I think i killed a guy on accident

i think i killed a guy on accident

Attached: 1556688470063.png (1000x500, 176K)

idk if i dare to say it..........
you know what
im just gonna go ahead and say it


I hope he was wh*te.

Attached: 1526587881782.jpg (379x226, 82K)

Full story?

>on accident
we all know that wasn't the case

>Arab on Arab violence

Imagine my shock.jpg

he was leaning on my car, i told him to go away respectfully and he ignored, i told him fuck off and he started coming towards me, i punched him instinctively and he fell on his back, his hands curled which was a bad sign so i got into my car and GTFO'd.

Serves him right for being unhinged.

If you're telling the truth, why would you share it since the police might track you down?

don't use your car in the next month or something

>If you're telling the truth
Jow Forums is all fiction and satire, son

it's anonymous idiot

i remember reading on Jow Forums a guy that got tracked down after a few months bc of posting cheese, you are never safe

I know most of the shit on 4chink is made up
Why take the risk?

>He thinks 4chsn is really anonymous
user I....

well, i am not posting pizza, also i needed to vent out, i had to tell someone.

i remember you making a thread about this like 2 months ago, why are you doing it again?


what did he fall on, what surface?


based jordanian felon

>i needed to vent out, i had to tell someone
there no such thing as venting, only self incrimination

he'll be fine

Nice copypasta