How did Brazilians perfect race mixing?
How did Brazilians perfect race mixing?
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Chad and Stacy will be Chad and Stacy no matter the nation
have never met a person in my life that looked remotely close to that girl ethnicity-wise. she's got the face of a latin-american but not of a brazilian
do you live in preto town or something that's literally every girl i've ever met minus the prettiness
Where do you live?
they didnt
hey is that the get out director?
wtf are you guys talking about
I live in Bsb
c'mon, do you really expect no one to recognize key & peele
Tha she has a common face, but slightly more "sharpned", obviously. And is tall.
Race mixing is, 90% of the time, terrible. If you race mix you are literally an evil person
remember race mixing is not that bad
its only terrible if its with blacks
It's not 'bad' at all
In this day and age racemixing might be the most honorable thing a person can do
Now you are going too far
I hope I can hunt race mixers down
woah so edgy fuck off
arent you happy they created you?
Die in a gutter, subhuman. Your kind will be erased from this world
Why are you trying so hard to deny that you are also not 100 percent White?
I'm not talking with you and have no interest in talking with you. Do not reply
every single day something about mixing and racemixing
I can already see the fad is getting kind of stale, desu. No one even gets triggered anymore, just easy bait for the newfags/insecure.
Where I work, there s a girl like that.
Central limit theorem
Reminder that whites and Latina mixed is the most sexy mix.
They have tan skin, but not brown. Potential for light eyes. They're just perfect
That's a Brit-Indian mix. This is white-latina.
you will never be 100% white and you never fit in europe cope some more pardo
it is always you mutt pardos creatura that cope saying mixing is wonderful because that is what you are
>This is white-latina.
Majority of br women are average or ugly
Pode chorar o quanto quiser, não vai mudar o que falei pardinho
looks 80% native
sopa de macaco sopa de macaco sopa de macaco KKKKKK
call me when they reveal the formula for big bundas.
Tfw no br bf to mix with
I meant mix of white and latina. Not a white person.