Would you date a Finnish girl?

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why is it always a leaf who posts these threads


it's just one person so he is always going to be leaf

Only if she is high vaulted.


its just one spammer who never stops no matter what

no because finnish people do not have eyebrows

those are mongol traits.

Finland and Mongolia will be united one day

I would have unibrow if i didn't shave that middle part more often

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nice dyed hair faggot

It's not dyed. I had platinum blond as a child and now in my 20s it's still very light


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>. I had platinum blond as a child
why do all faggots that dye their hair say this?

Northwest Russians are basically Finns already.

I have never dyed my hair. I know several people with dark eyebrows and blond hair

Attached: hiukset2.jpg (832x470, 72K)

Just like north-east norwegian and swedes.
Lets just face the facts, whole nordics are rightfull Finnic clay

Typical NPC clown. These are first Russian cities and Petersburg is entirely Slavic.

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Asians like to date within their race

she is Norwegian though

St. Petersburg Russians are from all over Russia and Central Asia. It was a small town inhabited by Finns just a bit over 300 years ago.

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>Nyenschantz (Russian: Hиeншáнц, Nienshants; Swedish: Nyenskans; Finnish: Nevanlinna) was a Swedish fortress at the confluence of the Neva River and Okhta River, the site of present-day Saint Petersburg, Russia. Nyenschantz was built in 1611 to establish Swedish rule in Ingria, which had been annexed from the Tsardom of Russia during the Time of Troubles. The town of Nyen, which formed around Nyenschantz, became a wealthy trading center and a capital of Swedish Ingria during the 17th century. In 1702, Nyenschantz and Nyen were conquered by Russia during the Great Northern War, and the new Russian capital of Saint Petersburg was established by Peter the Great in their place the following year.[1]

you are basically Irish already

I am half Russian, I am just being honest.
I have some Vepsian heritage, just like everyone from my Gradpa's village.
Vepsians are Finns who pretend to be their own group.

Finnish girls love English men.


Do a DNA test

not only would i date but i would also breed

Maybe I will.
I have a pretty good idea of what I am already, though.

I reckon you'd be genetically close to Finland-Swedes

Except you know, Russians native to the place neither have asian genes, nor they are genetically close to Finns. You are seriously brainwashed.

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>Russians native to the place
no such thing

>*grabs backpack*
" we are done with the U.S. Lets go to Finland"

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For sex? yes. For dating? No.

What a beautiful white girl.

I Would marry a Finnish girl...


no but i might be biased by my gayness. finnish boys are quite cute though so as for them yes thank you

Same. The ermine look gets old quickly for me

I wouldn't date, but would fug
The cultural difference is too big

How about Lithuanians girls?

I love cuming in them. Finns smile when you do it. Pure bliss.

I would date any European girl that has big titties. I am tired of titlets

Why does blonde hair make people look more femenine?

Great, a smiling ermine

Would you date a Lithuanian girl?



I don't like lithuanians...