>be italian-american
>grandparents immigrated from naples
>I can speak Italian
>I know about the history
>I studied at an Italian university
>be italian-american
>grandparents immigrated from naples
>I can speak Italian
>I know about the history
>I studied at an Italian university
are both of your parents of italian descent?
No such thing, you're either Italian or American, which one are you?
Not even Italians from Italy considers Napoleons to be real Italians
sorry what
have you never seen Scarface?
Italians are just Jews who can't read
>grandparents from Naples
>I speak Italian
I highly doubt it. If you’re not speaking Neapolitan then you’re a fraud
>>be italian-american
Cringe. You're American ya cuck. Forgive this heritagefag, Jow Forums.
So-called "Italian-Americans" are traitors and shills, they might have Italian roots, but they ain't no 'Italian-American."
They are right to ignore you.
>have you heard about those shitty discount italian tires?
>dago wop wop wop
That movie was about a Cuban you philistine
>niggers get called African Americans even though they weren't born in Africa
>wops can't be Italian Americans because they weren't born in Italy
This is one of the rare cases where a mutt is probably whiter, at least in America.
African American is an invented term to stop people calling them niggers and to consider them citizens of the US after generations of considering them subhuman. It’s a political name, nothing more
>I can speak Italian
Like '2 weeks on Duolingo' Italian or 'I wrote my master's thesis in Italian' Italian?
there's clearly no in-between
I think that's unique of Murica. Don't know any other country with such peculiar ethnic-nationality labels. Like "I'm a cambodian-nigerian, proud nigerian". I guess that doesn't happen.
In murica the whole "[insert nationality/ethnicity/culture or whatever the mutts mix and fuck up] + american" kinda means that you're not really american. Or second class- with- your-permission -sir, type of american.
There’s no way someone speaks standard Italian if their grandparents left Naples that long ago. It’d be Neapolitan with some standard thrown in like the weird mix they speak in Naples even to this day. He’s full of shit. He learned whatever he knows not from his grandparents. Unless his grandparents were educated (then why leave)
s-shut up
You can be an argentinian now.
>falling for patriotard bullshit
Every single new world country is like that.
>In murica the whole "[insert nationality/ethnicity/culture or whatever the mutts mix and fuck up] + american" kinda means that you're not really american. Or second class- with- your-permission -sir, type of american.
This makes sense, the WASPs built America and the other nations(especially italians) only leeche or actively tried to destroy what they built
Fucking based.
Italian-Americans ARE Italian
t. cosmopolitan bugman
fuck off kike
whiter than you spic
whiter than you spic
whiter than you spic
whiter than you spic
whiter than you spic
whiter than you spic
said no one ever
You seem to be under the impression that Italians are white. I'll have you know that Jow Forums's foremost experts on the subject have assured me that is not the case.
t. pablo martinez
Let's see your 100% european dna test, mutt. Oh that's right, it's out of existence.
That was a joke you fucking idiot.
So do you want to be accepted by Italians as an Italian? Being a yank in Italy is prolly a better deal anyway
>all those races
>only 10% white
Pfffffgyou aren't even 50% italian. Why are you larping buddy
it's not as funny when shithole countries make fun of us
Go get beheaded, little shitskin.
>brown hair
>brown eyes
>look italian
>italian surname
>i'm not italian
he's cuban you absolute retard
and Antonio Meucci invented the telephone right?
go drown in tomato sauce you dirty guinea bastard
Reminder that legally speaking Italians are not white.
poo in the loo
whiter than you arab rapebaby
>Germanic and English seperated
no you're not, shitskin.
fate is that you were Amerimutt born in "America"
Dude chill
No need to make another thread just to throw a tantrum like a millennial feminist
there lebanese and spanish larpers here, also jap larpers in Brazil and italian larpers in argentina. It's a new world disease, happens literally everywhere
not only you are a dirty arap rape baby
but also a wristlet dyel
the bottom three does not make someone italian, do you have an italian citizenship? that is what makes you italian. Otherwise you are just a euromutt american larping as his ancestors
cope, fat cunt
Holy sheet arul when are you gonna release your next tutorial video?
fucking L O L
How will the pizza people ever recover?
negro plz
I bench 1.5 pl8
He is from the Dominican Republic in fact
not even half italian dna wise (and probably family tree wise) and you are trying to larp as an italian because you speak the language and went to some uni there, oh and of course you know the history!
sorry bud youre either delusional or retarded
i'm not the op dipshit
I'm an italian american living in italy
Nothing just thanking your kind for saving my ass when I'm stuck with pointers and algorithms
Are you italian-american or """"italian"""" american? Like do you actual have citizenship or are you just LARPing as italian because some parent or grandparent came from there
Mom's american of german descent, dad's italian
I've got both citizenships
I appreciate learning the language and history which is a step above larping mutt like , but being Italian is also a matter of italian culture, which is heavily defined by your upbringing.
Since you are born in america, a different culture is not something that you can assimilate in a 2 week holidays.
Fucking christ you seppos get asshurt easily. The reason people call you mutts and troll you cunts is because of your nation's innate arrogance, you get massively asshurt at anyone who dares questions your greatness.
Learn to take a fucking joke, goddamn
Actual Italian here. Italoamericans are just americans.
What about me fag
you tell me
fucking kike
Se sai l'italiano scrivi in italiano senza usare Google translate e senza sembrare un ritardato
this but unironically
The most upsetting expression I’ve heard is “white European”.
As if there was any other fucking kind.
>be italian-american
No such thing.
You ARE an amerimutt, don't even try to deny it.
Why the fuck you new worlders are so pathologically obsessed with race, anyway? It's absolutely incomprehensible to me
Rispondimi, pezzo di merda