Why are ONLY Americans accused of being mutts especially when the entire south American continent is filled with actual LITERAL mutts and rape babies ?
Why are ONLY Americans accused of being mutts especially when the entire south American continent is filled with actual...
Look, I know the truth about America.
Here there are a lot of immigrants because they all know that this country is way better than there country, and they come here for the free opportunists. They are using all of our resources like leeches.
People shit on us because they are jealous. We are the richest country in the world and the third largest population too.
Because americans are super into identity politics right now and get extremely mad when you point how not white they are.
Because everybody already knows that they're mutts, them coming to America is why we are doggy-downing
Just butt hurt Euroshits, you don’t have to concern yourself with the opinion of lesser beings
Because people in South America don't deny that they're mutts
>posting from american flags
Fuck off losers.
Because Americans are typically the ones that are all about muh heritage and tend to get the most butthurt about being called mutts
>posting from an american flag
but we're not mutts
Drop the proxy Mr. Smith.
I think America is unironically a much better country than any European one but it's still obvious why it's done.
im mutt
I am a pure swedish man
Get laid.
>europeans are proud of being inbreds
I am Wakanda
cause no one in south America actually denies it, while literal mutts in america who are sometimes less white than one would still belittle you for being south american
>here there are a lot of immigrants because they all know that this country is way better than there country, and they come here for the free opportunists
No shit, redneck. Have you tried learning to spell?
Is that an insult?
why arent indians called mutts?
why arent turks called mutts?
why arent filipinos calles mutts?
why arent central asians calles mutts?