Remember when Brazil invited a Kpop band on national TV?

Just to be racist at them?

Attached: AB-2-1.jpg (800x425, 63K)

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LMAO for real?

Yeah, brazilians are way lower life forms than koreans. Nuking this country would not be enough

based Brazil

Boomer 'humor' was like that for Latin America from the 90s downwards in decades. I wouldn't be surprised if it's still being done. All this stuff has gone unchallenged until now that the whole world can see it.

t. seething weeb

Ok I take everything back brazilians are definetly BASED and BASEDPILLED

feel bad for them :(

I only saw this after in the internet, and both sides went nuts. Not to mention that most things shown in dumbed down open channels in brazil, are on par with the worst this country can get.


The guys look like they are about to cry

Girls look mad

Fucking gooks got what they deserved.

Someone make the guy mod of Jow Forums

ey pasate un bara en buena onda perro, dale perro en buena onda sino te saco el cuete va en buena onda me tenes miedo, yo se donde vivis, y por que tenes miedo, sos marero va, sos letras o sos numeros cerote, el culo te voy a pisar cerote de mierda


t. weeb

brazilians are based

wtf i love macacos now

You are the based one, senpai

I love you too, cuck

I hope after this, koreans learn to never trust a brown or black subhuman

yes, it was glorious

this but also this

Kpop is gay though. Those Korean men look like traps.

based monkeys

How's that racist?

Do you have video evidence? I couldn't find it on Youtube.

Sorry that monolid surgery isn’t a thing bro.

Omg thank you for remembering me on this

Old people are truly brased
