1.your country
2.what colour is this shoe to you?
1.your country
Pink and wh*te
It's pink
blue and gray
red with blue
I didn't know jersey was a country until now
haha colour-let
pink und weisse
what the fuck?
it's grey and blue
Light blue and grey
Blue and white
Oh fug now it's blue and grey
i cant see it blue and grey :(
I don't see the pink
Thanks for the timestamp 4.
Thanks for the 4.
Thanks for the timestamp 4.
Gold and black
It's black and gold
>Apparently, If the right-half of your brain is dominant, you will see a combination of pink and white, and if your left half is dominant, you will see it in grey and green color
sounds like bollocks to me. reckon some people are just colourblind retards.
thats blue
>imagine not seeing pink
what colour is the dress?
I quoted my own post
Those are the 2 main colors, the greyish one and the blue one. I can't see any pink
I see it light blue and grey
golden and white
Gray and neon blue
grey and turquoise
fucking grey and bright blue
blue and black
itt: colorblind fags
Grey & blue
celeste y gris
Which one would be better?
Gold white
The shoe is...
pink and white
This guy gets it
blue and gray
blue and black
maybe i see both as blue because blue is my favourite colour
People are really colorblind huh
based and truthpilled
grey and lighter gray
gray and turquoise
gray and green(mint)
grey and light blue
that is faggy
Grey and shitty fluo blue .
Blue and Grey
Turkis og gråblå
1. flag
2. pink
blue and brown
pink and white
Reminds 2009
very pale blue and grey
Pink, grey and blue
Google says that right half is for art, poetry etc. So if you see it pink you're gay
pink and white / ruzicasta i bijela
No, that's a bunch of bullshit, it only depends on the lighting.
>t. Gay poet
Bleu blanc rouge
new to int? we have had a lot of profilic jerseyman posters
Light pink and white.
Obviously the laces, rubber and the stripe are white. The rest of it looks pink to me.
I think with pictures like this, people contextually decide what the colours are. Like, if you took a picture of a piece of paper in a nightclub, youd know the paper is white, even if it appears red or blue
pink with white ornaments on the phone, gray with cyan ornaments on the pc, wtf
Ive got a flannelette shirt irl which appears green, but when you look at it up close, its just different shades of grey.
Weird stuff
The colour in this picture side by side doesnt match up at all with what i see in op's pic
Grey and Turkish
That's probably because of the light. Your eyes betrayed you
sand with white shoelaces
blue and black
I like your milk. And cream pink.
grey and fluorescent green
Its pretty clearly this right here, just in shitty lighting.
Why the fuck would anyone make vans that are grey with Blue accents, i cant find a model like that made anywhere
washed out grey cotton and baby blue
light blue and gray
what in the heck is going on here
Forgot pic
That looks exactly like this model Only its taken in a very dark room.
Atleast on my monitor it looks this way
you are literally a colour blind retard
that's interesting, to say the least. Did you see and ?
Passed all the colurblind tests no worries,
Please find me that exact model of shoe then? Because ive looked, and i cant find any model of grey vans old skool with cyan rubber, stripe, and laces
You can literally just check the fucking colours of the image yourself using Paint. You are a colourblind retard. How does it feel to be inferior?
the real shoe is pink and white or whatever the fuck you dipshits think it is. It was edited to fuck with you, and the edited version is blue and grey.
Yes exactly. It was edited to be blue and grey and when you look at it, it's very clearly blue and grey. Colour checking the image using a colour picker will confirm this.
If you see Pink and White you are either colourblind or have a low IQ. This is scientific fact.
I wouldn't be so hostile about it, but you've got a point. I don't understand how anyone could see it pink and white.
nah we're big brained because we can see through the trickery for what it really is.
Yes, the first link looks clearly grey by itself, could easily be faded light pink taken in a very dark room though.
The second link looks like a dull pale blue by itself, but is obviously worn white rubber taken in a very dark room. Ive never seen a vans model with pale blue rubber, stripe and laces...
Maybe the confusion here is what exactly we're discussing. Are we discussing the colour of the item? Or are we discussing the literal colour of the pixels? Im looking at a photo of my white dog right now taken at night, zoomed right in, the pixels are blue, that doesnt mean i have a blue dog
grey and turquoise
golden + light blue (it's probably a lot whiter irl)
The shoe is pink and white.
The image of the shoe is edited to look blue and grey. Computers don't lie.
It's actually a lot blacker IRL. Here's some slag holding it up
It's white and pink but brainlets get confused by the turquoise lighting and think it's blue and grey/green
>turquoise lighting
It's called photoshop
You know what? I just looked at this pic on a different monitor, and its clearly grey and blue on the other monitor, but the colours are warmer and much less vibrant On the first monitor making it easy to tell its a pink and white pair of shoes.
So there ya go, mystery solved. Monitors display colour differently
I saw them all the same on my phone, television, and computer.
Interesting. What makes it look golden in the first pic? I did a color check to see if my eyes were deceiving me but they weren't.
No clue. The obvious answer is lighting but I ain't too sure.