Will you be working this summer, user?
Will you be working this summer, user?
thank god i'm a neet
>this summer
But I already graduated from university years ago.
Stop being a NEET.
stupid abe's thread?
yes. at fedex I think.
Any job offer, Xi?
Yes i make simple and fun IOS apps and then hide some of the features behind cooldowns or completely lock them behind microtransactions
trying to get a job, but if I can't I'll just do a part-time courseload of about 2-3 courses, and work on a personal project to put on my resume
been thinking about replicating a MOS 6502 processor in VHDL, but I'd have to see how much documentation there is on it's internal logic and timing. Even if it's not a 100% clone it would still be useful to show off at interviews to make up for my academic performance
How do you stand out in the App Store?
>12 hours per day if you want a good future
I am more of a Deng guy, but uncle Xi and uncle Ma is correct.
I am going to study 12 hours per day
I'll be cleaning toilets in London, making more than 99% of this board
Yeah, I have one lined up for august but I'm looking around at other stuff and might get a job before it. It's not the best pay wise but it's not really work and I did it last year. I've told them I'm "interested" this year but that also gives me enough wiggle room to find something better and tell them to fuck off,
I'm working already and it isn't making my depression and social anxiety to go away at all
Yes because I graduated last summer and now will spend the next 50 years toiling.
Very good, user! Britain needs hard-working people like you
Of course not.
Wagecuckin' it at a local restaurant, how about you?
Why are you so intent on bringing down your country? Stop being an indolent, superfluous citizen and get a job.
What's his end game?
dirty dog
What is this 'working' thing you're talking about?