Jow Forums
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International #1051
The second whitest country in the Americas
Arabs are the only uncucked people...I wish I were an arab
The absolute state of Poland
Why is Jow Forums so Amerophobic? Everyday it is with these stupid memes. Are jealous yurpoors of my constitution...
ITT: post the most hated countries and why they are hated
Show your pets Jow Forums this one is mine
One more nail in the coffin for america
The best country is USA and the second best coutnry is France because that's where my celestial girlfriend hails from...
What does Jow Forums think of the Philippines?
I'm a liberal!
Post things that could only happen in your country
Mexico City -- Really??
I just want a big white man to put his manly hands on my mestizo ass and plow me like the dirty boy i am
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
R/Pakistan meet up
I just did my first 3 way
Did you know Spain has bigger and better version of Notre Damne?
Why South Korea is not a western nation with western values but a major human rights violator:
Do you love Japan?
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
What are hookers like in your cunt? Have you ever gone to one?
Why is this the most hated fucking state in Burgerland?
"I hate America!"
Why Thai people portray themselves as white skin?
Why is Europe so straight?
Why do they choose to be Saudi lapdogs instead of asserting themselves as their own power in the region?
Today I went to the gypsy cemetery and took pictures of dead gypsies
/fr/ - Francophile de nuit
Hi Jow Forums i can't stop liking black girls, what should i do
Wtf is wrong with incels?
I found an abandoned mineshaft yesterday
What are some mutt people from outside the new world?
Is it me or this board is actually worse than Jow Forums?
America doesn't have a cultu-
You wake up in India
Please spread your superior gaijin seed to our women
To those in countries that aren't 1st world
The toughest neighborhood in Portugal
Why would anyone ever fly on a russian based airline ?
Jow Forums flag alignment
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Your country
Are Asian women hands down the best women overall in 2019...
Today is cinco de Mayo. Do you love mexico?
AFRICA fact of the day:
And yet everyone talks how Estonia is richest and most nordic of the baltic countries
It could be a superpower if it was Orthodox Christian and proud of it's Greek heritage
Why do Americans do this?
And what, if she's right?
Could someone please translate this manga page for me?
Will they ever recover?
Ladies and gentleman i present to you:
23andme thread
I fucking hate poor people
Your clay
Do you love Israel?
/ita/ - IL FILO
Why are mexicans so mean?
How can a single flag cause so much butthurt here?
Have leftists taken over your art scene in your country?
/deutsch/ - /vordernachtschicht/
This confuses the american
Are you a monarchist?
Only animals eat their meat raw, you are not an animal, are you?
What type of girls do you usually attract in your cunt?
Omae wa mou shindeiru
I came to Jow Forums as an ironic apolitical half-retard
Is this common in your country?
Imagine losing to Mexico
/v4/ + friends
Do Western Europeans know about him?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
What will you have for suhur ikhwan ?
Do people with brown eyes feel like they don't fit in in these countries?
Why do people across all regions (except for Africa) hate black people?
Japanese man lives in abandoned forest city in Amazonas (Brazil)
Cinco de Mayo
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Jap women so conserved?
Why are Europeans so obsessed with being white? This isn't the 19th century. Mutts are the future
Russians from Siberia
Do people know about him in your country?
Ugh, what could've been
Tfw genetic studies show that only 10% of brazilians are 100% europeans??
If gender is a social construct as leftists claim...
I only fuck with western women
/luso/ fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le francophile
Where is that Muslim Polish flag actually from?
If the only phenotype Japanese have is black hair + dark eyes why do they like European looking characters so much?
What does it feel like to have been born in the 1st world?
/fr/ - le francofil
Tfw got racially abused today by Italian tourists
Tfw no HBO series about the Reconquista
Why did nobody inform the Belgians that you're supposed to put your shitskin ghettos far from the city centre...
Would this pass as white in your country?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
How do we fix Central America?
Do you have an Jow Forums nemesis?
I'm moving to Slovenia this year. What should I expect?
Gods my gf has really disgusting tits
Imagine if the ummayads never fell
How has your city changed
"United States of Europe" sounds pretty based, to be honest
How would you ask this med (Italian) girl out?
Turkish rape babies
What have muslim presented to European Civilization ?
Sverigetråden - Prickskytteupplagan
Why do Spaniards find animal abuse entertaining?
What happens here besides ladyboys?
