How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

Attached: 1g1as.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread: this?

Attached: 6414147.png (837x475, 637K)

Sorry but white men that dates asizn women are looser and she look like a monkey

he looks 20% less incel

He upgraded

what about white men that date black women?

Are you sure "she" is she?

Attached: she.png (462x414, 297K)

Girls can have Adam's apple, I have it

post belly

You first

Didn't he hated Japan and was shitting on the country in every video?

That's even more pathetic desu

he never hated on japan, only on some of the cultural aspects of the japanese people.

He did hate weebs tho, and made a good job triggering them

Moroccan mvtt
I try for abs but a slim stomach is all I can achieve :(

Attached: A9E49849-0641-4108-BC37-0A28DBB993F4.jpg (4032x3024, 3.66M)

J'ai cru que c'était Boris le Lay pendant un instant, avant de voir la couleur de peau de la demoiselle de la deuxième photo et comprendre que ça pouvait pas être lui mdr



>Girls can have penis, I have it

BASED Boundless.

He was criticizing the retarded robot culture of the Japs, rightly so.

are you hairy? asking for a friend haha

>il ne mdrposte pas de manière ironico-postironique
Ne va jamais le faire


Shits on Japan. Ends up in fucking rural Kenya just because he wanted some black pussy after years of fucking noodlewhores.

Pretty based.

Yeah, his life might have been shitty, but he's at least seeing the world.

Is this rare? I feel like it's rare.

Girl (male)

Non je voulais juste faire chier les gens qui parlent anglais en parlant francais mais je savais pas quoi répondre

Literally dabbing on weebs lmao.

Post something

to this?


post titties please

Attached: Do5uSeJW4AA1eK4.jpg (778x512, 46K)

alright tranny whatever you say.



Cringe and bluepilled
Based and redpilled
Back to Jow Forums incel

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