Is this the only European country that got surpassed by it's ex colony?
>Mexico has a bigger GDP than Spain
Truly pathetic for a past "empire"
Is this the only European country that got surpassed by it's ex colony?
>Mexico has a bigger GDP than Spain
Truly pathetic for a past "empire"
the UK as well
>>Mexico has a bigger GDP than Spain
But that's not true.
By who?
Macedonians are terrible posters
Did you forget the US is an excolony if yours where you sent most of your prisoners till we revolted?
>most of your prisoners
logistically impossible to send "most of our prisoners"
well im glad that shithole with 3 times our population finally surpassed us
Ask me if i care
3/4 of usa were ours
literally -have sex-
You get my point. We were the penal colony before we revolted then you had to use Australia
stay mad, theres a reason you're in USA and not in Mexico
>European country's ex colonies are poor
>European country is evil!
>European country's ex colonies are rich
>European country is pathetic!
Sure you owned the territory that it now owns, that is irrelevant, the nation as we know it was OUR colony.
You had nothing to do with it lol
yes ik what you mean.
Because my ancestors came here and landed in New England and that's where my blood has stayed (for the most part) for hundreds of years now
Spain was probably the most malevolent colonial empire. So glad you are an irrelevant tourist attraction now.
>Spain was probably the most malevolent colonial empire
>when Belgium exists
>he fell for the leyenda negra meme
>Spain was probably the most malevolent colonial empire.
not even close
Argentina surpassed Italy
Russia surpassed Sweden
France surpassed Italy
The UK surpassed France
>>Mexico has a bigger GDP than Spain
Fake news
But they will, they have like 3 times our population and they literally border the US
You happy proxyfag?
Ex-colonies will never surprass their colonizers,they will always have a cuck stamp reminding them of their servitude called language
Learn to English, fucktard.
Spanish and Portuguese are new world languages
england I guess
UK, by the US? anyhow I don't know why to reply to this colinallet North Fruit Salad
this is truth
they should apologize
Spain did everything Belgium did but in multiple countries across the world.
Brazil also surpassed Portugal
>they should apologize
Only the south got prisoners desu, the northeast got religious lunatics
Mate, learn history
Then we'll talk
>Because my ancestors bla bla bla...
t. Jose Hernandez Moctezuma
I mean if the best insult you have is to say I am what you are that is saying a whole lot more about you than it is me
that's a Papagallo. The picture you were looking for is this one
Chile had a university before the USA even though we were the poorest region of Spain.
Did the countless natives they slaughtered get to go to that university?
Belgium didnt own congo, it was leopolds private land
>university where nothing gets invented or funded worthwhile
What's the point in universities if they're useless for the population. Spaniards are brainlets aswell, so i can't fault you guys for that
Spain is the most alpha European country but it is also one of, if not the most, useless ones today.
>Culture consists of bizarre militaristic/violent shit
>Colonists would rape, enslave, or sometimes just kill (for fun) any natives they came across rather than attempting to befriend them like the anglos
>Ruthlessly exploited natives until they were almost all dead
>Channeled all wealth back to Spain, didn't bother actually developing colonies
Now they don't do anything but collect welfare and whine about their migrant problem (which doesn't exist because migrants don't want to be in Spain.) Kind of sad.
>Countless natives Spain slaughtered.
You have no idea what you are talking about. By the 1700s all Christian natives were assimilated culturally and by the laws of the Spanish Empire they couldn't be enslaved.
Lmao imagine being so ignorant of history
It is funny because it is the exact opposite.
> By the 1700s all Christian natives were assimilated culturally and by the laws of the Spanish Empire they couldn't be enslaved.
By the 1700s over 5/6 of the natives were dead
Are there any good books about Spanish colonization? How one small European country colonized entire hemisphere?
Not their fault native's inmune system was shit, same would have happened if literally anyone else had conquered them before.
if you want all details this was an interesting read
the continent was sparsely populated and they fucked the brains out of natives, on top of importing millions of dindu nufins
Spain and Portugal literally worked them to death. It wasn't a slow process like in North America.
