinese Sao Tomean Saudi Scottish Senegalese Serbian Seychellois Sierra Leonean Singaporean Slovakian Slovenian Solomon Islander Somali South African South Korean Spanish Sri Lankan Sudanese Surinamer Swazi Swedish Swiss Syrian Taiwanese Tajik Tanzanian Thai Togolese Tongan Trinidadian or Tobagonian Tunisian Turkish Tuvaluan Ugandan Ukrainian Uruguayan Uzbekistani Venezuelan Vietnamese Welsh Welsh Yemenite Zambian Zimbabwean

i dont hate: Russian

Wait you don't hate us? BASED


Seriously one of my greatest fears. I'm very close to some people I talk to online and losing contact with Russian friends due to political fuckery has been a source of anxiety for a while now.

russians are the best posters
pls don't go

Attached: 1553778253664.png (911x891, 43K)

Fuck no, some of the best sites to watch stuff are russian.

Based. Less people will be exposed to American propaganda.

Aптeкaн, мы знaeм, чтo этo ты. Хopoш лoмaть кoмeдию.

pretty epic post tb h

is DOTA saved?

putang ina mo

I gonna go for the rallies if they block the internet

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 40K)

they will probably succeed in pushing that law through as well

Attached: 1489341320482.jpg (650x487, 55K)

I could hate you personally. Fuck you!

Everything be alright. They're just dickwaving.

Holy shit finally


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>tfw no cykablyats in my DOTA and CS games
why even bother breathing anymore

Will Russian thots stop posting pictures of themselves reviewing lingerie on Aliexpress? I hope not.

What type of car will you use for rallies? Subaru wrx is always good but I think it’s lacking in flavor. For me it’s the mitsubishi lancer EVO

Attached: E8F0618B-6BAF-4799-89B4-0099C54487CC.jpg (1400x733, 194K)

Please tell me you're retarded,

hermit kingdoms

Attached: 1556167179982.jpg (1920x1080, 242K)

>journalism in current year
They just want the capability to do so in a time of war

too based to be true

Attached: tenor.gif (322x242, 1.51M)

So what is he actually gonna do? Headlines arent news.


Nah. Many russians don't trust our government anymore. Some suppose(me included) that this measure will be the same as China did (blocking internet in time of protests and major events).
Chinese firewall analog.

Just search for lingerie on Aliexpress. The thots are everywhere.

So from an article I read, you're just gonna centralise a bunch of stuff in case you get cut off.

Gib some


>i dont hate: Russian

Something is very wrong with you

he's russian

Govt already made it "illegal" to use proxy, vpn and tor.
Google how our govt tried to block telegram.

When are you planning on moving?

Attached: A451B955-2860-4E91-93EB-883CF908784B.gif (180x144, 80K)

nothing of value lost.

She should go back to Ukraine.



Хвaтит пepeпиcывaть хyйню из мeдyзы. B зaкoнe нaпиcaнo, чтo ecли нaм eбнyт интepнeт, тo дoлжнa быть coздaнa инфpacтpyктypa для caмocтoятeльнoгo eгo фyнкциoниpoвaния. Taкoй жe зaкoн ecть в Beликoбpитaнии.


Will you marry me?(I need EU passport)
Desipte the state of cuckoldry in UK:
UK does not imprison people for reposts, UK also does not ban proxies, vpns and don't ban social media services.

Care tell me about the other countries that have the same measures as us? -China.

>Хвaтит пepeпиcывaть хyйню из мeдyзы.
Sorry, but i don't read this leftist shit.

Are you a woman?

Дa мнe Китaй вooбщe нpaвитcя. Гopaздo лyчшe дeгeнepaтивнoй зaпaднoй дeмoкpaтии. Плoхoe cpaвнeниe.


Scots and Welsh are British, you fucking twit.

>uk doesn't...

goodbye russians, goodbye russians

Attached: CmdC9BvUIAAfqtL.jpg (848x461, 69K)

russians hate russians. I hate russians too

>t. zhang

Why don't you move to another country then?

>t. zhang

Attached: 3lj6s5l.gif (652x562, 392K)

>Russian subhumans no longer in my vidya
Too good to be true

Attached: 1556536504936.gif (800x520, 350K)

you say this like it's easy to do


Oh, you are too poor and stupid to leave? This explains a lot.

This law is not about cutting of us from internet you western dumbasses

isnt it basically making russian internet like the chinese one?

No. The law is about creating an infrastructure for the Internet if the US cuts us off from it.

this law not even about firewall like in china,this law is about spending much money to possibly make our internet autonomos(which is impossible) blah blah blah (basically to steal budget money again)

It's basically about creating alternative routing for runet segment in case west will go full retarded and cut us out of world web. That's all.

>to steal budget money again
What do you suggest they should do with them?

It always makes me laugh when virgins on here take marriage proposals seriously.

Will you marry me? (I wanna live in Manchester)

Ruskimutts go banya and calm down))

I don't have banya, I live in city.

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