1) You're cunt
2) Do you think you will live to see American society implode and have their place as #1 culture exporter replaced?
1) You're cunt
2) Do you think you will live to see American society implode and have their place as #1 culture exporter replaced?
Other urls found in this thread:
>and have their place as #1 culture exporter replaced?
by whom?
If by American culture you mean Hollywood, yes.
Even American stuff will become localized and not this idealistic b/s.
Kultur is the expression of reality, no an attempt to promote one's position or hide situations behind a shiny or dark facade.
I don't think America is the #1 culture exporter in the east. In the west? No.
Britain maybe? Fuck, maybe even South Korea? India and China may be economic strongmen but their cultural influence is zero in the western world still.
as far as europe is concerned, saudi arabia is already the biggest cultural exporter of the 21st century
If the US is hit by a huge recession, combined with the over-all social instability and racial tension, do you think America will simply just get all fucked up?
Or is this too far fetched?
If we're talking about the west only, no country is close to America's economic power. Britain is a match but America makes their own version of their tv shows and that version becomes popular like Shameless. In the east I think America is not that dominant. Remember how much Hollywood tries to get into the Chinese market.
Who is this semen daemon
way too far fetched. The US won't fall for at least another century.
>American society implode
Not going to happen in our life times
>and have their place as #1 culture exporter replaced?
I think itll wane in some areas but the capability to produce a massive amount of entertainment is one of Americas traits.
All the world bows before America's culture
United States of Europe.
>Remember how much Hollywood tries to get into the Chinese market
The Chinese invest heavily in Hollywood and their homegrown blockbusters tend to be less than stellar while they eat up Hollywood blockbusters (Pacific Rim 2 was basically just made for the Chinese). Its more like a symbiotic relationship.
Trust me, no you wouldn't. We are punching bags on the internet.
1) canada
2) I don't think America has ever been an exporter of culture, much less number 1. As for imploding, I think America will be what it always has been, a shitty country with a ton of money and a dependence on militarism
Movies probably but I don't think sitcoms would be that popular there.
What are you talking about? For the most part America is usually playing cultural catch up to the rest of western society.
Could you elaborate?
kek we basically have a cultural hegemony over the west.
I plan to live to at least 120, so very possibly yes.
I mean that America as a whole is very rarely a trend setter, occasionally individual states get ahead but they don't "export" that culture globally.
I just don't see it that way
Explain? Everyone's watching american shows and films, listening to american music, following american trends, using american slang etc etc (in the west)
Still the most popular music, movies, tv shows are American and that's culture in my book. At least in the west. In the east there is Japan, South Korea and Taiwan so they are a mach.
Her name is karkatinq
lmao, they are absolutely dominant in terms of values and beliefs as well, even China and Russia have heavily Americanized values despite their insistence on the contrary.
That barely qualifies as culture, it is the most shallow form and means nothing. Even then America probably isn't keeping pace with the UK, certainly not per capita. 7 of the top 10 best selling novels are British, 8 or 9 of the most popular sports globally are British and even the most popular sports in America are British and/or Canadian, the highest grossing and longest running film franchise is British, the best selling band of all time is British and in the 2010s 6 years out of 9 have seen British or Canadian musicians top the charts and sell more albums in America, even when a large and lasting film franchise like Star Wars comes out in some of the films upwards of 70% of the cast is British, the 2 highest grossing films of all time were written, directed, and produced by a Canadian, one of which tells the story of a British ship that sank off the Canadian coast and stars a British actress. The holidays they "export" are mostly the same too, Halloween is a British/Irish/Scandinavian/Canadian holiday, the idea for labour day came from Canada, mass marketed Valentine's Day come from Britain, Thanksgiving has been celebrated in Canada longer than America, etc.
Keep in mind that America has almost 2.5 times as many people as all British Commonwealth Dominions combined.
Again, none of this is really culture though.
Now you are just being silly
I dont think so desu
>#1 culture exporter
What the fuck does that even mean? Why are the people on this site so fucking retarded?
I have to agree, that was a stretch. They still bow to the USD, though.
brainlets have to quantify everything.
Definitely, America is still the world's superpower and is fantastically wealthy, it dominates the finance industry, I think Americans are also at the forefront of marketing and advertising. Also in research and innovation, particularly tech r&d.
Means that America dictates what's seen, listened to, slang spoken, what's in style etc, in the west
>Why are the people on this site so fucking retarded?
no u
All of these movies are American. Yes there are British actors too but movies are American so the points go to them. At least in terms of movies they are dominant. Tv shows and music are maybe not to that extent. In the east I don't think people enjoy them that much. In terms of animation and video games Japan is a close match too. They have a lot of big names.
>games Japan is a close match too. They have a lot of big names.
Yeah it was starting to slow down for a while though but with dark souls and Switch I think it can hold on to the title of best game makers.
I dread the day millions of chinese shovelware phone games take over the gaming industry and all of it follow it.
Most of the people in your country don't even speak our language, I highly doubt they consume the same media that I do. Hell most Americans don't follow the same trends that I do personally.
>Most of the people in your country don't even speak our language
Yes Nintendo and Sega characters are culture icons. They also have a lot of soft power among youth thanks to anime and manga. It's impossible not to see anime profile pics on social media and steam. Manga beats American comics in pretty much every country. In France it's even mainstream.
Titanic and Avatar were both written, directed, and produced in part by a Canadian. The main character in Avatar is a British born Australian and the main character in Titanic is a British actress. Harry Potter is blatantly British in every way, and it's worth noting that a large percentage of the cast of Star Wars is British (including both main charactees), particularly noteworthy is the black guy. They wanted a black guy with an American accent. America has about 5 million black men of the correct age, all of which have American accents. Britain has maybe 200k if that, none of which has an American accent, and yet they still picked a Brit and taught him the yank accent for the same reason most of the cast in the original trilogy were British (even non-speaking roles like ewoks and robots), Brits are better thespians, it's a big part of their culture and they dominate it.
America pays for all this, they market it, but I din't think that makes something culturally American. Christopher Columbus is a hero to Italian Americans, no one cares that Spain payed for it all.
I sincerely hope this is bait lmao