Japanese women are obese.
Japan is the most obesity country!
gib thicc jap gf
fuck gook pussy
I would feed them burgers all day, every day.
Japanese women are more obese than Korean and Chinese women.
These girls aren't obese.
Japanese women are obese.
Why do you post this so much fren?
Japanese women are obese.
I'll tell you how to make sure you don't make Elliot Rodger and make girls instead. I'm a doc so trust me.
Making half bred girls 101:
The most important factor is timing. The baby’s sex is determined by the chromosome carrying sperm. Y swim faster, but survive for shorter periods of time than their female producing counterparts. You should have sex TWO to FOUR days before ovulation if you are hoping to conceive a girl. By the time ovulation occurs, only the X should be left to fertilise the egg.
To conceive a girl, shallow penetration during sex is the key, but for a boy, the opposite is true. I advise missionary position or a small dick LMAO.
>don't make the girl orgasm/go for ACIDIC vaginas
Don't fret - my racetraitor brothers - it's science. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help Y to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment.
An acidic vaginal environment is more conducive to a girl. An acidic pH will negatively affect the Y, which is weaker and less resilient than the X.
>avoid nofap/have more sex, but with a different partner
MASTURBATE like a teen on heat. This will reduce sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilisation.
>don't fall for the coffeine meme
Don't drink coffee/stimultants if you want a girl and do if you want a boy. Apparently, the caffeine is detrimental to female sperm.
>drink milk/GOMAD
For a girl, eat milk products, drink milk, eat yogurt and cheese. A diet low in sodium and potassium and high in calcium and magnesium helps produce a girl.
What is making them so fat?
Because of Japanese fast food.
Japanese eat too rice.
Most of these are cute-fat imo. I prefer a bit chubby girl anytime over these Holocaust victims advertised by model agencies. Is anorexia a problem in Japan?
I'd fuck and wife the jap on the right.
Same, look at those milkers, I wonder which consistency they have?
Look at them fucking tits man
I'd sleep with all at once
what is on the JP side? looks tasty, is that a raw egg tho? isn't dangerous to eat them like that?
No anorexic in Japan
But a lot of obese
nyan is meow in japan but what is oink
thick jappy girls...
Very good thread.
And that's a good thing!
Why are japan weird
Oh god Australian user got slaughtered by a spider,or his copper cables finally disintegrated
loser gaijin gtfo japan asap!
He's back
Eat shit, James.
>the leftmost one
thank mr skeltal
kys zhangkim