Attached: file.png (500x695, 314K)
If you aren't this white, then you aren't white at all
Charles Walker
Other urls found in this thread:
Mason Garcia
>implying I want to be the color pink with white hair.
Nathaniel Ramirez
oh well, life goes on i guess
Henry James
Matthew Price
Who is she?
Logan Rodriguez
dunno, the oldest search result is this from 2013:
Jaxon Howard
found something from 2012, but still no original source
Jose Jenkins
here's the original source:
Anthony Jenkins
Oh man, thank god i have enough melanin to stand in the sun for a couple hours and not get sunburned
Owen Taylor
literal nigger
Brandon Sullivan
this guy is the only white man in england
Daniel Gutierrez
Brody Moore
this gOy*
James King
celtic genocide when?
wow he's even whiter than blonde little girls kek, we must freeze him
Eli Diaz
I'm not white
Easton Barnes
creepy-ass mf
Colton Butler
what are you?
Aiden Hughes
Benjamin Sanders
you can still provide a future for the white race user. Just don't procreate and work towards creating a fair pagan future
Wyatt Sanchez
Adrian Thompson
Aaron Morales
Jackson Hall
Jaxon Sullivan
you can reproduce with this
Nathan Young
stop posting aryan binnish girls
Jace Lee
can't argue with that
Andrew Lewis
Is this white?
Nathan Gomez
My mom looked something like that when she was a kid, in all pictures she had virtually white hair, but my dad is a dinaroid beast.
Joseph Roberts
holy shit what is up with that arm, gave me a jump scare
can't really see her eye color. Lips are a little too large, as is nose. Perhaps 50-70% white?
Jacob Allen
Finally, someone tells the truth. To every mongrel who claims to be wh*te, here is how you should look to call yourself wh*te.
John Baker
Being albino is a curse. You can't enjoy the sun, even in winter
Jordan Green
But why? You want more not white persons is this world?
James Murphy
what did her parents look like? Was she native serb or somewhere from Hungary/Germany?
Daniel Wilson
It calls you it wants to be with you
How about this?
Lucas Perez
what's your eye color
Asher Miller
youre a moron. dont classify anything ever again
Jaxon Sanchez
It's not me on pic, but his eyes are clearly blue.
Here is a green-eyed "rare" albino
Andrew Cooper
Also him with natural light
Christian Powell
i found another pic of her, she clearly has some Turkic admixture; you do know the Huns went all the way to central Europe right?
60% white is still a lot compared to most americans
Cameron Powell
basically everything you just said is blatantly false
Cameron Edwards
large lips and nose aren't a white feature, because they wouldn't survive in cold weather
Gabriel Hughes
Liam Morris
What % of white is she?
Hunter Clark
how do you explain the redheads with their large lips?
Ryder Rogers
Good thing, or else slavery would have REALLY sucked.
Jose Martinez
uh idk, like 40% white? xD
Camden Anderson
mostly white except for the eye region, which gives off southern european-Buscemi0eyes
I'll say 90% white because eyes are important genetically
Chase Ortiz
Grandfather was blonde, grandma was a brunette. They're all Serbs form northern Serbia. One of my great grandmothers is Hungarian, but Hungarians don't tend to be that pale either. It might be a coincidence, who knows.
Zachary Stewart
how about her?
Justin Ortiz
85% white
-hazel eyes
-above average nose size for whites
-darker hair , unless dyed
Cooper Thomas
youre low iq and from the us so youre probably like 25% white
Leo Green
holy fuck what a pretty girl, man. bet shes evil. take care be careful
Zachary Smith
Is this guy white?
Evan Turner
redheads don't have large lips on average
origin of red hair is not really known :
but if it's true that geneticists agree it arose south of Europe then yes it wouldn't be as white of a feature as blonde is (which is more of a Finno-Ugrian trait
Keep in mind that as the proto-Celts moved westward they intermixed more with the central European populaces than did the more northern hunter-gatherers. So the redheads in the UK will always be more EEF than the purest whites
Jordan Jones
he is white
Dominic Robinson
blondes and redheads are the only true whites
Angel Parker
how white is this guy? swears he's nordic...we're from scotland
Angel Miller
>implying mainstream science ""sources"" for hair color involving anything European isn't bought out and fraudulent
Brandon King
eye colour is green btw
Benjamin Nguyen
If there's anything redheads have in common it's their nose
what's the relation there?
Nathan Brooks
I'm that cat.
Parker Rivera
that's messi though
Leo Jenkins
the northern Serbian region of Vojvodina, part of the Pannonian plains was always a major battle-ground area where Germanics, Celts, Turkics, Mongols, Romans fought. Perhaps your mother had remnant blonde ancestry from the Gepid occupation, or perhaps from the German farmers that moved to Pannonia during Austro-Hungarian empire, or perhaps even older than that during Celtic times.
My father has mostly hunter-gatherer dna while my mother is more EEF. I'm 50% white probably.
is he albino? can't see eye color well due to crappy monitor. if not, around 75% white maybe? nose is a little too EEF
Eye region shape is important, but green eyes is more Celtic feature. Forehead looks sloped which is more of a Yamnaya feature. Perhaps 75% ?
well look at the Yamnaya guy in the rightmost of the pic. That nose shape is mostly Indo-European
The proto-Celts were Indo-European
Nathan Davis
His nose is slimmer
Redheads tend to have thicker noses
Evan Turner
your pic is more Germanic (pig-nose) than the others.
Perhaps I was wrong and another possibility is that the redheads are originally from a similar place the blonds were, the Uralic zone. In modern Russia the Udmurts are a tribe of redheads that have mostly N1c ancestry, a Uralic patrilineal ancestry.
Perhaps the reality was that one tribe of the Indo-European R1b warriors took redheads from the more matriarchal Udmurts (who are matriarchal in their spirituality to this day), and thus this Indo-European tribe was sexually selected to be more redhaired. This tribe moved west and due to the founder-effect redhair is most prevalent in British Isles (because of less competition for redhair and more space to grow the tribe)
Pic related is Udmurts, who do indeed have that Finno-ugric/Germanic pig-nose, while the redheads of the UK are more Indo-European (Which makes sense seeing as they were conquered by the Indo-Europeans according to my theory)
Brody Richardson
irish and scottish have very low EEF, among the lowest in europe and lower than nordics almost so do northern england and northern wales
Jose Hughes
What's the difference between albinos and gingers?
Jayden Thompson
Scottish and Irish are around the same as other Scandinavians
ones with the least EEF are Balts, Finns, and north-Russians (who are basically Finno-Ugrian anyway)
Aiden Lee
Angel Lewis
Mason Jackson
I believe red hair spread and mostly started with Indo Europeans, and that Udmurts as well as Turkic people picked up the trait due to intermixing with Scythians (who were noted for having red hair) and other IE groups.
Jace Gomez
Kevin Thompson
what ethnicity is this?
Nolan Sanchez
her surname is Algerian, so some French-Berber mix
Matthew Wright
Angel Nguyen
is that messi