Are white men even competitive anymore?
Are white men even competitive anymore?
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Girls have phases too
wh*Te “”””””””””men””””””””””” don’t exist anymore, and that’s a good thing.
White women look best with Asian men
t. Chang.
Yeah they took a picture with him and then went on to fuck chad lol
emilia isn't white
>implying white neets don't use such subterfuges to lose their virginity with asian women
The most beautiful girl in Finland - dating with filipino.
She storing nuts for winter in her cheeks?
He’s handsome though and looks more like a spic or Arab
Yes, she have finnish cheekbones.
He's a bishounen. Every girl likes it
She's neither blonde nor beautiful I'm afraid to break it to you.
He's ugly, but it's true he doesn't look Asian and that's a benefit in dating.
He looks like brown Justin Bieber.
get tae fuck
he just looks average
he is rich?
You Gookcels are pathetic, go outside, and stop raiding image forums.
Why are Germans so stupid?
Why do yellow incels have to live vicariously through others?
this isn’t real
She's ugly and he looks half paki.
fucking nearly woke my family up laughing
Ooga booga where the white wimminz at
Ooga booga where the asian wimminz at
Ooga booga where the ??? wimminz at
Which is it for the asians? I see threads on a/w and a/b so I was wondering what you guys think.
ayy lmao
>Which is it for the asians?
it's anime.
Ooga booga where da anime wimminz at
He's probably the best looking asian man, and he's half English
You’ve been at it for a while now Zhang. I think you should take a break
most powerful race in the world
asian incels posting about white women on a friday evening, fucking kek. like clockwork
fl*ps arent asian
>Ugly As Fuck.
There were posters that I recognised from US flag and Korea that constantly posted AMWF couples on this board. I don’t browse often Jow Forums itself anymore and I hope they are doing ok and already have white gf
>wh*te woman
not even once
A*ian-Americans aren't real Asians, they're knockoff whites with manufacturing defects
This is the face of Asian masculinity
>to change the face of porn forever
Japs have been doing AMWF porn since the early 00s
Most of the newer stuff are from the mid-2010s.
What a chad. Fuck the police.
>Half assed neckbeard and greasy hair
This is what hapas call masculine
its true we don't have a chance
He's cute
Bing jong ding dong
shes 6/10 max lol
getting laid has become so easy you don't even have to compete anymore
Top quality English banter.
whiter than u Muhammad
is there a more pathetiec thing that asian men in western world? epsecialy wiht their obsession over white women(who are wonderful because of their white fathers lol)
good white girls will never chose you, cuz they all chose white men. just a biology and sociology, harmony
she is ugly stacy type trash, her only 'skills' - posting into instagram(nothing original even, just the same phrases and poses as other girls), she wont be a good mother, she is willingly wanishing her genes off european population(8% of world, 94% of cotnribution to civilization)... she is just trashy
you dont want such women to be a mother and role model for your kids
strong austronesian gene. and we arent asian (mongoloid) in the first place.
I would never have had thoughts about being fucked by men despite not being attracted to them if she had been my gf at his age
chink chong bong wong
mai lung gone
t. Chang ching chong kung pow chow mein.
Why do yanks dress so fucking lousy
italians would probably laugh at you for listening to chinese music
dont tell them how to improve, the status quo is very good
Asians are doing pretty well for themselves in Europe. Unlike in the US where Asians are emasculated.
nice proxy
was proxy du missgeburt ,verreck an hautkrebs
seething quite hard for someone "doing well"
>Thai, Filipino, Indo, viet hapas are doing well (both AMWF and WMAF)
>Chinkoid hapas are russian roulette mentals
Why cant chinks adapt into western society?
calm down lil dicky
wh*te bois in yurop too busy playing CS watching twitch all day
this thread pretty much confirms that wh*tes only like asians when they act like grovelling pets. the minute they grow a spine like blacks and now latinos they turn on them.
i like my chinkoid gf gagging on my dick and my imageboards free of racebait threads, thanks
I never liked Asians though
That's pretty obvious. Wh*tes only like referring to east asians as >muh model minority, all the while ignoring the fact that pajeets and nigerian immigrants are doing really well now.
calm down gooks
she is one of the ugliest finn I have ever seen, get your eyes checked
cope. she's 9/10 considering what most white women look like in the current year
Finns aren't white dumbass
>she's 9/10 considering what most white women look like
Wow are things really that bad in Canada?
wh*tes are abhorrent
I can ko any whiteass faggot here
>she is ugly stacy type trash
She's classic beauty to me.
who cares about white pussy and feminazis.