Reminder this is Canada
Reminder this is Canada
that's a shithole
you should see the area below it
looks way better, woah
I can almost smell your marit*Moid stench
Yeah this is pretty much the truth. I’m from Saskatchewan and we’re projected to have a crisis because all the young people are leaving
>250 year old butthurt
how much longer can you keep going?
>white people
mapchart doesn't allow you to detach areas
Fairly accurate
no idea why those two frog flags are on there
C'est l'odeur de la mer et des centaines de milliers de personnes français, les acadiens, des gens bons et honnêtes qui sont oubliés de la France.
Honte à vous
Alberta is based though
No it’s not, it’s full of dumb boomers
No it's comfy and filled with hard working people
I've considered moving out there. It seems comfy in it's own way.
Dumb map. All of Nunavut is an Indian reserve. Same with the whole area surrounding Hudson's Bay.
It is kind of comfy, but it’s really boring. There’s nothing to do, even in the big cities
The Maritimes and Newfoundland have a lot of white people, but they are not quality whites. Unemployed hillbillies and alcoholics mostly.
Those hard workers come from out of province. Oil Fields are worked by Maritimers.
>the more you know
what difference does it make
a huge difference
Did you really need to use that when you can just download a blank map and take a few seconds to fill it in yourself in a paint program?
yes zoom-zoom I did, calm down
newfies are unironically based and redpilled
Maritimes are stupid inbred welfare queens and need to all be expelled like the acadians
wrong, stay mad and non-white
>t. Jamal bin Singh von Chang Milks Buffalo
>by maritimers
yeah back in the 90s when they were doing the jobs for us, while us Albertans were living like kings
Albertans are truly the real welfare queens, living of Maritimer taxes. At least Maritimers have reasons to be poor and downtrodden, we don't have serfs to work our shut down industries.