زي الخرى
/mena/ = /me/+/na/
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فروخ وجراوي جينيرال
answer me majoosi
>Also you can't force your way into a city. it will lead to street fights and at least 300,000 deaths or displaced
like your subhuman government cares, the only success they had in this war was bombing civilians and destroying random buildings, cope harder scumbag.
>اشتريت لسة على اوبنسوق
>معها جرب و بتمص بطزهل ليل نهار
>ضاعو اربعين دينار
ألف فرحه تنوّر حياتكم، ألف كلمة حلوة من عندي تقول لكم جمعة مباركة
I hate you
قصدي بسة
كسم هالقصة
إحنا هنا بنكره الجمعة يا أنون بس شكراً عموماً
i will rape you
يسعد مساك صديقي
تجاهل الحاقدين
We can share
>Jew lover
I hate that you have the same flag as me
subhuman shitskin sandniggers, be grateful a G-Ds chosen has decided to honor and bless us with his presence in this thread.
So is Tunisia recommended here as a vacation destination?
reminder that it was israel who stood besides us when palirats chimped out during black september, it is them who chose to let us exist and not wipe us out.
i take his anus you take his mouth
Yes, and it's a high quality one too.
your mother is so fat 2 guys could fuck her at the same time and never meet
I'll fuck his mouth so hard it'll come out of his anus. This way I'll have indirectly fucked you too.
>Scandinavians going to Nafri countries
That didn't work out last time
Disgusting Jew loving self hating palirat
hate these kind of subhumans, they literally ruin the ME
>the only success they had in this war was bombing civilians
more civilians died due to houthis than we did you Levant mutt
i will put my penis inside your penis hole when it comes out from his anus
don't mention my mother you fucking subhuman nigger
saudi propaganda machine at work right here, fucking sub-human incompetent shitskinned retards, all the money thrown at your military and it's still embarrassingly bad.
t. subhuman anti-semite
I'm not a thot tho and Algeria is rather different from Tunisia.
i will mention my ex-wife whenever i want, you spoiled little turd.
says you while me raping your whole family
I'm an original palastinian that isn't one of the 1800 immigrant larpers and I might as well be Jewish, But death to zionist scum and all their """""ärap""""" supporters
لا إله إلا ٱلله موسى رسول ٱلله
ليش ؟
i couldn't say the same about your family since i fuck them willingly.
Moot was on /a/ the other day.
Both are Nafris under different names
Nafri genes are in them and you will remember me when your decapitation is recorded.
Come to Jordan instead, Whites who come here unironically choose to stay
ابن ستة وستين كلب
le based edgy tvrk
cringe, you really think you're pure ? you're a mutt and your great grandma probably got fucked by a zanji or other kind of subhuman, delusional palirat.
No lol. Tunisia is boring
هل انت لاجئ
you couldn;t say the same because you are a fucking beta cuck that sold his land to the uk
now shut up and let me continue fucking your mother
هذه تعتبر إهانة للكلاب
your "country" was literally defeated in 6 days by country that relies on donations lmao
Houthis aren't a real army and we are doing far better in facing militant guerrilla than the USSR or american ever did in much worse terrain.
ISIS or houthis would take your country in days like how IS did to iraq and syria
>whites who come to Jordan stay
Keep dreaming arape
عشان معظمنا بيروح يصلي الجمعة غصب عنه أو بيتعرض لبضان متعلق بصلاة الجمعة
Nice try turduni but I can trace my family to the 1700s at least
كس ام امك يا يهو*ي كلب
ابن الخنازير والقردة
Yikes, don't you have any honor ? speaking about your grandmother this way... i should have spanked you when you were little but your mother urged me not to due to your mental deficiencies.
Sorry do I know you, Nafris cum?
>original palastinian
and other jokes that you can tell yourself
stfu rapebaby mutt
t. Self hating palirat
nice try turduni
you know what? you all niggers are never going to recover
fuck allah
fuck yahwah
fuck god
all hail innanu
all hail mesopotamia
wtf is this shit?
