
Edition: Friday night with the lads

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goodness me

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it's a term of endearment

Attached: may li festive.jpg (697x872, 311K)


>cunny specialises in sexual abuse
because of course he does

wahey look at him go

Attached: raccoon riding bicycle.webm (720x404, 240K)

everyone here filtered me so just friday night alone for me

kek this is me

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that's two taco bell beefy 5 layer burritos down the hatch

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why have you cut yourself out on the right then

For me, it's the virgin freaks (/brit/)

>manly stewart

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What's everyones drink of choice for tonight?

I have to go to the liquor store soon

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good edition

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Smarter than my spaz nephew.

did you know hello kitty is british?

Attached: images.duckduckkitty.com.png (1607x1607, 31K)

I'm the one in the black dress hun x

now this is some cultural clash kino

Brittany is unironically rightful British clay

also a Jow Forumsfag with a similar sized neck here

have to get my shirts bespoke if I want to wear a tie

as i am tired
might go to bed
on the other hand
might have a wank

Attached: reviewbrah spill.webm (480x360, 465K)

read about 'king cunny' yesterday
grrm is a wrongun

ik i’m nor one of the lads but vodka mixed with red bull

They speak the nicest sounding French language

downloading virginity...
bleep bloop bleep

I'd suck her dick

brittany is rightful celtic clay
you can welcome us back into the fold when arthur rises and slaughters the anglo saxon and norse invaders

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zubrowska and apple juice please



codeine water
was supposed to be having a drink with my mate for the first time in ages but he swerved me again :((

Sorry swedebro, but that sounds gross.

>Graham Norton REPLACED as host of chat show in major BBC shake-up
erm wtf


how much you wanna bet he's replaced by a woman?

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jack whitehall

drinking a redbull lads

Attached: red bull.jpg (488x488, 27K)

reckon french girls must give good brain
i mean it would make sense right

My sons will be named Conrad and Henry and my daughters will be named Mary and Griselda

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even worse
hate that flamboyant toff twat

nvm this graham replacement thing isn't permanent no need to worry

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genuine thoughts on prince charles lads?
not really a fan and he will never be able to gain half the respect that lizzies has but i will concede that poundbury is rather peng

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Isn't Griselda a Spanish name?

saturn is a jewish god

new sonic the hedgehog movie looks good

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google your birthdate with "Florida man" and see what you get

bet you're obese


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im 148 lbs
don't know what that is in stone

Drinking a 150ml tin o' Dr Pepper lads

Dave about?

eat a sandwich you freak

the 2010s have been great, but the 2020s are going to be absolute kino
future generations are going to be jealous they werent part of the clown world generation

>Church of Scotland as distinct from the Church of England or from the Episcopal Church in Scotland.

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how's work?

>Naked Florida man starts house fire after baking cookies on George Foreman grill

well ok then

like to see you do any better dogshit dave

Attached: micromanaging in total war.webm (640x352, 1015K)

Attached: images.kittykittygo.com.jpg (1200x1200, 81K)

try eating spanish chicken with rice and beans, that'll help put some weight on.

actually have to leave for it in 15 minutes and im dreading it

thoughts on riff raff being in it?

rip off of miffy


it never ceases to amaze me how fast my mood does a complete 180 after consuming drugs
you lads ought to try it out, you basically never have to be sad again

never heard something i disliked about the man and i think he's the only one left that actually cares about royalty and the country

>imagine the smell
What does this mean? Do vaginas actually smell? My penis smells of nothing and I've never been near a vagina so...

best british choon of 2008 simple as
you might initially want to say i'm wrong then you click embed and see the title and realise i'm right


i eat fish, chicken, and vegetables mainly

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not as good as the new muslim bruce springsteen film

sam sbaro?

You never walked into a room after a birds just rubbed herself off in there? REEKS of vagina.

my willy on the right

diminishing returns sadly

don't sleep

>Spokespeople for Sanrio have said that Hello Kitty does not have a mouth because they want people to "project their feelings onto the character" and "be happy or sad together with Hello Kitty."[10][23] Another explanation Sanrio has given for her lack of a mouth is that she "speaks from the heart. She's Sanrio's ambassador to the world and isn't bound to any particular language".[20]

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No. Why would I walk into a his bedroom? What does vagina smell of?

yeah and it's a smell that stays with you until you wash it off
don't particularly dislike it but i guess it depends on the person

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>tfw got that drip every day but i dont even go outside

absolutely fried
benched 11 times in the last 14 days

i wear glasses

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never been more immersed in a video game than first time i played this. had to run out and get it immediately after playing the demo i got with my ps magazine

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what kind of frames you got?

Who else is /postingfromtheclub/ here?

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