Whomst was the greatest man that'st ever lived?
Whomst was the greatest man that'st ever lived?
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Cromwell was a fucking bastard, despise the British monarchy but far lesser evil than Cromwell
>Cromwell was a fucking bastard
Fuck off Brit
>t. 5.5% Irish heritage
what could of been...
This Italian user
I have permanent residency here you unholy vermin
Its not even debatable its Napoleon
even though he put some others higher than himself
The Christian answer would be Christ, but from a secular perspective, I'd say Justinian the Great
The one and only. The others are just peasants.
Hitler. World war II ended European and Japanese Colonial empires.
Napoleon, Hitler, Caesar, Alexander the great
Euler, GauB
St. Paul > Jesus.
A totally non-biased statement.
*indifferently kills catholics and protestants in your path*
>Have to resurrect to convince Jews
>Hallucinate and write letters to convince multiple nations
definitely someone from france.
Undoubtedly pic related
*Lets the Jews back into England*
Based. He followed the God's will.
better a jew than a taig
OP is based
Lol ok shlomo
Is this a meme or do people unironically like Cromwell? He was a repugnant man in almost every way
Napoleon, Hitler, Alexander
Euler, Gauss
Yes, what could HAVE been.
Vile yank.
Saint Charles, King and Martyr
I will single-handedly conquer the world and nuke Lithuania to smithereens