Even slavs are nice to each other in their thread
t. Nafri
your name says it
Most of /mena/ is underage
باقدرش افهم اذا بتحكي عن جد والا انت shitposting
ولا واحد بيحب اسرائيل
بس youre funny nevertheless
شو معاناته لبضان؟
الله ياخدك وانشالله يخرب بيتك يا خندوز
Shut the fuck up you subhuman filth, I'm fucking your mom right now
Assyrians were fucking destroyed. Deal with it.
israel belongs to assyrians, get the fuck out
only a big black man can handle middle east
sorry arabbois
Israelis are our only allies against Palirats and syr*ns
Before israel most jews in Palestine used Palestinian passport and currency.
im raping your whole family to death you fucking cuck
Iraq belongs to isis
بضان بالمصري معناها الحرفي مخاصي
في السياق ده معناها lameness أو مضايقة بشكل أدق
things that never happened
Get the fuck out of Palestine you stupid bitch
Nice try but I don't know my family since I'm adopted, but I'm actually deepthroating your entire family right now
Even your father
studies proved that akkadians are the ancestors of moderen iraqis, we still exist, the great civilization will rise up again
بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لا يستطيعون معرفة ، أنا أستخدم ترجمة جوجل
nice, im raping both your mother in law and your mother, again, to death
اذا انت مش فلسطيني
معاناته انك بدوي؟
Yeah ok, how’s life in Iraq? Is the situation getting somewhat better?
we already killed those rats
Turks are lower than shit.
Do they teach you in turkey that you were a bunch of monkeys in central asia and then arabs took you and educated you and trained you as slaves for centuries?
How fucked is Egypt? The Nile can't support this many people, for those of you who have actually visited all the urban areas are nightmarish hellholes where it takes 3 hours just to drive 10 blocks. I don't see a bright future for them at all
Maybe visit Jordan if I ever go to Lebanon and Israel. What's there to see in Jordan besides Petra and Palestinian refugee camps?
Nice try Persian/arap/nigger/mongolian/kurd mutt
My mother in law is your grandmother from your mother side
معناته انه كس امك يا ابن الشرموطة
يهودي كلب خنزير ابن قرد كس امك
رجعلي الforeskin
تبعتي يا كسمك
Mfw cannot live in poonisia 6eva (that's pnr longer than 5eva)
لا ترد لي مرة أخرى فأنت الفئران
Live in ya assima
Are you an arab? or a kike who speaks the language? if it's the former, how's life for you in Israel?
we are (((kinda))) getting better, we started producing stuff, people are alive
and thats it
You're right, my upside down friend.
Drastic measures need to be taken or we are doomed to be a shithole forever thanks to overpopulation.
Don't listen to him. Jordan is more expensive than Stockholm (unironically(
Istanbul is extremely cheap and have a ton to do
Turks are thicker and cuter than you Saudi black Indians
Nothing, just around 100000 historical site
ذاب الثلج وبان المرج...
Expensive for a subhuman like you, Paying 1$ for a soda might be weird for us but it's completely fine to them
same goes for you Berber(barbarian)
you were used as meat shields against enemy charges
I actually meant to make a thread but this is fine too
Did you grow up in Egypt or were you born overseas? I think the country still has a lot of potential but the government needs to take drastic measures to do something about congestion, Cairo has 20 million fucking people when it should have 10x less to be a livable city
you may laugh now asses, but you are going to regret it when the greatest civilization rise again
I swear one day imma move to i*is just to make a point
Kabyles arr caucasians with a bit of semantic and black admixture at best
ذاب المني تبعي بكس امك بعدين انت طلعت منه بعد ٩ أشهر
كنت بعمل لارب على اساس اني الأردني
انا مليش دخل بالموضوع بس حبيت اسب على كس امك يا ابن القحبة