Japan is the most obesity country!

Japanese women are obese.

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gib thicc jap gf

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fuck gook pussy

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I would feed them burgers all day, every day.

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Japanese women are more obese than Korean and Chinese women.

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These girls aren't obese.

Japanese women are obese.

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Why do you post this so much fren?

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Japanese women are obese.

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I'll tell you how to make sure you don't make Elliot Rodger and make girls instead. I'm a doc so trust me.

Making half bred girls 101:
The most important factor is timing. The baby’s sex is determined by the chromosome carrying sperm. Y swim faster, but survive for shorter periods of time than their female producing counterparts. You should have sex TWO to FOUR days before ovulation if you are hoping to conceive a girl. By the time ovulation occurs, only the X should be left to fertilise the egg.
To conceive a girl, shallow penetration during sex is the key, but for a boy, the opposite is true. I advise missionary position or a small dick LMAO.
>don't make the girl orgasm/go for ACIDIC vaginas
Don't fret - my racetraitor brothers - it's science. The female orgasm releases an alkaline secretion which may help Y to survive longer, by creating a less hostile environment.
An acidic vaginal environment is more conducive to a girl. An acidic pH will negatively affect the Y, which is weaker and less resilient than the X.
>avoid nofap/have more sex, but with a different partner
MASTURBATE like a teen on heat. This will reduce sperm count, and mean there are less fast-swimming boy sperm available to join the race for fertilisation.
>don't fall for the coffeine meme
Don't drink coffee/stimultants if you want a girl and do if you want a boy. Apparently, the caffeine is detrimental to female sperm.
>drink milk/GOMAD
For a girl, eat milk products, drink milk, eat yogurt and cheese. A diet low in sodium and potassium and high in calcium and magnesium helps produce a girl.

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What is making them so fat?

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Because of Japanese fast food.
Japanese eat too rice.

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Most of these are cute-fat imo. I prefer a bit chubby girl anytime over these Holocaust victims advertised by model agencies. Is anorexia a problem in Japan?

I'd fuck and wife the jap on the right.

Same, look at those milkers, I wonder which consistency they have?


Look at them fucking tits man
I'd sleep with all at once

what is on the JP side? looks tasty, is that a raw egg tho? isn't dangerous to eat them like that?

No anorexic in Japan
But a lot of obese

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nyan is meow in japan but what is oink


thick jappy girls...

Very good thread.

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And that's a good thing!

Why are japan weird

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Oh god Australian user got slaughtered by a spider,or his copper cables finally disintegrated

loser gaijin gtfo japan asap!


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He's back

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Eat shit, James.

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>the leftmost one
thank mr skeltal

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kys zhangkim

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