Military cuck thread
Hilo latino /lat/
What do you think of the name "Vincent"
/ita/ - il filo
My ancestors :)
"kiss my ass"
Ask a Japanese girl anything
1.) Your country
There are people in this board who think +30ºC is hot
القانون (kanun) - derived from (kανών) kanon
Tell me everything you know about Peru
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Which Nordic country is best?
Sverigetråden - Hitlerupplagan
How do you call this in your country?
/deutsch/ am Sonntagnachmittag
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Capybara appreciation thread
You wake up in 1945 korea what do? but you are Japanese
Why did the French waste their heavy cavalry at charging these positions?
Why don't Mexicans celebrate Cinco De Mayo?
Is danish low swedish or low low german
Be me, live in Alaska
Why are white men (especially right-wing) look like this?
Do finns really need to learn swedish to be able to work in a normal retail job inside Finnland?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why was Japan late?
/sino/ general
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Okay give it to me straight, fags. is Paris really that bad or is just ebin memes...
Just a Chinese man passing the street made by our favourite government
From r/India meet up
You wake up in Russia
How do people in your country cope with having a "jawline" that looks like this?
Would you rescue a qt Chinese girl from her crumbling homeland?
Why don't we just forcibly deport them and retake the rest of Evrope?
/ita/ - il filo uramoso
Sverigetråden - Johanupplagan
1. cunt
Which country's girls have the tightest pussies?
Sverigetråden - Fitnessupplagan
1. ure cunt
Why do G*rmanoids do this kinda weird shit?
Korea & france friendship
My body my rules
1. your cuntry
You're cunt
1. Your country
What's your alcoholic drink of choice? Mine is 90% ethanol mixed with kompot made from dried fruits and some lemon
It's over, the ants have won
Why are they so poor and miserable?
What would your cunt have done if a Christian cult was chilling in the middle of the Texas desert?
Will they ever apologize for the horrors of colonization?
Well, Jow Forums?
What is life like in Flanders?
Anthem thread and discussion
Do you want to have a Dutch gf?
Post your apus (bonus points for country specific)
Friendly reminder:
/v4/ + friends
Fuck this cold country
/deutsche/ incel Ausgabe
Why do white people nowadays hate business and enterprise? Asians...
Culture Pals /cp/
/yellowpill/ general
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Why Dutch and Belgians are so arrogant and racist ?
Why is Japan (ironically) the only east Asian country not cucked by Americans and degenerate zionist american culture...
How did France get so good at soccer?
(Xi) went on to remark: "There are some bored foreigners, with full stomachs...
Do Italians and French generally consider each other bros...
Why are Japanese women obese?
Have sex retarded gaycel
Average Chinese person is already as wealthy as an average European
Imagine being born with Poo poo colour eyes
I used to think my country was a tragedy... Now I realize... It's a comedy
Why're Koreans such christfags?
I just finished the single greatest piece of media ever created, how did i find it?
>tfw no Mandarin gf
Where can i find cute feminine Asian boys?
User, your country cares about the Climate right?
Which city makes the best pizza style in the world?
I got racism in my own country
Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund Made $84 Billion Last Quarter After Going All-In On Stocks
Chinese appreciation thread
Mexican suburbs
Is bullying common in your country?
I say we nuke 'em all
Muslim March in Seoul
Whys Austrian food so damn dry and boring? Went to Vienna and all the food is overpriced...
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
Why do people eat raw meat? it's fucking disgusting
/cum/ + friends
I wish we had Mexican immigrants because their women are beautiful and they work instead of niggers...
Why do your bodies smell so bad? East Asians have no body odor...
We BRITS don’t consider ourselves EUROPEAN!
Peru thread
Arab rape babies
Shit just got real
Do you think China will be a benevolent and fair master when it inevitable become the dominant economic and military...
Kurva anyátok
1. Cunt
I've never eaten a taco in my life
My height is 168 cm. Can I date a beautiful white woman?
Dear /cum/ posters
What does McDonald taste like?
/balk/ - Balkan General
Do you think this commercial is racism?
Mestizo Hate Thread
Do restaurants in Europe really charge you for water, refills, and condiments?
We wuz Jomon
English is the best language
Great Buddha why my people has one of the most retarded religion? Fuck islam...
Mfw when my president is crashing the country with no survivors
What are your international thoughts on AOC's boyfriend?
Do you know that Japan has developed and modernized Korea...
Just found out about racism. Damn, that shit sucks man
Why do americans here larp as being rich?
