my gf wants to try anal sex
how to do it without having her defecate on my penis?
My gf wants to try anal sex
She's a trans woman right?
Just have her fuck your asshole instead.
i mean, because nobody gets turned on by girl defecating on him, r-right? that would be stupid haha
She needs to clean herself. :B
get one of those bum cleaners
wear a condom
don't do it.
you should suggest that she urinates on your penis instead.
>he wants bacterial urethra worms
OP if you're not already going to do that you're rarted
Fuck in the shower
sodomy is wrong
I just clean my bum in the shower and finger it a bit if there is any poo in it but usually there isn't.
>anal sex
I'm calling the Church
Refuse and shame her for being a disgusting pervert
Having a girl shit on your penis is hot as fuck. You might not like the idea, but trust me when I say it is fucking fantastic. I've fucked anally and had shitting on my dick with prostitutes on stage 1,2,4,5 and 7 of the attached chart
>Stage 1
Honestly feels amazing. You can FEEL the hard lumps building up unable to bypass your hard cock, and you stuff it back in, filling her more - its like her bowels have provided you with a penis extension surgery for free. Its something I recommend but sadly, that prostitute since died of rectal cancer.
>Stage 2
This kind of shit gradually squeezes around your cock, eventually enveloping it. I'd make sure not to have any cuts along your penis, I did and they got infected. But it feels amazing. for sure, it kind of feels like fucking a stage 1 but you can pretend your penis has been grinding for so long it mushed them up (I used to fuck stage 1 girl then take my dick and put it into a stage 2, to simulate this)
>Stage 4
Kind of slides next to your dick, feels like you are DPing her with a mate. Kind of hot.
>Stage 5
The best. The shits are so small and soft, it kind of feels like your dick is a fucking butterfly catcher trying to grab the little delicate shit butterflies in its net, and they just about escape but the side of the net crushes the butterflies on the walls of the anus. Feels almost fairytale esque at times. A real experience but hard to get someone who shits this - look for vegans
>Stage 7
A mess and best avoided. Especially if you cut yourself shaving your pubes like I do!
Quintessentially British post
Why are you like this
Have her do the big thing before
Clean it, shave it, put on a condom with tons of lube and go gently
t. gay lad
This is a real eye opener.
My gf is fat and stupid.
She made me fuck her in the ass but she hadnt washed it prior, so i had shit on my dick when I pulled out.
I hate her and I almost beat her when that happened. It was the only time we tried anal.
One of my ex's did this to me once. I forced her to clean my dick afterwards.
I'd rather feel the poo on my tongue though, especially 4 must feel and taste like heaven.
Quintessentially German post
best to have her fast for a day
Just get a small enema from the drugstore and give it to her. It's easy. You don't need a big enema kit with the bag and everything; you just need to flush out the lower colon. If it feels painful, you can use a numbing gel on her anus ('Instillagel' is a popular brand in North America and Europe).
>Theres nothing wrong with gender ideology
Wtf how can a Anglo be so based
Do women even LIKE anal sex? The only girl I have done it with was very reluctant and said it was uncomfortable and humiliating.
>German flag
Everyone ITT is a retard. Just lube up and go in slowly. You'll be fine. You don't need to wash it.
You risk sinking your penis into a big nasty log of poop if you don't clean her out beforehand.
Don't remind me of that disgusting ass story
God save the Queen if Phillip is like this as well. (He is)