Hungarian boys edition
Other urls found in this thread:
where did you find a picture of my hungarian grand-grandfather
Fuck slavs
In case you haven't noticed, Jow Forums is embarrassing juvenile garbage and Reddit is where the actual mature discussion takes place
the only mature things right now are the sperm in my balls and your mom on my lap
You got that "Who would win? A Bulgarian gorilla or your greek ass?" Meme.
Its pretty much the first /balk/ meme I saw but I can't find it anymore.
>Rasha baits Laszlo into destroying his life
you're a fool if you think that
1) i intended to bait
2) that's his real pic
laszlo is a russian AI neural network wikipedia bot
Hey Laszlo, if you derive anything good from this it's that you're actually Hungarian, no Serb ever turns out this betoid.
here is an authentic picture of laszlo
How many posters here have you baited into revealing themselves?
I'm smarter than most people who attend unis. I just hate the education system and teachers, especially those outside of medicine, engineering and mathematics. Especially in Transnistria, I think most of it is a big scam. And you can earn a living without a degree, such as by learning a trade or through commerce. I understand that a degree is required for social and career mobility, I just cannot stand academians and students enough to get one because they're all retarded, shallow, disgusting people with a fucking attitude.
It wasn't that one.
It was a picture of Winston as an example of a Bulgaria and some bended over elf.
i don't bait and people just doxx themselves cos they're stupid
how do you think law enforcement is so successful
it's cos normies snitch and normies fuck up collossally
show me one example where someone relevant got hacked so bad without it being his fault somehow (no password / shit opsec / clicking shit and trusting shit without researching)
This but unironically
*tips fedora*
the magyarbait reveal is just a bait to lower your guard so you self-conscious faggots reveal your weaknesses
don't fall for it
Holy kek of keks
may 3, 2019
the day magyarbey hangs himself
you could do something with that JUST hair
exaggerate it somehow
maybe turn him into brendan himself
and if not everyone still benefits because thread is not a discussion of streetview screencaps\economy graphs for once
Why did the magyar went so quiet all of a sudden?
First time I've laughed this loud from a Jow Forums post
makes me wonder why you care so much about this thread's wellbeing
Simbly ebin
yeah serbro killed it
but you gotta give kredit to krasnoyarskbey for providing the template too
Stop bullying magyarbro faggots
60% mainstream gavad.
none of your business, let's just say I'm having experiment here, psyop related
>retarded, shallow, disgusting people with a fucking attitude
so... normies?
fucking ГPУ
But he tries to form an ideology that will be acceptable to them instead of just saying he doesn't give a fuck so bleh.
when are you coming back to bulgaria euflag
You fuckers have checked the last thread and realize that what the greek posted is a new pasta, right?
>y-you guys know that a romanian posted this, r-rite
fuck off you attention-seeking whore
go get a life
I'm not that guy, so fuck off you commie faggot.
Shut the fuck up faggot
the only commie is your mom
cos she gives pussy away for free
It's based off real ppl.
filthy gipsache
>Y-your mom!
Even 9th graders have better comebacks
Fair enough.
you'd know cos you're a 9th grader yourself
fucking 12 year olds i swear
>Not gypsy-lovers
Underage zoomer trash
You shouldn't be allowed to have internet
Rumor has it Romanians aren't real
I don't really wanna make memes of the magyar
shit bait didn't read
not even gonna give you a you
>I-I don't have a comeback
>must become defensive
>gypsy lover
off to r*ddit you go, faggot.
you're so weak even magyarbey looks alpha next to you
>not gypsy lovers
Stop embarrassing us, Zoomer-kun, and go do your homework.
is desuarchive b@ just for my shithole? I have to use online proxy like toolur every time I want to see dead thread
You don't even know
You mongrel, that's why I mentioned it. I know those filthy bastards love some gypsy cock, and you seem to be enjoying it too.
I'm not the one shilling for university, zoomer-chan.
run a chinese ISP cable in krasnoyarsk, become a chink ISP
no worry, no probrem
So what if I am? Do I have to be a brainlet to post here, nigger-chin?
you incel niggas are too obvious getting buttmad on a friday
lmao just kill yourselves
no one cares and no one would notice anyway
>Not brainlets
Just shut the fuck up already rodditor. Go suck gyspy dick like your professors told you to, faggot.
magyartard is also a leftypol user
Why do brainlets who are too dumb for uni always come up with such pathetic copes.