Post architecture from your country
Go to McDonald's in Europe
Are Iranians Arab or Persians?
/conosur/ + /esp/ + /lat/ = /hisp/
/dixie/ — Southern US & Friends
What are some easy ways someone not versed in Japanese culture tell whether a Japanese woman is insane, lazy...
Sverigetråden - söndagsupplagan
What do you think about adoption?
Is America really losing its superpower status?
You will never manage to make me racist
When will Canada join the union?
Im a homosexual terrone
Why yes, I was raped as a child. How could you tell?
Why are brazillians allowed to post here?
Muh heritage, anyone? :*)
What countries have the best traps?
I hate her so fucking much
A Japanese high school girl jumped to her death from the roof of a building
Are the falklands argentinians, user? Are you with us?
LARP as a reactionary on the internet
Jow Forums tells me to go back to Jow Forums
Be monolinguist
What is this and what does it mean to have it?
/TEA/: we discuss tea here get in bros
If europeans/wh*toids are so superior, then why are they all bald?
What do these french words mean?
Don't live in the red? sorry bud, you're shit
Why do Koreans, Filipinos, and Japanese like him so much?
K-kara b-boga, wh*toid-d!
The British parliament looks like a dump compared to the us congress
Do Americans really do this?
Do aliens visit other countries? I've only heard of them visiting America eg. Roswell
Why do Europeans do this?
How do you call this in your country?
When will Portugal reconquers that rebel province called "Br*zil"?
I'm Japane- *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*
What is the strangest, most out of place, bizarre or culturally disconnected region of your country...
Proud sons of europe, the greeks
Would you rather live in Eastern Europe or South America?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
Stop polluting
Question for Euro friends
What's it like to live in a country full of beautiful women?
Confess Jow Forums
1. your cunt
/FA/ Asian Food General #53
/lat/: Hilo latino
Which countries can offer me a bf like pic related?
Why does he have such shitty taste in women?
Sverigetråden - cpcadde
Ask an italian anything about Italy
*car bombs in gaeilge*
Tfw no ancient greek gf
Mods and jannies? They can suck my fucking dick
I like this country
Are the Italians white or are they just another type of Arab?
I love my American brothers
Am i white if i have blonde haired that darkened brown as i grew up...
People not from the nordics...
How long until nicer African countries like Nigeria and Ghana are relatively normal to live in?
/fr/ - le francofil
I look like him
Im a homosexual chicano
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Aren't they basically the same country?
Did you know Canada has MEDITERRANEAN climes?
Do the French really do this?
Well, Jow Forums?
Do any of you post on the Apricity forum?
Im italian and never had a gf
Could these Turkish men pass as locals in your country?
What was the goal of the eu again?
Sverigetråden - Negerbollupplagan
/ita/ il filo
Nuke this shithole please
Higher GDP than the UK and France
Wow user you're from a foreign country?
/v4/ + friends
Will never be a true american
Hey Americans what happens if you live in the middle of this pic and you need urgently to go to a job interview...
Browneyes... grrrrrrr woof woof!
/erntezeit/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why did the Spanish extermiante these great people?
Black men with British accent
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Americans really do this?
We landed on the Moon
1- you're cunt
Has this gone on too long?
How do I get a French gf?
Would you fugg a poo girl? I would
Well, Jow Forums ?
Do you love Portugal?
Why are French women so short and adorable?
Is this true?
You say French cheese? I say Wisconsin cheese
Are there any good cities in England outside of London?
Why do they hate America so much? It feels like every other post I see from them is complaining about the U.S
/fr/ - le francofil
Explain gypsies to me
/frühschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Nationalistiska upplagan
What is your opinion about Norway?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Latin american """"humor""""
How would your family react if you brought a Colombian girl home?
Ask Me Anything
Manila was so beautiful.. where did we go so wrong?
Who are the best immigrants in your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
I am very proud my ancetor took part in this
Your country
Why the hell is most of Jow Forums full of non-virgins with romantic experience now? Did I outgrow this place...
Why aren't Russians having sex?
How are people with nonexistent jawlines treated in your country?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
I'm sorry. How could my people do this? Fucking insanity tßh
This guy is a politician in India
Why do foreigners speak in English when they have sex with each other? e.g. saying "yeah" and "fuck"...
/hell/ Disneφ Edition
Do people "eat ass" in your country? Is it just an american nigger thing?
