Always remember who you are and where you come from

Always remember who you are and where you come from.

Attached: Celtic Empire Map.jpg (952x895, 141K)

there was no "celtic empire" it's not a state doofus

How can a group of people fail so hard?

R1b-L21 Celtic bull reporting in


nice roman revisionism

Magna Graecia, home..

notice how all the nations with celtic genes became leaders of europe and the world

Don't be retard, Lusitanians and Gallaecians were not celts.

thats a pre celtic subclade ironically, celts where probably r1b-s28 and s21


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I thought Romans founded Lugdunum/Lyon?

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>celtic empire

This is kangz level bullshit.

Nope, the place had another name. I'm from Grenoble and it had a fancy name too.

Embrace your celtic heritage and genes and stop larping as a nordic


Even in Gaul they were at best affiliated city states.

People usually pick the same ideal spots to settle so a lot of cities are built on previous settlements and the Romans were the same as everyone else in this respect.

Norway is Celtic


my ancestors :)

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They were celtized for sure, or a combo of both indo-european pre celts and proto-celts or celtic.

they didnt we have no idea if most celts werent just germanic or slavic all the evidence is from roman sources and archeological digs