Please tell me you speak spanish or are at least currently learning spanish Jow Forums

please tell me you speak spanish or are at least currently learning spanish Jow Forums

Attached: 160701map1.png (942x716, 270K)

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No need. Spanish is being abandoned in mass by the Hispanics here. That's why Chicanos are a meme here.

Don't forget that; Yunior from Honduras, Jonny from El Salvador, Luis from Guatemala, and Jose from Venezuela just arrived and only speak spanish

Nope. It's a garbage language anyway.

i plan to start learning french, italian, norwegian, or russian this summer. still havent decided but probably just going with french

Nope, don't speak a lick of it.


For me, it's Portuguese

Yes but Yunior Junior will speak English

Nope, not even my half amerindian half sicilian best friend speaks a word of it.

>Jonny from El Salvador
@ me next time nigga

In elementary, we received a bunch of central Americans, by senior year, many of them were speaking in only English and calling other people spics. You overestimate their Hispanic pride user.


LATIN bvlls did that?

The fuck is up with this map. Second most spoken language in Louisiana is French, although that's hardly anyone left its still more than spics.

>please tell me you speak spanish or are at least currently learning spanish Jow Forums
I want to learn
how do I start

Start fucking a Hispanic girl

Spanish speakers have passed French speakers in Louisiana as of recently.

Attached: louisiana.png (953x453, 82K)

Wow, so this is the Left's idea of diversity, not when the map showed many different languages and many different countries for "most immigrants from," which are now mostly Mexican flags.

Can you blame them? it's obvious that Spanish is a superior language, it is one of the closest descendants of Latin (just behind Sardinian and Italian) and it's spoken natively by a significant part of the world's population, can't miss the chance to replace the inferior Engl*sh language with it.

How can someone go to a country not knowing how to speak its language?
I would kick all those fuckers out of my land.
If you're going to another country to stay, the least you have to know about is the language. Show some respect.

I know some Italian.

languagelet problems. meanwhile english is only the 2nd language to euros, some having third and fourth official languages as well.

>"""The Left"""
A lot of European immigrants here didn't speak English when they came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My grandma's parents never really learned English.

Anyone worth speaking to (in the US) speaks english.

pero OP, casi todas las personas que nacieron en los Estados Unidos saben un poco de español

I'd rather talk with Juan on how life in communist Cuba was or with Francisco on his experience growing up in rural Guanajuato than talk to Greg about capeshit and the weather

I'm on hrt my dick doesn't work anymore

I have never heard anyone speaking Spanish in real life, I don't think it would be very useful for me

Based frogs need to step it up.

Attached: Tree_map_of_languages_in_the_United_States.png (984x741, 31K)

Nein mein freund

Attached: bfadefd0ca7aaf8bfbfe10af43653abd.gif (886x643, 71K)

>I'd rather talk with Juan on how life in communist Cuba was or with Francisco on his experience growing up in rural Guanajuato than talk to Greg about capeshit and the weather
Would your freshman sociology professor Xir Pat be proud?

Attached: 1517074709200.jpg (960x892, 234K)


Your data is 2 decades old.

update your data my guy

Attached: languages.png (1062x563, 308K)

What a fucking plague. Why are mexicans so fertile?

>New Hampshire


Why would I learn Spanish when I already know Esperanto?

What's with the chinks in Southeast Missouri?

cet état n'est pas New Hampshire, c'est Vermont mon ami

cause esperanto is a meme

t. nigger

I hate this gay language.
Deutsch is the only answer.


Attached: download.jpg (226x223, 11K)

IDK. It's now hip to be "Latinx"

Ah yes the language of first generation immigrants who work societies' most undesirable jobs

How useful to learn

Just like Italian was super useful to learn when they were this country's niggers who dominated cities, spoke only their language, and committed countless crimes

I'm surprised French is holding on this long.

Except we're always going to be neighbors with Latin America and immigrants will never give up their pride like the Europeans did.

puedo hablar un poco pero necesito practicar mas

Established data of the loss of Spanish language in generations proves this is false. Immigrants from Indian and other Asian shit holes, which are the next wave, are going to learn the common language (English) not the language of the wave before them.

That's the past. Things have changed now. Latinos in the USA recently started acting like black people, even though their history is totally different. They don't want to assimilate.

They still speak English. Even the ones living Latin-America speak English. They whole world has it now as a global language.

>They whole world has it now as a global language
Doubt it's for long.

China is getting it's Belt and Road partners to teach Mandarin

And France will probably become the clear power in Europe now that UK is Brexiting, and there will soon be hundreds of millions of French speakers in Africa with their population bomb.

We're probably at peak English right now.

It's a mix of both mexican fertility AND american healthcare system being of such high quality (plus welfare)