These are the worlds biggest cities in the year 2100. Say something nice about them
Why do Mexicans insist on living in single-family homes, even if they're super shitty...
Why is Adderall illegal in this fucking country? Adderrall is proven to be totally harmless for multiple times
I mog you all
This is the best university on Earth
This is what my paternal ancestors (Aryans) raped when they came to India
Where will the Silicon Valley of Latin America emerge from?
/lat/: Hilo latino
Will any country ever surpass the USA as the "coolest" country? (global culture, people want to move here, etc.)
Your country
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
I live in the worst region of my country after Mayotte
I just ask my gf for her hand in marriage at the age of 22 (she's 19)...
How ez is it for white men to pick up Indian chicks?
Rate my whiteness, lads
Why yes, Cuba and Venezuela are my favorite Latino countries. What gave it away?
Born and raised in one of the oldest countries in the EU. Ask me anything
/brit/ - Canelo Alvarez vs. Daniel Jacobs
Why are they so fat?
>A town in Croatia now has 187cm (6'2) average height
Can they come up with a name of their own for their race so that I don't have to use South Asian?
Anyone else thought it was pretty based?
Do Americans really do this?
Learn japanese
I don't want to burn in hell for eternity
/fr/ - le fil de l'empire colonial français
What are the most known criminal organizations in your country?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Why is it that the BALTIC man is expected to "just get over it" when his Kingdoms were destroyed and stripped of their...
/brit/ + /birt/ + /beep/ + /brap/ + /bïrt/
Which phenotype do you wish to mate with the most? For me it's the dutch borreby
Innocent American soldiers
Red pill me on southern Italy
ITT pictures that make mutts angry and insecure
How clownworld is your country?
Why does it cost Mexicans $500 to build a house? What is their magic formula?
The absolute STATE of US men
What are some cities with SOUL?
/v4/ + the gang
Post statues from your country
How would you caption this?
What european country should i move to
How does your Capital/Town looks like in 3D?
*kills your family*
Numismatics thread
Eurovision 2019
Hi Jow Forums i can't stop liking black girls, what should i do? It's against everything i stand for but i can't resist
I want to be British again
Why aren't you watching Battle of the Nations with us?
Are you alone Jow Forums?
Why are 90% of the relationships on this subreddit between White men and non-White women?
What are some traditional American dishes? Are there any?
God i need a Jow Forums bf so bad
Map thread
/ita/ - il filo
Why do Sardinians have broad faces if they're ancient Anatolians?
How many Countries can you name user?
Sverigetråden - Bronsåldersupplagan
I like jamón. Do people in your cunt eat Jamón?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2189
Public health experts at the University of Tokyo found that sexual inexperience was on the rise in the country...
1.second largest city in your cunt
Why do Americans do this?
Ban generals on Jow Forums
/skandi/-norden utdave
I have you know that from this day on I'm Swedish
He died for our sins
Ahhhhh noooo you won't replace us
Does your cunt have a diverse range of native phenotypes?
Say something nice
Mr small penis man is reading this post right now
/deutsch/ pralle brust und heber ausgabe
Try to learn a European language
/fr/ - la francofil francophone
Urine Test
Why do roasties like posing in front of fast cars?
What is Jow Forums's thoughts about cuddling?
Cheapest beer in Sweden costs $0.88 per can of 330 ml and it is only available in the government alcohol shop. Also...
Imagine not being better than the other people lmao
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of germany?
This is so true lol
What's the best European language family, Germanic, Romanic or Slavic?
Why did we partition Germany like this
Why is English food SOOOOOOO disgusting?
Next to no religious holidays due to reformation
Finnish postal service postmarks
Italian americans are based
Poor Germany
Spanish Thread / Hilo Español
What's even the point of chopsticks anymore?
Post a normal middle class house from your country
Stop liking white girls
Why do the French do this???
Would you kiss a Korean girl on the lips?
You wake up in the danish wilderness. What do?
Black guy here
Apology for poor english
*blocks your path*
Why western women still don't feel attracted to asian men like Korean men and Japanese men even after all K-pop...
Did Iceland ban circumcision?
Are jawlines like this one common in your country? Do you have one? How do you cope?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
This guy will soon be a member of the Danish parliament
Holy fucking shit, this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela. Learn it well American PIG
Daily reminder that you cannot be a girl if you were born as a male
Do you love America?
