Why are americans always obsessed with Europe and SEETHING at everything we do?

why are americans always obsessed with Europe and SEETHING at everything we do?

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do we really?

Ever since Brexit the EU has been getting more and more anti-American. First they go around our sanctions on Iran and now they are trying to cuck us with China. It's infuriating.

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this won't end well.

literally and completely the opposite

Just because i always call Moortuguese brown, doesn't mean I or most Americans care about you. I have never met anyone IRL care about Europe, the only ones who did were Mexicans who always went on about their Spanish grandmother.

>Americans view Europe as a big country

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Why are Europeans such effeminate pussies?

>NOOOOO, why aren't you helping Israel taking destroying their neighbours like we asked you

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>His country is shit so he has to side with his continent

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Well Europe is only slightly bigger than the US so yes we do kind of view it in a similar light, especially with the general ease of travel of going from one country to another that most of you have. A lot of the different languages there seem to be dying out in favor of alternatives as well so it makes everything kind of bland together.

And that's a good thing. Let's see anyone try to follow in her footsteps.

It was a necessary measure. The states can go around our wishes. These laws were made to stop the constant Arab chimpouts of not selling oil to the west, by blockading them. States would go around this and condemn Israel so that trade of oil would continue.

>These laws were made to stop the constant Arab chimpouts of not selling oil to the west
Wait what are you talking about?

>brexit happens
>americans start saying retarded shit about EU even tho they know literally nothing about it
>"why dontchu europeans love us? im 2/13th german cmon bruh"

Okay zoomer. In the 1970's, Arabs embargoed Israel, when we continued to trade with Israel, they embargoes us and various European countries. To stop this, we embargoed them too. some states said fuck Israel and began to boycott Israel, so that oil would be traded with them, because they needed petrol, making our embargo moot. The law is strictly economic

If it is a federal law why do so many states make it illegal to boycott israel?

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they cut your dicks and then you do THIS?

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It's not a federal law. When we embargo, states can overrule them independently. Alot of people didn't like this, so they protested businesses that went around the blockade, so state laws were made, because at the time, they were popular.

>ignoring all of the why do Americans? Why are Americans? Americans do? Anericans eat?....etc threads
We honestly dont even think about most of your countries.

Who told you that Manifest Destiny was over?
There's a lot more "west" that needs to be taken

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Completely the opposite. Most Americans don't know 3/4ths the names of EU countries

Texas passed that law a couple of years ago.

I see you're on vacation at your relatives Joao, when will you get back to Saint-Denis?

It's actually the opposite. You can even check the catalog for proof.

Anti-BDS laws are actually quite recent.

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>source: Palestinian Legal
Ahhh yes very unbiased. Palestinians are truly a great people that totally didnt start shit when they didn't need to.
I support the 2 state solution so they can be ejected from countries they seek asylum and refuge in. Truly a walking cancer the other Arabs should have joined the Jews in crushing. Seriously after Jordan and Lebanon they proved what a fine people they are to countries that take them in as refugees.

>Ahhh yes very unbiased. Palestinians are truly a great people that totally didnt start shit when they didn't need to. I support the 2 state solution so they can be ejected from countries they seek asylum and refuge in. Truly a walking cancer the other Arabs should have joined the Jews in crushing. Seriously after Jordan and Lebanon they proved what a fine people they are to countries that take them in as refugees.

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>destroying their neighbors
They literally are cunt punching ISIS side by side with Egypt.

>not signing something and then completely ignoring it because no law can make you not buy soda stream (oddly built in the Gaza strip) or an uzi.
I get muslims dint want to be part of America but they need to learn how to smile while doing the opposite of what they are told.

t.an actual mutt that cares about garbage
Your ginger BVLL shall he home shortly.

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