>being this big of a brainlet
>post starts already with a contradiction
didn't read the rest, nigger-chin. just make sure to clean the streets very well, please.
Laszlo, my university friend. I love magyarország now.
>If you disagree with me you're a brainlet gypsy
Lotta good your studies did when you can't even argue properly
Better be a brainlet than an uni student who tried to kill himself
back in my day, you went to university whether you liked it or not
>can't even argue properly
And you just spammed "Go back to r*ddit". Brainlet cope at it's finest.
>hurr durr muh SJW indoctrinaishun
Just study STEM.
more like... just don't go to an american university
You said it first. Hypocrisy at its' finest, as is the retarded ac*demician's way.
>Just study STEM.
If you think they don't indoctrinate them there you haven't been anywhere near STEM.
>you said it first
yes, but you kept spamming it.
Also, how can you talk about hypocrisy when you think way ,you gypsy faggot?
Bruh I literally study STEM, what indoctrination are you talking about?
>but hurr durr they teach kids about non-whyte scientists
Yeah, we'll get over it, faggot.
teacher: holocaust happened
poltard: this is white genocide!! marxism!!! sjw!!!!
>You spammed it
>I only said it once
Dumb academician can't even count right. Good thing you wasted your money on gypsy lovers.
Stop larping you absolute idiot, I bet you're the student who never shows up for classes and just goes to take his exams.
>Bruh I literally study STEM
Just like you're fat and 21 years old, right?
Yes, literally all three.
Of course now you become defensive, Sofocles. Cope more, brainlet.
It feels like I couldn't have dropped in on this discussion at a better time. So I want to work and be self-sufficient, but my parents want me to study. I've mulled it over and it's either a truck driver or a waiter, but I haven't read quite good reviews about these trades.
>C2 english certificate
>9 something in the bacalaureat but probably won't come in handy
>social anxiety, slouched posture, no clout whatsoever
>I live in a bumfuck Moldavian city so no way I can make good use of my english skills (basically all I have after a life of internet and vidya) here so I'd have to move to either Iasi or the gypsy metropolis
>for the truck driver, no training. I only have the B licence
Didn't post it on Jow Forums because american/western advice is redundant for my state of affairs. Lurked plebbit for the matter and all I could find was NPCs telling other young adults like me not to waste their time and study.
You don't even know what being defensive is, Zoom-Zoom. Looks like non-scholars win again.
If you don't want to study and become a brainlet like then go for it. He has no idea what he's talking about and still can't shut the fuck up and becomes defensive as fuck. If you want to become like him, choose the waiter route.
Looks like I was right in not liking uni students. You're the most obnoxious faggot I've seen on this board in a while.
>butthurt educationlet copes ITT
>you're the most obnoxious faggot I've seen on this board in a while
Not my bad that you're a fucking brainlet that is frustrated with his minimal education. As I said, and I'll repeat myself, we need some of you gypsies to swipe the streets and be cashiers and live with your parents for the rest of your pathetic lives.
Based and redpilled Laszlo.
How does studying even help you become a better individual? Reading 10 pages of a book or doing 10 reps of some strength exercise is much much better than rote learning for hours at end. It's a different form of slavery. When you work as a waiter, you take on a different personality (subservient) because you are serving the clients however boorish they are.
When you study, it takes over you completely, it turns you into a drone. When you work, you're back home and you can blast music, drink beer and play games.
You're more disposable as a student than as a blue collar worker. The owner of a place needs you, you are only disposable if you're a poor worker. In university, the teacher couldn't care less about scrapping you if you don't study well enough and fail. I've had enough of this so called highbrow intellectuals called teachers throughout 12 years of school desu.
>hehehehhehehe fucking twink magyartard hahahaha we're so much more macho and alpha than you, obey us the balkan bvlls, praise kek t. this is literally me
I forgive you for Vukovar
>the post that reconciliated vukovar
>Non-Educated Chads
>Useful life skills
>Strong livers
>Married early and have multiple kids
>Still find time for friends and hobbies
>Fulfilling and happy life
>Built and own their own homes
>Useless degrees
>Weak from staying in-doors all day and only eating ramen
>No money
>No GF
>Can't handle alcohol but still get shitfaced to escape the dread of being a scholar drone
Krasnoyarsk already baiting