
intoxicated seakike edition
old>>> dunno lol

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he looks turkish

it's 7 AM nigga

fuck google and fuck capcha

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just so you know,

good thread

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Going to work
Later NEETs

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Will you be fasting in this Ramadon, user?

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Are you a Muslim, bro?

No but I will be fasting, I need to lose weight

Godspeed user, I wish you to succeed!

W-well thanks

E ti pa si mnogo ubav

virgin usa ai vs chad gla player

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thank you for the new shoes.

Good morning, /balk/. What plans do you have on this beautiful, sunny Saturday?

Hello user. I plan to stay in bed all day and wallow in self-pity, what about you?

Man, that's sad. I got to study, but as always, I'm going to do it after lunch. Do you do this every Saturday or just every day in general?



Can you take Lorde back? Thanks in advance

why would you want to get rid of one of the only good mainstream artists and the only relevant musician to ever come out of New Zealand?

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I don't see mockery

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Are Marvel characters the new prophets of Islam?

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because dumbasses who browse pol unironically give genuine advices, they take that shithole seriously


I might get stomach ulcers if I fast now

Fantasize about fighter jets

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what if you slow

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Fast xDddD not fasting = slowing XAXAXAXAXXAXA

have sex

everyone ITT is a Hikikomori

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a what? speak american you dumb chinsect

>well it's summer soon time to socialize and hit on girls
my skin:
>lol no
every fucking spring same fucking shit it all goes downhill and I'm red like a 14 year old kid
is god real
if he is real is he fucking with me
is this a challenge
did I ask for one


A Hikikomori.


Just wash your face and change your pillowcase regularly. Unless you have absolutely shit tier skin, you should be alright. I seriously don't understand adults who have acne.

This is caused by a particular gene humans have inherited from the neanderthals.

and don't forget to take showers :)

Start chewing

The fatty gave you a valid advice, why so defensive

This song can cure every illness known to man

A supposed expert of human skulls said Salvini’s has a dinaric shape. Can you confirm?

Rom*nians are not white.

>change your pillowcase regularly
What if he doesn't sleep on pillows?

Then he should start sleeping on pillows.


Wrong. I sleep on concrete naked with no cover and no pillow. I always wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day!

Do you really think that this can somehow evolve into a quality discussion.
Stop it, animetard.

I'm not animetard, magyartard.

Yes you are, animelarp.

Whatever you delusional underage fattie.

I'm just asking why should people sleep on pillows?
I believe you should sleep flat on your back on some hard surface or at least a harder mattress.
Your neck becomes pushed and unaligned with your spine when your in a pillow,no? That's not a good thing.

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krasnoyarsk a twink

AHahahahahahahahaha this general is so gay

Habar n-aveam că există o echipă de rugby de musulmani.

because advice like this is like a mockery when told to a person who's been fighting his own face for 4 years so far
my hands are very hairy and tattooed

fuck off you gopnik monkey

Kazanboy revealing himself

>I seriously don't understand adults who have acne
Just wait one more year until you hit puberty

>ahaha you are all so feminine and gay! whew, i'm glad i'm not the only one.

Rasha, stop projecting onto me, k thx.



Don't worry babyfat usually melts when you hit puberty.


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116 years since the death of the greatest Macedonian to ever live


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Do you even have one famous bulgarian? Why are all of your heroes Macedonians lmao
stop stealing you gypo

The greatest Macedonian lady also died on this day


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You Macedonians say anyone with a -ski name is not a Bulgarian, since Bulgarian names don't end with an ski.
Therefore Gotse Delchev is a Bulgarian.


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What? No
We say that you are Macedonians in denial, which is the ultimate truth.
Why? Because you speak in selyak dialect, and the dialect is always a part of something bigger. In this case - Macedonia.

Literally can't refute this, not one counter argument.

how's that for an argument

Attached: First_Bulgarian_Empire.png (450x456, 37K)

or maybe this

Attached: The_Second_Bulgarian_Empire.png (250x253, 24K)

>bugar intellectuals
what are these images supposed to prove exactly?

that for the entire history of bulgars / seven slavic tribes on the balkans those people have been called bulgarians
macedonians are greeks

>that for the entire history of bulgars / seven slavic tribes on the balkans those people have been called bulgarians
That's the funniest thing I've read this week, LMAO
Are your schools teaching you this bs? ayyy

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i nutted

nah i don't feel like biting bate so early in the morning

>greatest Macedonian to ever live
i thought that was Alekso Krupniot

>so early in the morning
It's 1 pm you lazy tatar (2pm in tatarstan time)

тe глeдa и тe лaжe вo oчи кaтo пpaви цигaнин ццц нe ми ce вepyвa

Macedonians are not faggots, that's a job for tatars and griks

It's always so cute to see Macedonians arguing with Bugars, it's like a girl with daddy issues :3

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t. Serb larping as a Magyar

ellada limunada da ebam bugarka so ime nada

>t. biggest pieces of shit in the balkans after serbia

Work for 12 hours


Lmao newfag bulgarian falling prey to typical maqekar baits.
Nothing new here people move on

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i dont like sqips but albania might be the most peaceful country in europe

>Lmao newfag bulgarian falling prey to typical maqekar baits.
>Nothing new here people move on

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Istanbul has bigger population than greece and bulgaria combined
Ask your grandmother why you shouldnt mess with turks. You dont want another 500 years of rape trust me

>thinking he will bait me with such a weak bait, hoping i will bless him with one of my precious (you)s