>literally worked them to death
that's not how encomiendas worked
>Culture consists of bizarre militaristic/violent shit
ayyy lmao
Not true.
this and taking advantage of divisions among natives
retarded third world subhuman
What the other user said . There's a reason we received soo few niggs but still have a bunch today. The Iberian's worked everyone to death, Brazil had to import over 20 times the niggs as us to sustain a population of them.
Are you retarded? Genuinely asking but yo do know the USA isn't only the 13 colonies that BTFO'd you guys right?
Spain and Portugal stole so much and they still ended up poor. Probably should have developed commerce instead like the anglos did.
Idk why but I'm sure he has more than you.
You are referring to the encomienda system, that lasted for 50 years and was a lax form feudalism.
Laws regarding abuse of indians were put in place too.
When the system ended they were considered subjects to the crown and had the same rights as any other subject.
Meanwhile you deported them or genocided them.
think before you post, you utter spastic
>A Beaner defending Spain
Absolute cringe
Sure thing retard,even if Mexico had a bigger GDP their country would still be a third world shithole full of crime poverty and misery,and its people will forever be known for escaping their own country
el diablo
Territory is irrelevant. The nation is founded on English principles and their language dominates it entirely. Even the beaners abandon Spanish by the second generation.
Mal post, 20 años antes los anglos nos jodieron de manera fea en la guerra de los 7 años.
I am from Spain though you utter moron.
>native population evaporates in Spanish and Portuguese colonies
>"It wasn't us guys! Promise!"
Come on now. Even anglos aren't this bad.
But there are more native americans in South american than in North america
Kazakhstan (2017): 159.4 billion USD
Luxembourg (2017): 62.6 billion USD
brb, moving to Kazakhstan
>China not taking the first place sooner
>Japan retaining 3 that long with their population in freefall
>Germany going in freefall even when importing millions
>Mexico in free fall but not Brazil
In Chile the population of Picunches didn't collapse. They ended mixing up with the Spaniards. Chile is a demographic island.
The only times we had epidemic cases were when the Chilean territories were in danger of being destroyed and the reinforcements from Peru ended causing the mapuche to become sick and die when they were close to burning Santiago
funny coming from a third world shithole known for unemployment & leeching off EU gibs, and sending dishwashers and prostitutes to developed europe
How can you say that when many indigenous Americans in Latina America still live in their ancestral homelands and Indians here love in shitty reservations?
>bla bla bla im inferior bla bla bla
no one cares dont even bother to cope
t. angry balding manlet incel
>its people will forever be known for escaping their own country
this is coming from a spaniard haha
Most American inventors where European-born or Jews. The USA attracted the greatest minds due to its resources and wealth. But the average Anerican wasn't brilliant at all.
>They're not your inventors
>They belong to Evropa! Even though they fled it..
Cope more Spanish spic, nice 8 Nobel prizes you got there. Literally nigger tier LOL
>Brazil had to import over 20 times the niggs as us to sustain a population of them.
10 times as much (4.5m in brazil to 450.000 in the USA), and we received more because the trip from Africa to Brazil is much shorter than the trip Africa-USA, so slaves were much cheaper here. We did suposedly overwork our slaves because they were cheap, but we also have less black people because they mixed more with the natives and their white masters.
That post is made by a fellow yank not me.
Case in point, the average American is a socially retarded inbred yokel. America was a rustic backwater outside of Coastal cities, your white american culture is rural bummfuck by its nature. Thats also the reason most of your popular cultural exports comes from niggers.
Macedonian posters are based
What type of mental illness brings someone to say that Aznar wasn't a great president and that lowering taxes doesn't work and we should be enemies of USA?
>ve la paja en el ojo ajeno, pero no ve la viga enfrente de el
My history books said diseases traveled faster than Spaniards. There are letters where conquistadores explains they find entire villages already dead. Creepy af
A Swiss guy took a side, now you know you're wrong
This could be a pretty good horror movie
t. soon to be Venezuela 2.0: narcoestado boogaloo
t. Country that created ms-13
Yep, Gonzalo and his men arrive to another village filled with death corpses, la viruela nos ha vuelto a tomar ventaja, que dios se apiade de sus almas paganas, said the priest. But this time, something was different, something did this massacre, but it wasn’t el virus loco...