leftypol edition
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Nothing to do with increased Internet engagement/proficiency amongst the middle-aged and elderly of course. Anyone over 35 should be banned from the Internet.
Typical /brit/poster on the left:
This is our future Monarch, say something nice about her
janny, if you would, since my edition will be better
not you because you're a fucking chink
intriguing how that tattoo utilizes fascist aesthetic
was it retardation?
Wasted about all the French I know and didn't even get a (You). Deeply upset.
keanu backed away from kylie a lot
Pug-faced little worm.
janny is not your personal army
She has William’s forehead and the Queen’s jaw and chin.
rorke on the ropes
that's not that bad of a salary (depends on age again tho), assuming you don't have any dependants you should be racking up decent savings. remember as well that your phone computer etc have value even if it's a lot under what you paid for it. car/bike etc included
fuck off frognigger
wow york looks like THAT
rorke bickering with his imaginary friend 'leftypol' again
make me big boy
Jewish esoteric demoralization
>dat 95 kylie
holy peng
Why should it feel like a crime if I want to be with you all the time?
your thread broke the rules
janny should delete it by rights
At least 20% of it's external area is permanently covered in scaffolding, because if they ever stop "restoration work" then they will lose millions in Lottery grants. So the work never ends
rorke’s marbles
reward offered for safe return!
Hey frogger, what's happening with that national symbol that crisped?
meet me outside york minster in 30 mins if you want your jaw rearranging yank
once again i subvert the political animosity with cute webms of animals and stuff
and maybe later with other kinds of webms (not gore)
She looks identical to the queen.
Inbred runt
are "antifacists" who embrace symbols of facist symbology (the most amusing to me in recent months was the people waving the european flag) a reimagining of mythology in a simliar fashion to black people calling each other nigger?
Enjoy your life of exile in Monaco or wherever, British is a republic now sweaty X
P.s. your father was a blading philanderer, and your grandad a monumental wet-end
P.p.s. can I have your mum's number?
>ended up threadsplitting the French general because they got sick of foreigners
loving every laugh
aka pop culture
rorke stuck on repeat
Yeah pretty much
>bank holiday weekend
more like DANK holiday weekend!
want to sing like this
I wonder if a capybara would make a good pet. Doubt they would without tremendous amount of selective breeding but it'd be neat to walk a rat the size of a great dane around the town.
leftypol at home on a Friday night
what rules would that be
this one is a gif
york on the ropes
*tucks rorke into his straitjacket*
What are some meats that taste like chicken?
>schizo lad called Dan
>smoking with him and he flicks his cig and it lands in the bin
>he looks at me and says with deadly seriousness "i did that with my mind"
>see him stood in the garden at night looking up at the sky while watching an alien documentary on his phone
>he keeps pointing up the sky trying to show me the UFOs, obviously i cant see them because they arent there
>once saw him smoke an entire pack of cigs in the space of 30 minutes, his fingers were always bright orange he smoked that much
>saw him in the telly room staring longingly at a magazine with cheryl cole on the front while gently caressing it, saw him put it under his shirt and walk back to his room with it
>we were talking and he asked me what i did at school, i told him and he instantly replied with "i drew a picture of a worm once"
>having a cig with him and he suddenly started absolutely pissing himself with laughter, ive never seen anyone laugh that hard. he was stood in the pissing down rain just laughing at nothing for at least 10 minutes.
>schizo lad, didnt know his name
>he spent all day every day walking down the hallway like a robot until he passed out at night and the nurses had to drag him to his room
>schizo guy who was a bit of a psycho
>used to smoke indoors, but the nurses never even tried to stop him
>would skip down the hallways mumbling about killing every one
>was having a cig and saw him come skipping outside with an empty plastic cup
>he placed it in the centre of this brick circle in the garden and skipped around it a few times
>he stopped, jumped on it and flattened
>went skipping back inside while mumbling to himself
>old schizo guy
>mind is complete mush
>never made a sound apart from screaming his head off at night and chanting "LIVERPOOL, LIVERPOOL"
>once opened the toilet door and saw him shitting on the floor
ok, be there with your crew
serious. if you aren't you'll only prove what a blackbellied worm you are
Does he really deserve a statue?
sensible chuckle
thats unbelievable really
no news until page 7
there's also an unwritten /brit/ rule against shit news which yours is a spectacular example of
Mate every cathedral needs a fuck load of work it's not just for the money
>yank education
Off to toil lads
y*rkshire"men" love to worship their conquerors
we shall see what the great unpaid one have to say about this shan't we
*mogs rorke*
It's like a cuckstamp on the region
york loves romans and vikings and anyone else foreign
love girls like this
was this in uni halls or an institution of some sort?
Appreciate the stories though
Annoying mentally ill deranged attention seekers? Interesting
rorke needs a fuckin slap
not up at the minute obviously since if he was your thread would have lasted mere seconds before being obliterated
The mandem
Holy fucking BASED
What, ones with a knob?
oh baby
rorke slipping on ice
these stories suck booo
work on your material
are you actually from russia?
psych ward
no problem. i have way more but i hit the character limit
>ten thousand Jews
i see they've been at this game for some time
Leftypol getting lip fillers
my high school had a farm with goats
loved spring time at school me
i'll leave the next one to you if it's any consolation
love knobs
Im from Yorkshire, mate. Ergo I'm harder than you. Ergo, steady on ye?
aye you fucking will
should make it now just to spite you
Reported for illegal pornographic content
Leftypol mincing about like a bloodeh fairy
want to pet a rabbit someday
Pay up piggie
Good post
>yet another /brit/ thread made by a foreigner
state of /brit/
i won't stop you
You are English so de facto you are not
less moaning more webms
Shut up you ugly bastard
step back, hard manx man coming through
*boxes your ears*
Sonic the Hedgehog
York is nae a hard place, ahm from Edden-burra and there is nae tougher place ya wee coont!
Come down Wakefield way and say that. See what happens.