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Biopic when?

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I know the drivers out here suck wind, suppose the pilots do as well.

boeing is fucking done lmao

If it's Boeing, I ain't going.

Notice how these kind of accidents only started to happen within the past year? You'd have to be blind to not notice the intentional sabotage some (((people))) are trying to accomplish

>implying Boeing or any of its execs will see any penalty for cranking out flying deathtraps

doesn't mean boeing isn't dead no matter how much the us govt fights to save them

>"This will be the end of Boeing" says increasingly nervous airbus exec for seventh time this year.

Why haven't we put the company under involuntary administration yet? Boot the execs out and get somebody in there to fix those shitty fucking planes from crashing constantly

Lmao I saw this it’s like right next to my home

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It didn't even crash, the idiot skidded it right into a body of water. How long do they spend in school to learn this shit again?

>I bet da joos did this!

In fact I went to the nearby target before they closed earlier and literally saw all the commotion and had no idea what was going on

Are you retarded?! Yes, a Jew did this. This is not even up to debate.

>being a Florida man

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okay mountainsemite

for me? it's gonna be Sukhoi or Airbus

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Airbus stock holder here.
Feels so fucking good

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Another massive victory for Airbus and European Union