Sverigetråden - Raggareupplagan
I cant be the only one who wishes it were different? I fucking hate Hungarians and want to see the destruction of them
Is Japan a shit hole to live if you aren't a millionaire and have to work...
I'm Pajeet and will vote for Rasmus Paludan in the upcoming election
A Japanese high school girl jumped to his death from the roof of a building
/tr/ - ben beyazım ula t*RK PİÇLERİ edisyonu
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Daily reminder that there is literally no reason for Evropa not to restart imperialism once we're done cleaning out our...
/europäisch/ nie wieder /deutsch/ gegen /nationalstaaten/
Woman wakes up after 27 years in a coma
"celestial gf"
Culture Pals - /cp/
Tick tock whit*oids
Your cunt
Europe will defintley become USA 2.0
Have you noticed that there are many westerners on youtube who build ugly ""shelters"" with shit and sticks and call it...
Post depressing pics from your country
WTF happened to his voice?
Japan is the most obesity country!
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
/ita/ il filo
What is the Alberta of your country?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why are Korean boy bands popular among White girls?
When the guy you bully in school asks you not to have sex with his married mother
Dutchlets BTFO
1.your country
Suppose that you were forced to eat only one kind of food until death
Guess my ethnicity
I am 26 and a virgin
Why are ONLY Americans accused of being mutts especially when the entire south American continent is filled with actual...
How do you show your taco person how much you love them?
American small towns are worse than any third world country
Jow Forumscraft is a Minecraft server populated by the fine folk at Jow Forums, the international board of Jow Forums...
Why doesn't India go fascist?
WTF Spain
What were the 1970's like in your country? What cultural stereotypes are associated with that era where you live?
Hands of Jow Forums
Taylor Swift was hot when she was 16
Flat Earth theory is still a relevant discussion in America
How do you plan for china century?
/lang/ - language learning general
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I REALLY love my French celestial girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
YES I have a celestial girlfriend
Korean study thread
I want to blend in with Polentoni
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
1. cunt
What are your honest and and unfiltered thoughts on Mexican posters?
What's for dinner Jow Forums ?
Is there such thing as a soyboy slav? Or all slavs tough alphas?
What's up with greeks
What do Japanese people think of this?
How did Brazilians perfect race mixing?
Please tell me you speak spanish or are at least currently learning spanish Jow Forums
Tfw no white aryan gf
Our president just got kicked out of new york
Whats the deal with south Brazil ?
One flag, many nations
1. Your country
My weapon of choice
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Sooooo excited for Ramadan. Going to make dua for all my Muslims brothers and sisters on Jow Forums
Is this common in your country?
165 million people
Why are americans always obsessed with Europe and SEETHING at everything we do?
1. Your country
Why American girls do that?
Why are Germans considered terrible at comedy?
"The Chilean wants to be culturally Peruvian, racially Argentine" this is a famous saying in South America, thoughts?
As a young brazilian male i'm glad that the future lies with china
Be italian-american
1) You're cunt
femanon here. AMA
Damn... American cheeseburgers really do make a difference
I've come to stop you gigachad
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Will you be working this summer, user?
If you aren't this white, then you aren't white at all
Always remember who you are and where you come from
Opinions of Mexicans?
L'm going to have a part-time job of Uber Eats
Where do you go on the internet outside of 4channel and youtube?
How do you go from this
Are white men even competitive anymore?
Guess her ethnicity
So how are you doing in this comfy friday night Jow Forums?
/nachtschicht/ - früher /deutsch/
Why Americans do this?
/ita/ - il filo
Has the age of Asian masculinity arrived?
Okay class, for this assignment you get to choose your own groups
/danmarktråden/ 3.0
1. Your cunt
Am i white?
Do you like the Irish accent?
Bye bye whitey!
Green: based and redpilled
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/- le fil francophone
I'm tired of living in this literal dystopia called Brazil. Any other huebros feel the same way?
Do you wear wet socks in your country?
Military spouses serve too!
One glass of American champagne please
Why is the rest of the world obsessed with us?
My gf wants to try anal sex
Do americans really do this?
Why do the French like Negroes so much?
Would you date a Finnish girl?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What do you think of Georgia?
Remember when Brazil invited a Kpop band on national TV?
Wait I'm sorry
Why are Americans so emotional and hysterical while we Europeans are so calm and rational?
I use the google translate a lot when I'm on Jow Forums to not look retarded
/dange simmeringer, dange/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are your feet white?
/ita/ il filo
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship