Why are Americans so emotional and hysterical while we Europeans are so calm and rational?

Why are Americans so emotional and hysterical while we Europeans are so calm and rational?

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>while we Europeans are so calm and rational?
is that why the french are currently chimping out?

French aren't European

>while we Europeans are so calm and rational?

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very good comeback
very nice

Most of history has been Europeans chimping out.

they always need to stand out

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>Create two giant chimpouts over a perceived minor and irrelevant slight
>Americans calmly stay out until staying out is no longer in the best interest
>Americans put in the same situation defeat the enemy using stategy and tactics less destructive

>all of europe went to war because some slav shot an austrian

that was a calm and collected decision

Seriously though, Americans cry too fucking often

tell that to the 17 million that died

I concur

I'm a sensitive boy

Kino as fuck

I'm afraid I cannot, as they are dead.

>unlike you snowflakes i'm not so easily triggered

What are you spergs even going on about?

Please calm down.

we do?
this makes me sad

I am calm

hysterical women: OMG OMG
man: what?

Why do Americans make planes that literally nosedive into the ground?

lmao are you joking? Just three weeks ago you losers were all balling your eyes out over muh notre dame.

I appreciate your calm delivery in the face of this other poster's hysteria.


i'm glad that we killed millions of Arabs over this tb h

euros have literally zero self-awareness

Fake outrage is part of american culture

>Coming from people shitting themselves in public like it's normal

don't expose us

>check out my meme guys

>we do
yes. its a meme when something happens in america (not even something big) and there is an interview or press conference and everyone is in tears

Please don't sue me

Everyone is in on the TV tears over fake outrage, in reality most people do not cry over that sort of bullshit, trust me, people here hate it just as much or more than you and to be honest, I see the BBC and the British to do just as much and as often as well, can't say for the rest of you guys though because I have only ever consumed British media and been to Britain in Europe.

Mutts were the ones who were unironically crying over it and "western civilization" though.

>defeat the enemy
>Got BTFO by a bunch of rice farmers

>yes im american and stupid. how do you know?

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that guy is israeli though

I saw plenty of non-french euro flags we wuzzing during and after it happened. Pretty fucking pathetic.