Whomst was the greatest man that'st ever lived?

Whomst was the greatest man that'st ever lived?

Attached: 494px-Oliver_Cromwell_by_Samuel_Cooper.jpg (494x600, 71K)

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Cromwell was a fucking bastard, despise the British monarchy but far lesser evil than Cromwell


>Cromwell was a fucking bastard

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Fuck off Brit

>t. 5.5% Irish heritage

what could of been...

Attached: napoleon-1er.jpg (625x952, 161K)

This Italian user

I have permanent residency here you unholy vermin


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Its not even debatable its Napoleon

even though he put some others higher than himself

The Christian answer would be Christ, but from a secular perspective, I'd say Justinian the Great

Attached: justinian-1.jpg (400x256, 48K)

The one and only. The others are just peasants.

Attached: https___upload.wikimedia.org_wikipedia_commons_thumb_d_dc_Retrato_de_Julio_C%C3%A9sar_%2826724093101 (221x390, 11K)

Hitler. World war II ended European and Japanese Colonial empires.

Napoleon, Hitler, Caesar, Alexander the great
Euler, GauB

St. Paul > Jesus.


Attached: sta.jpg (900x1426, 183K)

A totally non-biased statement.

*indifferently kills catholics and protestants in your path*

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>Have to resurrect to convince Jews
>Hallucinate and write letters to convince multiple nations

definitely someone from france.


Undoubtedly pic related

Attached: when the government does stuff.jpg (474x611, 53K)

*Lets the Jews back into England*

Based. He followed the God's will.

better a jew than a taig

OP is based

Lol ok shlomo


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Is this a meme or do people unironically like Cromwell? He was a repugnant man in almost every way

Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander
Euler, Gauss

Yes, what could HAVE been.

Vile yank.


Saint Charles, King and Martyr

I will single-handedly conquer the world and nuke Lithuania to smithereens